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The Shire of Eisenmarche was located in the Principality of Tir Righ, in parts of Greater Vancouver, BC. It was created in 1979 to be an alternative branch to the Barony of Lions Gate. The "land" claimed by the Shire changed over the years, until representatives from the two branches (Baron Gerhard Kendal of Westmoreland for Lions Gate and Dux Darius Corvinus for Eisenmarche) hammered out a treaty, agreeing to the division of territory. In its final form, Eisenmarche was defined as New Westminster, Coquitlam, Port Coquitlam, Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows, BC.

By the year 2010, many branches were starting to feel the pinch of losing members; being a small branch, Eisenmarche felt it more so. Following some soul-searching and talks with the people throughout all three branches, the Shire of Eisenmarche was disolved in 2011, and her lands divided between Lions Gate and Lionsdale.

May XIV/1979
May XLIV/2011
Major Events
Eisenmarche Lover's Revel - February
Eisenmarche Shire Banquet - April
War Dog Tournament - October
Tir Righ Coronet - May '09