Frozen Mountain

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The Shire of Frozen Mountain (West Kootenays, B.C.) was located in the Principality of Tir Righ.

September 5 XXVIII/1993, dissolved around 2013. The populace of the shire petitioned the Crown to return the lands back to the shire of Appledore from whence it had sprung, and that permission was granted.


This small shire has few members, and even fewer fighters! During an altercation with our neighbors a few years ago the following statement was overheard:

Our army is massing at the border, and boy is he pissed!

This shire is better known for the Wild Women of Frozen Mountain. an ever-growing group of free-thinking women who know that the world is theirs for the taking! Their philosophy is based on the precedent of the USA claiming the moon by planting a flag on the surface! With this as a model they have claimed lands and conquered hearts far and wide! Wild Women website

Major Events
Troll Stomp - Held every July in the pastoral Pass Creek Campsite near Castlegar BC, Troll Stomp allows you an opportunity to enjoy the old SCA, without the politics and responsibilities! Games, singing, laughter, and always refreshment for your throat and your mind!