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Per pall Or, argent and azure, a laurel wreath vert, a tree blasted and eradicated sable, and a grey granite tower proper.

The Barony of Wastekeep (Tri-cities, WA) is located in the Inlands Region of An Tir. It holds within its borders the Canton of Akornebir.


Wastekeep is the birthplace of the Whimsical Order of the Ailing Wit. Its song is The Blue, White, and Gold

Landed Barons and Baronesses of Wastekeep

Dyon and Catriona of Wastekeep from circa 31 December AS XVI/1981 through 4 September AS XXXIV/1999.
Ulrik and Meghan of Wastekeep from September 4 AS XXXIV/1999 through May 21 AS XL/2005.
Arthur and Rowena of Wastekeep from May 21 AS XL/2005 to July 19 AS 43 / 2008.
Styrkaar and Stjarna of Wastekeep from July 19 AS 43 / 2008 to October 4 AS 49 / 2014.
Steinbjorn Tros and Katherine of Akornebir from October 4 AS 49 / 2014 to June 10 AS 51 / 2016.
Katherine of Akornebir from June 10 AS 51 / 2016 to November 11 AS 52 / 2017.
Thorkell Palsson and Guðrun Ulriksdottir from November 11 AS 52 / 2017 to AS 59 / 2024.
Willima MacKenna and Anna MacKenna from May 18 AS LIX / 2024 to Present.

Peers of Wastekeep

Earl Sir Gilligan of Mann, KSCA
Duke Sir Skeggi Hrafensfuri, KSCA, MOD
Countess Taisiia of Ma Elring
Duke Sir Styrkaar Jarlskald, KSCA, OL, OP, MOD
Master Sir Dyon de Mantel, KSCA, OP, OL, MOD
Mistress Marcia of Jarrow Motte, OP, OL
Master Sir Aaron de Mantel, KSCA, OP
Mistress Catriona of Rathcroghan, OP
Mistress Arianwen verch Kynwraidd ap Aeddan, OP
Master Torvald Williamson, OL
Companion Inguz Sigrun Miksdottir, OP
Master Ulrik Grimwolf de Montazure, OP
Master Arthur Greene of Deerhurst, OP
Mistress Ysabella Green, OP
Sir Phillip de Mantel, KSCA
Master Rowland Greene, OP
Maestra Luaithrend inghean Uilliam, OP
Dame Katherine of Akornebir, OP
Master Thorkell Palsson, OP
Dutchess Dagrun Stjarna, OP, OL
Sir Ragnar Styrkarsson, KSCA
Mistress Ciosa Leonara Fioravanti, OP
Sir Hamarr Lochlansson, KSCA
Sir Agnarr Eiriksson, KSCA



Meetings and Practices

Council Meeting

Council is held at 6:30 pm on the 2nd Thursday of each month, location varies.

Fighter Practice

Every Wednesday, both Heavy and Rapier practice - in good weather at Howard Amon Park in Richland, and in bad weather at one of the citizen's home.


Traditional Events

Springfest (June)
Sergeants Trials (August)
Baron Ball (October)

Wastekeep Sergeantry

Captain of the Wastekeep Mustered Sergeantry: Kaitlin of Wastekeep
Lieutenant of the Wastekeep Mustered Sergeantry: Arawn MacPhillion

Order of Sergeantry

Arawn MacPhaelan Sergeant, 30 May / AS XXXIII 1998
Rowland Greene, Gallant 06 Sep AS XLIII / 2008
Seamus Blackwater, Gallant 01 Aug AS XLIV / 2009
Skaldi Vandraeðaskáld, Sergeant 9 Aug AS XLIX /2014
Thorkell Palsson, Gallant, 06 Aug AS LI / 2016
Fergus William Biggs, Yeoman, 24 Mar AS LII / 2018
Snorri Styrrboli, Sergeant, 24 Mar AS LII / 2018
Salvador Rodrigo de Granada, Gallant, 24 Mar AS LII 2018
Fergus William Biggs, Gallant, 16 Mar AS LIII / 2019

Order of Courtier

Gudrun Saebjornsdottir, Artisan 03 Aug AS XLVIII / 2013
Emma Godwif, Artisan 03 Aug AS XLVIII / 2013
Kata Johanssondottir, 25 Mar AS LI / 2017
Kaitlyn of Wastekeep, Steward, 16 Mar AS LIII / 2019
William MacKenna, Steward, 01 June AS LIV / 2019

Sergeant Emeritus of Wastekeep

Sir Aaron de Mantel, Sergeant 24 Jul AS XVIII / 1983
Duke Sir Gunnarr Brunwolf, Sergeant 24 Aug AS XX / 1985
Baron Sir Rolf Longbow, Sergeant 19 Jul AS XXI / 1986
Sir Jorg Siggeirrsen, Sergeant 22 Aug AS XXIII / 1987
Baron Sir Daegar Fairhair, Sergeant 22 Aug AS XXIII / 1987
Sir Balthazar the Quiet, Sergeant 13 Aug AS XXIV / 1989
Duke Sir Sven Gunnarsson, Sergeant 13 Aug AS XXIV / 1989
Sir Heindric Von Salza, Sergeant 13 Aug AS XXIV / 1989
Sir Styrkaar Jarlskald, (Rundrorig Hammerfist) Sergeant 18 Aug AS XXV / 1990
Count Sir Tiernan mor dal Cais, Sergeant 03 Aug AS XXVI / 1991
Duke Sir Cedric Blackwell Rolfsson, Sergeant 08 May AS XXVIII / 1993
Master Phelan Tolusmiðr, Artisan 06 Sep AS XLIII / 2008
Phillip de Mantel, Sergeant 6 Aug AS XLVI / 2011
Phelan Tolusmiðr, Sergeant 6 Aug AS XLVI / 2011
Rashida bint Yusuf, Yeoman, 06 Aug AS LI / 2016
Ronan McKay, Yeoman 01 Aug AX XLIV / 2009
Katherine of Akornebir, Steward 02 Aug AS XLIX / 2014
Thorkell Palsson, Steward 02 Aug AS XLIX / 2014
Ulrik Grimwolf de Montazure, Yeoman 29 Apr AS XXX / 1995
Dominik El Borak, Gallant 04 May AS XXXI / 1996
Seamus de Mantel, [Sergeant] 7 Aug AS XLV / 2010
Hamarr Haksson, [Sergeant], 25 Mar AS LI / 2017
Ciosa Leonara Fioravanti, [Steward] 06 Aug AS LI / 2016

Sergeantry Incommunicar (Status Unknown)

Megan MacDonald of the Isles, Sergeant 24 Aug AS XX / 1985
Delia Rosarian of Thorncastle, Gallant 04 May AS XXXI / 1996
Cynric Goodwine Sergeant, 31 May / AS XXXII 1997
Sorcha ni Fhaolian, Steward 13 May AS XXXV / 2000
Fine MacEwen, Steward 23 Oct AS XXXIX / 2004
Steinbjorn Tros, Sergeant 19 Jan AS XLVII / 2013
James Elwic, Gallant 03 Aug AS XLVIII / 2013


Wastekeep website