Category:Tir Righ

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The Principality of Tir Righ consists of most of the province of British Columbia, and the northernmost counties of Washington state.


Blazon: Azure, on a saltire between four mullets of eight points argent a laurel wreath azure

Populace Badge

(Note - unsure if this badge is registered with the College of Heralds . . .)


  • Recognized as a Crown Principality at Twelfth Night in Seagirt on 13-Jan XXXV/2001 by King Skapti Thorinson and Queen Asa Starradottir, Crown Prince and Crown Princess of the North
  • At Kingdom Arts & Sciences Championship XXXVI/2002, the Crown Principality of the North is given instruction to hold a Coronet Tournament.
  • On April 26, 2003 Tir Righ officially becomes a Principality, and King Davin Steingrimsson and Queen Groa Amicus Exhiderius are the Prince and Princess until the First Coronet Tournament can be held.
  • Tir Righ First Coronet Tournament

Royalty of the Principality of Tir Righ

Crown Prince and Crown Princess of the North / Tir Righ

  1. King and Queen Skepti II and Asa I, 15 July AS XXXV/2000 - 13 Jan AS XXXV/2001
  2. King and Queen Davin III and Groa II, 13 Jan AS XXXV/2001 - 21 July AS XXXVI/2001
  3. King and Queen Aveloc and Mahliqa, July 21 AS XXXVI/2001 - Jan 12 AS XXXVI/2002
  4. King and Queen Wilam and Siobhan, Jan 12 AS XXXVI/2002 - July 20 AS XXXVII/2002
  5. King and Queen Nicholaus and Alyssia, July 20 AS XXXVII/2002 - Jan 11 AS XXXVII/2003
  6. King and Queen Davin IV and Groa III, 11 Jan AS XXXVII/2003 - 26-Apr XXXVII/2003

Prince and Princess of Tir Righ

  1. King and Queen Davin IV and Groa III, 26-Apr XXXVII/2003 - 14 June XXXVIII/2003

Prince and Princess of Tir Righ (in Their own right)

  1. Einar and Thora, 14 June XXXVIII/2003 - 22 Nov XXXVIII/2003
  2. Ulf and Celdae, 22 Nov XXXVIII/2003 - 13 June XXXIX/2004
  3. Kheron I and Ksenia I, 13 June XXXIX/2004 - 20 Nov XXXIX/2004
  4. Ulf and Bernadette, 20 Nov XXXIX/2004 - 14 May XL/2005
  5. Ieuan and Gwyneth, 14 May XL/2005 - 19 Nov XL/2005
  6. Ulf and Amanda, 19 Nov XL/2005 - 13 May XLI/2006
  7. Kheron II and Ksenia II, 13 May XLI/2006 - 18 Nov XLI/2006
  8. Ulfgar and Renee, 18 Nov XLI/2006 -


Tir Righ Past Officers

Seneschal -- Dame Magdelena Kress

Deputy Seneschal: Kieran Gunn
Drop Dead Deputy: HL Floralyn
Calendar: HL Brenethwyn O'Connluin
New Branches Deputy:Baroness Asthor of Payton
Reporting Deputy: Mistress Rowenna de Roncesvalles de Navarre
Forms Deputy: Her Ladyship Lenora di Calizzan

Arts & Sciences Minister -- HL Elanor Wrenn

Deputy A&S Minister: HL Aelana Cordovera

Exchequer -- HL Elena de Maisnilwarin

Chamberlain: Lord Cyneric Bearson of the Clan McBean

Chatelaine -- Vivien of Shaftesbury

Deputy Chatelaine: Lady Palatina

Chirurgeon -- Lord Ulfgar Hjartar Bani Thorvaldsson
Chronicler and Northern Sentinel Editor -- HL Meredith of the White Cliffs

Web Minister / Deputy Sentinel Editor: Lord Þórbjórn Bjórnsson
Website Designer: HL Alayn Wychington
Deputy Web Designer: M'lady Annya Tiecia Angelica Whychington
Photo Minister: Lady Palatina
Drop Dead Deputy Chronicler: HL Marina the Magpye

Constable -- VACANT

Herald -- HL Quentin Martel

Deputy Herald - Contingency Deputy: HL Uilliam Mac Fearcher mhic Aindrias
Deputy Herald - OP: Maitresse Yolande Chastellain
Deputy Herald - Voice and Court: Lord Duncan Darroch
Deputy Herald - Field and Town Crier: Master Uilliam mac Ailéne mhic Seamuis
Deputy Herald - Consulting: Patrika Theocharista Doukaina
Scribe: HL Cinara Beguy Urdina

Marshal -- Saif al Sirhan

Drop Dead Deputy Marshal: HL Ming Lum Pee
Rapier Marshal: HL Luther Magnus
Youth Combat Marshal: Lord Magnus of Seagirt
Equestrian Officer: HL Khaidu Naranaimorin
Light Marshal: Archos Mikhail Kurganovic
Archery Marshal: HL Morweena De Rosas
Minister of Lists: Viscountess Gwyneth Gower
Waterbearer: Vacant


Tir Righ Past Champions

Heavy Champion of Tir Righ - Guardian of the Spear (Scourge of the North)

Sir Savaric de Porte des Lions, 13-May XL1/2006 - current

Rapier Champion of Tir Righ - Guardian of the Rapier (Scar of the North)

Lord Draven McRaith, 19-Nov XLI/2006 - current

Archery Champion of Tir Righ - Guardian of the Bow (Scorer of the North)

HL Kenneth of Shaftesbury, 16-Sep XL1/2006 - current

Arts & Sciences Champion of Tir Righ - Guardian of the Book (Scholar of the North)

Lady Caoimhinn ingen Domnaille, 18 Nov XLI/2006 - current

Bardic Champion of Tir Righ - Guardian of the Horn (Skald of the North)

Lady Danika Poecile du Lenora, 16-Sep XL1/2006 - current


Coronet Events

Tir Righ Spring Coronet Tournament - the second weekend in April unless it falls on Easter, then the previous weekend
Tir Righ Summer Investiture - the weekend before May Crown
Tir Righ Fall Coronet Tournament - weekend of the second Saturday after Labour Day (Labour Day is the first Monday of September)
Tir Righ Winter Investiture - the weekend before the U.S. Thanksgiving (U.S. Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday of November)

Major & Traditional Events

(This is not intended to be a full calendar and include every event, but to show the traditional events that happen year after year throughout the principality. Some events do fluctuate on what month they occur.)



Tir Righ Order of Precedence and Awards Roster

The Awards of the Principality of Tir Righ are:

  • Glowing Ember, Order of the - An award given to children to recognize their chivalry, honour and service to the principality, and to fan and nurture their potential. Created by ban-Fhlaith Bernadette.
  • Guardian of Tir Righ - Bestowed by the Coronet to Champions who have successfully fulfilled all the duties and responsibilities as Champion and abided by all laws and customs of a Champion of Tir Righ.
  • Hafoc, Order of the - An award given for work in the martial areas toward bettering the principality (teaching, organizing and fighting). These areas of rapier, archery, heavy and fighting shall be considered of equal value.
  • L'Etoile d'Argent, Ordre de - Award given for arts and sciences efforts done to further the principality.
  • Lily, Order of the - An award given by the Coronet to the inspiration of the fighter who finished second in the Coronet List of Tir Righ. Recipients are inducted into the order once only. Created by Ulf and Bernadette.
  • Princes' Favour - In the reign of Kheron and Ksenia, Prince Kheron chose to show favour to those who gave Him exemplary service. Thus the Princes' favour was born.
  • Princess' Talon of Favour - Given by the Princess as a token of appreciation to those She finds have greatly aided Her during the reign. Created by Princess Thora.
  • Red Flame, Order of the - Created by Amira Celdae, the award is given for persona development, encampments, clothing, and other ways that encourage and further the image of medievalism within the principality.
  • Shattered Spear - A non-armigerous award given to the fighter showing the most ferocity on the tournament field determined by the previous holder. Created by Prince Einar.
  • Silver Pillar, Order of the - An award given for service to the principality.
  • Spear, Order of the - An award given by the Coronet to the fighter who finished second in the Coronet List of Tir Righ. Recipients are inducted into the order once only. Created by Prince Ulf II & ban-Fhlaith Bernadette.
  • Valorous Estate, Order of the - The past consort, after serving on the throne of Tir Righ, may be invited to join the Order of the Lords and Ladies of the Valourous Estate. This is bestowed by the current consort.

The Crown of An Tir has granted Principality Coronets the privilege of bestowing Award of Arms to subjects of Their Principalities in the name of the Crown.


The Principality of Tir Righ website
Tir Righ First Coronet Tournament


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