Tova Fransdottir

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Tova, Sean, Aiden, Phelan.
Chatelaine of the College of Lyonsmarche
Previous Lyonsmarche offices held: Arts & Sciences, Exchequer
Wife of Phelan Tolusmiðr
Member of the RPP
Homebrewing Beer
Medievil Cooking
Inkle Weaving
Viking & Norse culture and history
Honors And Awards
SCA Activities
Arts & Sciences officer for Lyonsmarche Oct 2006 - August 2008
Event Steward for Lyonsmarche at Master Khudkakhar's Brouhaha Feb 3rd 2007
Exchequer officer for Lyonsmarche April - July 2008
Event Steward for Lyonsmarche at Honor War A.S. XLII/2008 April 25-27 2008
Chatelaine officer for Lyonsmarche August 2008 - present
Event Steward for Lyonsmarche at Honor War A.S. XLIII/2009 April 24-26 2009
Feast Steward for Wastekeep at Sergeant's Trials August 1st 2009
Event Steward for Honor War A.S. XLIV/2010 April 23-25, 2010
Event Steward & Feast Steward for Lyonsmarche Newcomers & Champions Tourney Sept 24, 2011
Event Steward for Honor War A.S. XLVI/2012

Classes Taught
Sept 24, 2011 at Lyonsmarche Newcomers, Moscow ID - How to sew your first medieval outfit.
Sept 25, 2011 Lewiston ID - Intro to Homebrewing. Brewed a porter with a kit.