Royal Company of the Sable Rose: Difference between revisions
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== Events == | == Events == | ||
[[Emprise of the Sable Rose]] | [[Emprise of the Sable Rose]] | ||
[[Sable Rose Tournaments]] | |||
== The Roster of the Royal Company of the Sable Rose, Argent == | == The Roster of the Royal Company of the Sable Rose, Argent == |
Revision as of 14:23, 14 November 2015
Facta non Verba
- Deeds not Words
The Rose Companies are resolved to better exalt the Virtues of Prowess, Courage, Honesty, Largess, Loyalty, Faith, Courtesy, and Franchise and to display said virtues in martial deeds, valiant acts, and grand presentation. Companions of the Rose Companies endeavor to increase, advance and uphold the banner of chivalry as it was practiced by our noble ancestors. The Rose Companies are dedicated to the use of Equestrian Arms.
Each Company can have a contingent of foot soldiers, known as the Thorns of the Rose. These Thorns are fine and noble swordsmen and women who shall show themselves to be the pinnacles of chivalry both on and off the field.
Within An Tir the Rose Companies are represented by the Royal Company of the Sable Rose, Argent (commonly called the Royal Company of the Sable Rose). The Company of the Sable Rose was founded on the concept that pageantry, spectacle, chivalry, and authentic representations are integral to the recreation of Historical Tournaments. Furthermore a consistent ambience of Courtly Love is intertwined in this presentation of homage to the Ladies of the Kingdom in a grand Company of the Sable Rose Emprise, and at the Romancing the Rose Rapier tournaments
It is our endeavor to encourage the romantic ideals of the medieval times. We will ever strive to do so by our words and our deeds.
Emprise of the Sable Rose Sable Rose Tournaments
The Roster of the Royal Company of the Sable Rose, Argent
- Premier Sable Rose Royal Patroness
- Duchess Angharad Banadaspus Drakenhefd
- Premier Sable Rose Noble Patronesses
- Baroness Anastasia Alexandrovna Andreeva (OL)
- Baroness Murakami Tsuruko
- Hleafdige Thora Golvik of Al in Hallingdal
- Komitissa Taisiia of Ma Elring
- Premier Sable Rose Noble Patron
- Duke James Greyhelm
- Duke Sir Skeggi Hrafensfuri
- Theigne Sir Oak Guntharsson
- Premier Sable Rose Captain of Horse
- THL Agelos Evienece
- Premier Sable Rose Companions of Horse
- THL Donwenna la Mareschale
- THL Khaidu Naranaimorin
- THL Saikhan Naranaimorin
- Premier Sable Rose Thorns
- Monseigneur Prospere de Montsegur
- Lord Cameron of Clan Stewart
- Lady Rhiannon Boyle
- Sable Rose Thorns
- Baron Don Wolfgang von Bremen
- Don Richard Thomas
- Don Kieran Gunn
- Cadet Mughain inghean Donnghaille
- Cadet Lady Molly Modine
- THL Vrederic Utgar die Wilde
- HL Mecia Reposa
- Don Basilius Fuchs
- Don Conal MacLaren
- Don Michele Aquilani da Napoli
- Don Donatello Sanudo
- Sable Rose Companions of Horse
- HL Kolfinna Hestrasdottir
- HL Sven in Helt
- Sir Thorkell Haraldsson
- HL Taradan Banmarca
- Sable Rose Chamberlain
- HL Tressach mac Domnaill
- Sable Rose Petals (Support/Lists)
- HL Maderun verch Trahaern (known as Maedha)
- HL Alessandra da Montefeltro
- HL Alessandra Lorenza d’Simonetti (known as Lorenza)
- Sable Rose Officer
- Master Lee of the Lowlands (Exchequer)
- Sable Rose Herald
- HL Dafydd ap Caerfyrddin
- HL Michael FitzGeoffrey
- Inactive
- Don Diarmuid de Rosas
- HL Cornelia Cheval-Noir
The Great Charter of the Royal Company of the Sable Rose, Argent
UNTO all and sundry of the various kingdoms and realms within the Knowne World, as well as any others to whom these presents come, we bid you greeting. We ask that you pray attend this demonstration of our resolve. We call to all gentles of Royal, Princely, Ducal, County, Viscounty, Baronial and Knightly lineage, as well as all Squires, men-at-arms and all gentles of renown that labor at perfecting equestrian skill at arms, as well as all gentles of good faith to pay heed to these words.
WHEREAS those of us bound together as the Company of the Sable Rose are resolved to better exalt the Virtues of Prowess, Courage, Honesty, Largess, Loyalty, Faith, Courtesy, and Franchise, to the betterment of our souls and to the benefit of all.
WHEREAS we wish to reward and promote the above-mentioned virtues, and to display said virtues in martial deeds of splendid prowess, valiant acts, grand presentation and seek to acquire illustrious renown and fame thereby,
WHEREAS those who signify their agreement to this missive crave to do honor to all that is grand, glorious, noble, right, proper and good in the world, in fellowship with those of like purpose,
WHEREAS we proclaim that the Companions of this Company shall endeavor to increase, advance and uphold the banner of chivalry as it was practiced by our noble ancestors, and swearing to do the same, do we hereby ordain these maintenances:
In our gallant Company, we shall strive to do honor to our splendid ancestors, to maintain the equipage, raiment and bearing of gentles-at-arms, to eschew the base vices of malice, anger, vainglory, arrogance and pride, to display kindness and fond friendship and to ever practice, promote and exalt the skillful and strong employment of arms in both tournament and in war.
Also, that every Companion shall revere such goodly arts and mysteries of days past, most especially those relating to the martial use of horses, omitting neither their practice nor their patronage.
Also, that every Companion shall endeavor to better themselves in the use of arms on horseback and in all pursuits that belong to those of noble birth.
Also, that any who would become a Companion must do so by the agreement of the majority of the Company that his or her merits and advantages may be known to all.
Also, that the companions shall gather no less than once per year for a special feast, with their consorts, to address the Company and to administer to the same, and to share agreement together, by custom being at Crown Tourney each fall.
So do we, Companions of the Company of the Sable Rose, Tenants upon this field, so swear and agree.
The Articles of the Company of The Sable Rose
All Companions of the Company shall strive through word, deed, bearing, manner and appearance to present themselves as an example of the virtues, giving mind and attention to the display of blazon and to the glory of noble harness and equipage, and other gear of tournament and war.
All Companions of the Company shall strive to do all reverence, honor and courtesy to those of gentle birth, and shall not stint or waiver in these matters. For a gentle that cannot practice the gentler arts is little better than a base mule in a noble horse's harness, and is so unfit for gentle company.
All Companions of the Company shall strive ever to improve themselves in the use of Equestrian Arms, and to familiarize themselves with all those pursuits pertaining to a proper gentle-of-arms. Should a Companion be unable to continue the use of Equestrian Arms, let him or her teach the practice of said Arts Martial, and strive to continue in the proud traditions of the Company as best they may.
All Companions of the Company shall strive in all ways possible to give good and generous patronage to Heralds and those who blazon and design distinct and unique arms. All care must be given to reward these worthy gentles that Labor Day and night to proclaim your fame, prowess and generosity to the Four Corners of the earth. Such reward is only fitting, and should be given with both hands.
All Companions of the Company shall know and reverence the history and traditions of the Kingdom of their birth, and of the nobility placed over them as best they might. Let it be further proclaimed that this is but right and proper, and a praiseworthy custom for any vassal.
All Companions of the Company eschew the scorn and denigration of any person due to their creed, infirmity, faith, lineage, poverty or vow. Should any Companion fall prey to such iniquity, let them be reproved sternly, for such sentiments are contrary to the virtues, and to what the Company stands for.
The Thorns of the Rose The Companions of the Company of the Sable Rose, agree to take into their company fine and noble swordsmen and women who shall show themselves to be the pinnacles of chivalry both on and off the field. These Thorns of the Sable Rose shall be known by a sable scarf on their right arm bearing a Sable Rose on an argent field. Members of the company of the Sable Rose shall nominate the notable foot soldiers to join the Company and they shall be accepted in by a simple majority vote.
The Structure of the Company of the Sable Rose
The Company shall have and recognize the following members:
- Patroness: The Patroness of the Company shall be a lady of esteemed and noble position who shall serve as our inspiration upon the field and our advisor in the gentler arts.
- Premier Companion: Those Companions elected to the Company at its inception.
- Premier Thorn of the Rose: Those fighters who are elected into the Company that will serve as the foot soldiers.
- King of Arms: The King of Arms shall perform the traditional and historic duties Herald. He or she shall be addressed as the Azure Rose King of Arms.
- Marshal of the Company: The Marshal shall be responsible for conducting the tournaments of the Company and insuring the requisite field assistance with equipment and weapons is provided
- Chamberlain of the Company: The Chamberlain shall keep the Regalia and Honors of the Company. The Chamberlain shall also serve as the list mistress of tournaments at which the Company holds the field as tenants.
- Companion: Those Companions elected to the Company after initial inception.
- Thorn of the Rose: Those Thorns elected to the Company after initial inception.
Election into the Company
Any Companion of the Company may present an individual for prospective membership. Any election of a new Companion must be by a simple majority vote of all Companions.
Removal from the Company
The Captain of the Company shall after due counseling from other Members and a simple majority vote, remove anyone by notifying them in writing. Henceforth, they shall be banned from displaying any regalia or affiliation with the Company of the Sable Rose and their name shall be stricken from the Rolls of the Sable Rose. No appeals shall be accepted.
Customs of the Company
The Company shall meet for a grand tournament and feast at least once per year. Companions of the Company shall make reasonable effort to attend the Emprise of the Sable Rose each year and there provide service to An Tir and the equestrians of other Kingdoms gathered there.
Companions of the Company shall bear in common certain items that they may be recognized. These items shall include a lance pennant bearing a Sable rose upon a sable field; a surcoat of sable, bound in white and bearing a single Sable rose; or horse trappings of the same design, bearing a Sable rose on the forequarters and hindquarters.