Dagrun Stjarna

Per pale argent and sable, a raven rising contourny and a fox sejant counterchanged and on a point pointed azure an estoile argent.
My SCA Dosier
• 1994 — Attended my Event. July Coronation in An Tir.
• 1999 – Moved out of Kingdom for Education
• 2006 – Moved back to the Kingdom of An Tir, Barony of Wastekeep.
• 2007 - December 15, AS XLII: Award of Arms bestowed by King Tiernan and Queen Miranda at Vulkanfeldt Yule Feast.
• 2008 – July 19 AS XLIII: Created the 4th Baroness of Wastekeep with my husband Styrkarr Jarlsskald as Baron
o Gifted with a Forget-Me-Not from Queen Elizabeth Owles
o Dean of Pages for the Barony of Wastekeep
o In August, after my first Sergeant’s Trials as the Baroness, I took on a major roll in organizing Sergeantry Classes at my house. With my new Captain of the Sergeantry and the help of the 2 active Sergeants and Sergeant Emeriti, the program was improved upon. My main focus for this time period in the Barony was creating an environment for learning. We had monthly meetings for the Pages and the Sergeants Candidates. I also took on a larger roll of teaching dance in the Barony.
• 2010 – January 9, AS XLIV:Gifted a Forget-Me-Not from Queen Elizabeth. My main roll during this reign was retinue for the Queen. This involved a trip to a part of our Kingdom less visited than others. I ran Royal Court and attended her on this trip.
o Accepted the position of Chatelaine of the Barony of Wastekeep
• 2010 – June 4-6 AS XLV: Co-Event Steward for Springfest in the Barony of Wastekeep
• 2010 – October 2, AS XLV: Awarded a Goutte de Sang by King Tiernan and Queen Miranda at Baron’s Ball
o Awarded a Forget-Me-Not from Queen Miranda
o Awarded a Baron’s Favor from Baron Styrkarr Jarlsskald of Wastekeep
o Ran the Ball
• 2011 – June 19 AS XLVI: Archery Champion of Wastekeep: 2010 I made a point of supporting the Archers Wastekeep. I found that my participation as Baroness significantly increased the participation in this aspect of the SCA. My participation must have paid off because the next year I had the ultimate lucky shot and won.
• 2011 – October AS XLVI: Awarded the Blasted Tree from Baron Styrkarr of Wastekeep. This is a service award for our Barony.
o Awarded a Baron’s Favor by Styrkarr Jarlsskald.
o Ran the Ball
• 2013 – Accepted the position of List Mistress and Librarian in the Barony of Wastekeep.
• 2013 to 2014: Kingdom Award necklace organizer. I created a team of people to create 200+ necklaces for the Reign of Iauan Gower and Gwyenth Gower and the next Reign of Eirik Daegarsson and Driffina Ulfgarsdottir. Sadly, as I was about to find another person to take over this position, I was obliged to do one more Reign, the Reign of Styrkarr and Stjarna. I may have orchestrated the creation of necklaces, but others took on the workload of creating them.
• 2013 – October 4-5 Baron’s Ball
o I ran the ball
• 2014 – Officially became the Dance Mistress in the Barony of Wastekeep. After our last dance mistress had moved away, the Barony had decided to remove this title from our Council Agenda. As Baroness, (from about 2009)I ran most of the dance practices and balls in our area, but didn’t feel it was necessary to be called the Dance Mistress. When I stepped down as Baroness, I asked our successors to allow me the title. They were happy to do so.
• 2014 – April 12 AS XLVIII: With joy and with sadness, I accepted a Baroness’ Favor from Regina O’Duncan, Baroness of Vulkanfeldt as she stepped down. We had served 6 years together, stepping up the same year. We both took great strides to solidify the relationship of our two Baronies. We encouraged many joint efforts which helped out both Baronies. We were the first of the Baronies to consistently have joint Sergeantry Trials and brought our findings to the Nobel Estates meetings to share our successes.
• 2014 – May 17 AS XLIX: I became the Crown Princess #66 of An Tir
• 2014 – July 19 AS XLIX: I became the 66th Queen of An Tir
• 2014 – October 3-5 AS XLIX: Baron’s Ball: I ran the Ball
• 2015 – January 10 AS XLIX: I became a Countess of An Tir and a Lady of the Rose
o I accepted the position of Minister of Arts and Sciences in the Barony of Wastekeep
• 2015 – June 6 AS L: Co-Event Steward of Springfest June 6-9 AS L
o Awarded the Silver Keep, the Highest Service award of the Barony of Wastekeep at Springfest. I happen to have been the Autocrat at this event.
• 2015 – June 12-14 AS L: Taught an English Country Dance class and Norse Wire Weaving.
• 2015 – October 3 AS L: Awarded a Jambe de Lion by King Havordh and Queen Mary Grace at Baron’s Ball.
o I ran the Ball
• 2015 – December 12 AS L: Awarded the Sable Brush, an Arts and Sciences award in the Barony of Wastekeep, given to me at Wastekeep’s Yule feast.
o Taught a Nalbinding class.
• 2016 – Accepted the position of Basilisk Herald in the Barony of Wastekeep. My main function was to make sure the reports were done. I had other heralds for court, town cry and book heraldry.
• 2016 – Put in a bid for 12th Night 2018 with Thorkell Palsson, this was accepted at May Crown in the Curia meeting.
• 2016 – June 10 AS LI: I took on a few different responsibilities for Springfest this year. I ran gate and was in charge of the Arts and Science classes.
o Awarded the Silken Pavilion for excellence in Period Encampment by Baroness Katherine.
• 2016 – July 15 AS LI: Gifted a Forget-me-not from Queen Driffina
• 2016 – September 3 AS LI: Created the Crown Princess of An Tir by King Kjartan and Queen Sha’ya
• 2016 – September 30- October 2 AS LI
o Event Steward for Baron’s Ball
o Ran the Ball
• 2016 – November 11-13: Collegium Event Team and Royal Liaison
• 2016 – December 10 AS LI Awarded the Silver Fox of the Barony of Wastekeep by Baroness Katherine. This is the highest level award in our Barony, much like the Lion of An Tir. This is given for those that live the ideals of the SCA and bring the dream alive, showing all what they can strive for. Baroness Katherine one of the people that I awarded this to and I am honored that she feels that I was worthy of this.
• 2017 – January 14 AS LI: I became the #71st Queen of An Tir
• 2017 – July 15 AS LII: I became a Duchess of An Tir
o Worked water bearing during the Rapier fighting and Lists for the Heavy Armored fighting.
o Accepted the position of Royal Court Coordinator for the Reign of King Savaric and Queen Dalla.
• 2017 – October 28 AS LII: Awarded a Baroness’ Favor and the Sappy Tree Award and Lists of the Oak by Katherine of Akornebir. The Sappy Tree is given to those that use words to move an audience, thus being “Sappy.” List of the Oak is an award given to thank those that run the lists for our Barony over a period of time.
o I ran the Ball.
• 2017 – November 10-12 AS LII: Collegium Event Team, Merchant-crat, Royal Liaison.
• 2018 – January 12-14 AS LII: Co-Event Steward for 12th Night 2018
o Court Coordinator for the Reign of King Savaric and Queen Dalla.
May Crown 2022 Elevated to the Order of the Pelican. 12th Night 2023 Elevated to the Order of the Laurel.
Offices Held: Librarian, List Mistress 2013-14, Dean of Pages 2008-11, Minister of Arts and Sciences 2015-16, Barony of Wastekeep Dance Mistress Unofficially 2010-14 Officially 2014 to present, Financial Committee 2008-2014, Basilisk Herald of Wastekeep 2016, 2017 Seneschal of the Wastekeep 2018-2020, 2022-2024 Viceroy of Vulcanfeldt Dec. 2021 to Sept 3, 2022 Kingdom of An Tir Minister of Arts and Sciences July 16, 2022 - July 20, 2024
Event Steward: Springfest 2010 / Yule Feast 2011 / Springfest 2015 / Baron’s Ball 2016 / An Tir Twelfth Night 2018
Event staff for July Coronation 2008, May Crown 2010 & 2011, Collegium 2017 & 2018 / Baron’s Ball 2015 Arts and Science class coordinator / Kingdom Scribal & Bardic Symposium 2015 hosted by Wastekeep: Head of Gate / July Coronation 2015: Coronation Ball coordinator for Mary-Grace and Havordh.
Offices Held(Barony of Wastekeep): Dean of Pages 2008 / Chatelain 2010 / List Mistress 2013 / Dance Mistress 2014 to present (officially) / Minister of Arts and Sciences 2015 / Basilisk Herald 2016 / Librarian 2016 / Basilisk Herald 2017-Present /
Activities at events: Gate, Waterbearing, A&S Class Scheduler, Merchantcrat, Dance Mistress, Lists, Organizer of Demos at Middle School from 2010 – 2014.
Teaching: Dance at Baron’s Balls, Yules and Preparation for Sergeant’s Trials. 2010 – Present. Dance Classes / Beginning Embroidery / Nalbinding / Norse Wire Weaving / Newcomer’s Classes.
Dagrún Stjarna Ulriksdottír is a fictional character in the Society of Creative Anachronism. She was born in Iceland in 920 C.E. to her father Hrafn and mother Dagný. Her brother Hrafnkell was born first in 915. They arrived in Iceland in the year 910 C.E. and started their household. Within the Society of Creative Anachronism, Dagrún Stjarna is know by her byname of Stjarna, meaning “Star” in Icelandic. She began her journey on July 15, 1994 by being invited to her first event, July Coronation 1994, AS XXIX. At this event, Styrkarr Jarlsskald won the Squires Tourney and the Chivalry Prize and gave her the Chivalry prize to thank her for inspiring him on the field. At this event, Rorik Gunnarson and Berengaria de Montfort of Carcassone were crowned King and Queen of An Tir. They put Styrkarr on vigil for Knighthood. September Crown, he became a Knight of An Tir with Stjarna by his side. Stjarna stepped up as Baroness of Wastekeep with Styrkarr at July Coronation 2008. She served 6 years also taking on other offices when the Barony was in need. Her main focus during her time as Baroness was building up the Sergeantry of Wastekeep and creating a dance community on the East side of An Tir. At July Coronation 2014, Styrkarr crowned Stjarna a Queen of An Tir. Her love of dance inspired the Kingdom to host balls for each of the events She attended. She became a Countess of An Tir at 12th Night 2015. At September Crown 2016, Styrkarr won the Crown Tournament of An Tir and again placed Stjarna on the throne of An Tir at 12th Night 2017. At July Coronation 2017, Stjarna was made a Duchess of An Tir. Stjarna has become a member of the Order of the Pelican (May 21, 2022) and the Order of the Laurel (Jan 13, 2023) and now mentors others on their path to Peerage.
I record this so that you understand my beginnings within the Society and major landmarks within the Society that led up to me being a Duchess of An Tir. I have been happy to share this journey with my husband, Styrkarr Jarlsskald and my four children, Dagny, Svana, Beren and Thorin. Written March 2018.