Archibald the Red

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No Current Photos
Is usually taking the photos
Resides: Shire of Danescombe
Joined: May 2022
Pronouns: They/Any
Awards: Not yet in the OP
In Submission
In Submission


Archibald the Red was born in mid 16th century Scotland of ambiguous heritage. Travelling about the lands, Archibald learns new things and meets new people while sharing knowledge and trading items.

SCA History

I first learned of the SCA in 2015 at the Saskatoon Comic Expo when they had a booth and heavy demo. When I moved out to BC in 2022 I went looking for a community to join, and sought out the SCA by getting in touch with the Chatelaine of Danescombe. Starting off in the rapier practices out in the park in Westbank, I soon found myself at a demo in the park in June and the Scottish Festival demo in July of 2022, after which I attended my first SCA event; Tir Righ A&S and Bardic Championship 2023 in Danescombe. At this event I found my interest piqued by the displays put on by several folk, especially the nettle processing display by Sadhbh Bheag. I became a part of Clan Sinclair after that event and then had my first camping experience at Freeze Off (aptly named as I found out the wrong way). It was also at this event that I was fully nerd-sniped into the land of A&S by a class on nalbinding. From there I found my way into spinning and processing wool, alongside natural dyeing.

Other random bits I have learned: cold forging, leather working, pewter casting, painting, wire bending, and the list will continue to grow...

In 2024 I have slowly started into fighting heavy.

MKA: Archie Archer


Offices Held

Danescombe A&S Minister Nov 2023-present

Danescombe A&S Deputy Aug-Oct 2023


Nalbinding (2023-Present)

Spinning (2023-Present)

Wool processing (2024-Present)


Guard duty - September Crown 2024

Guard duty - Lion's War 2024

Gate - Tournament of Roses 2024

Guard duty - Ursulmas 2024

Gate - Tournament of Roses 2023

Other Items of Note

Ten imperfect circular pewter cast tokens depicting a goblin squat, where the person is squatting with their knees and elbows at 90 degrees and their arms pointed downwards.
Pewter cast tokens depicting a goblin squat, first batch.
Photo of a grassy field full of fighters. In the foreground are two fighters in red tunics, Ts'ai T'ien-p'u and Artel. Ts'ai T'ien-p'u has hit Artel with a glaive and caused the chin strap to break. The helmet is caught mid-air while falling to the ground.
Fight between Ts'ai T'ien-p'u and Artel during the squire tournament at September Crown AS LIX (2024) where a hit with Ts'ai T'ien-p'u's glaive snapped the chin strap from Artel's helm, knocking it off.

Creator of the goblin token.

Hobby photographer capturing activities at events, notably rapier, heavy, thrown and archery.