Emma Godwif

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September 2013
Resides: Canton of Akornebir
Date Started: Autumn 2011
Awards: Jambe de Lion

Visit the Order of Precedence to access a list of this person's awards.

Offices: Seneschal, Canton of Akornebir

Co-Admin, Company of An Tir Bards (BoAT)


Per bend azure and sable, a bull rampant argent maintaining a lute all within an orle Or.

The daughter of a wealthier Italian family, Emma showed early aptitude for music and much of her young life devoted to the study and pursuit of the art. She soon became sought after for court entertainment as her musical talents (especially that of the traverso, or transverse flute -- a novelty at the time) exceeded many, and she found herself in the unexpected role of a courtesan of sorts. A favorite pastime of hers was practicing outside, and it was on one such fine day in 1493 that she met her husband, James Elwyc, an Englishman, as he was traveling to purchase textiles for his family's sail-making business. After a secret, whirlwind courtship, he swept her (and her zoo of musical instruments!) off back to England where they married. Emma wholeheartedly adopted her new life as a merchant's wife and hostess, and her husband bestowed her with the nickname "Godwif" ('goodwife') during their first year of marriage.


Emma is a bard (often found with an instrument in hand around the campfire). Other pursuits include hand embroidery, music composition, and target archery. She dabbles in rapier at the encouragement of her husband.


Artisan (of Music) of Wastekeep. Pledged into service to Baroness Dagrun Stjarna, August 3, 2013. Currently in service to Baroness Katharine of Akornebir. Emma carries the first Artisan's medallion, formerly of Arthur Greene of Deerhurst.


The Raven: Per bend argent and azure, a raven volant bendwise within an orle sable. Currently in submission. This device was designed in March 2015 out of a desire to simplify, as well as for the personal significance of the raven as symbolic of self-awareness, and the mythological juxtaposition of endings and new beginnings.

Motto: Ad exaltatus fueris supra. "To soar above."

The "Dancing Bull": Per bend azure and sable, a bull rampant argent maintaining a lute all within an orle Or. This device was registered in 2012, and has been relegated to badge status. The bull represented Emma being born in the "Year of the Ox," and her participation in bardic (song and dance).

Notable Achievements

  • Final Four in the "Known World's Got Talent" Society-wide competition (November 2013)
  • Judges Choice for "Three Ravens"; Kingdom Arts & Sciences, Stromgard (March 2014)
  • Populace Choice for audience appeal piece, "Abbot Bromley's Horn Dance"; Kingdom Arts & Sciences, Stromgard (March 2014)
  • Kingdom Bardic Champion (March 2014 to March 2015)
  • Sable Brush Award; Springfest, Wastekeep (June 2014)
  • Founding member, the Bardic Company of An Tir (BoAT); July Coronation, Three Mountains (July 2014)
  • Jambe de Lion; Baron's Ball, Wastekeep (October 2014)
  • Lion's Troubadour, Kingdom Arts & Sciences, Dragon's Laire (March 2015)

For a complete listing of Emma's awards, please see her on the OP


Emma often blogs about her SCA activities on her website: http://moderndaybard.net/