Saikhan Naranaimorin

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For more pictures of Saikhan, her ger and more at Golden Swan go to Saikhan the Golden Swan

THL Saikhan created a bibilography over the past several years. Here is one up to date as of 2006: Bibliography –Mongolian Studies annotated by Saikhan

(The * indicates items that I do not own most of them are available from Western Washington University Library)

  • Addis, J.M. Chinese Ceramics from datable tombs Shenval Press Ltd Harlow, Essex Great Britain 1978

excellent primary source

Allsen, Thomas T, Commodity and Exchange in the Mongol Empire. Cambridge University Press 1997 tertiary source – text only. Lots of great information on textiles great bibliography

  • Amitai-Preiss, Reuven and Morgan, David The Mongol Empire and It’s Legacy

Morton, A.H -The Letters of Rashid Al-Din, translation of primary food source Buell, Paul Mongol Empire and Turkization: The Evidence of Food and Foodways Koninklijke Brill NV, Lieden The Netherlands 1999

Anderson, E.N. , The Food of China Yale University Press 1988 tertiary source, some great background information with a great bibliography

Andrews, Roy Chapman. On the Trail of Ancient Man –Asia Magazine Inc Doubleday Page & Co Inc. 1926 tertiary source, very dry

  • Atwood, Christopher P. Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire. Indiana University, Bloomington 2004

great reference source

Avery, Martha Women of Mongolia –-Asian Art and Archaeology 1996 Modern book on the lives of Women

Baker, Patricia L – Islamic Textiles – British Museum Press 1995 wonderful full color photos

Basilov, Vladimir N. Nomads of Eurasia – Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Academy of Sciences of the U.S.S.R. University of Washington Press Seattle and London. 1989

Berger, Patricia, Mongolia, The legacy of Chinggis Khan - Asian Art Museum of San Francisco 1995

Bottero, Jean The Oldest Cuisine in the World Cooking in Mesopotamia The University of Chicago Press Ltd London 2004 translation of primary sources (stone tablets) very early BC some amazingly similar recipes to the period mongolian recipes

Boyer, Martha Mongol Jewelry –– Thames and Hudson Ltd 1995\ modern resource great full color pictures and patterns

Boyle, John Andrew The Successors of Genghis Khas Rashid al-Din Tabib New York and London Columbia University Press 1971 translation of primary source – primarily concerned with geneology of the Khans

Brennan, Jennifer Encyclopedia of Chinese & Oriental Cookery Authentic recipes and cooking techniques Macdonald & Co. Ltd 1988, first print 1984 modern resource

Buell, Paul D. and Eugene N. Anderson, Introduction, Translation, Commentary and Chinese Text. A Soup for the Qan: Chinese Dietary Medicine of the Mongol Era As Seen In Hu Szu-Hui’s Yin-Shan Cheng-Yao. Kegan Paul International London and New York 200 incredible resource – translation and primary source included

Chambers, James The Devil’s Horsemen The Mongol Invasion of Europe–Haddon Craftsmen, Inc. Scranton PN 1979 good general background information

Chang, K.C. , Food in Chinese Culture Anthropological and Historical Perspectives New haven and London Yale University Press 1977 tertiary source – great historical information and background, and bibliography

Chinggaltai. A Grammar of the Mongol Language Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. New York 1963 Very complex and designed for someone that has a very full grasp of the Language already

Cleaves, Francis Woodman. The Secret History of the Mongols. Harvard University Press Cambridge, Massachusetts London, England. 1956 Combination translation of both the Chinese and the Persion sources

Cost, Bruce Asian Ingredients A Guide to the Foodstuffs of China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Vietnam HarperCollins Publishers, Inc. New York 2000 modern resource – lots of good ingredient information

Cramer Marc. Imperial Mongolian Cooking Recipes from the Kingdom of Genghis Khan– Undated (modern)recipes – divided by Khanate

Czegledy, K. And A. Dobrovits, L. Fekete, J. Nemeth,S. Telegdi. Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientairum Hungaricae: Felt Making in Mongolia by A. Rona-tas Akadeemiai Kiado, Budapest 1962

Damdinsuren, Altangerel A Modern Mongolian-English Dictionary – Cyrillic Script (Russian lettering)

Dawson, Christopher. The Mongol Mission Narratives and Letters of the Franciscan Missionaries in Mongolia and China in the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Centuries. Sheed and Ward New York 1955

  • Derevianko, A.P. Phenomenon of the Altai Mummies. Novosibirsk Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography Press 2000
  • Eldin, Raschid Histoire Des Mongols De La Perse Oriental Press Amsterdam 1968

primary source on Rashid Al-Din

  • Fenmore, Jane Lynn of . A Culinary Reference Manual Revised Edition 2000 Madrone Culinary Guild

Gilmour, James M.A Among the Mongols –. The Religious Tract Society (approx 1883) non period resource, folk tales in the end

  • Gunther, Robert T. The Greek Herbal of Dioscorides Hafner Publishing Co. New York 1959
  • Krueger, John - Editor Mongolian Studies journal of the Mongolia Society Volume XIII 1990

Buell, Paul E. Pleasing the Palate of the Qan Changing Foodways of the Imperial Mongols: Dept of History and Center for East Asian Studies WWU

Hansen, Henny Harald Mongol Costume Rhodos International Science and Art Publishers A/S Copenhagen 1993 Copenhagen –- Most Items attained in the 1900’s from the Krebb’s expedition’s (Danish) with a few items going back earlier. With wonderful full color pictures, patterns, great description’s

  • Harvey, Janet. Traditional Textiles of Central Asia. Thames and Hudson 1996

Haslund.Henning (Christensen) Tents in Mongolia –E.P. Dutton & Co. 1934 (The first Krebb’s expedition in 1930 Mongol Costume and Mongol Jewelry were based off of these expeditions acquisitions)

  • Hirabayashi, James A. The Mongol Yurt A thesis submitted in partial fullfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts University of Washington 1952

Howard, Tom. The Illustrated Horse Chartwell Books, Inc 1994

Hubei Provincial Museum The High Appreciation of the Cultural Relics of the Zeng Hou Yi Tomb Hubei Fine Arts Publishing House 1995 items dated from early B.C.

Humble, Richard Marco Polo G.P. Putnam’s Sons New York 1975

  • Hutt, Julia Understanding Far Eastern Art E.P Dutton 1987 (In Italy by Interlitho Milan)

wonderful resource, lots of good information on what symbols mean and bits on how types of items were made pottery, calligraphy, statues, clothes,bronzes etc.

Inner Mongolia Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology and Zhelimu League Museum Tomb of the Princess of State Chen Cultural Relics Publishing House Bejing 1993 primary source, in chinese with one chapter in english, metal boots, lots of jewelry, chatelaines

Jenkins, Peter Across China William Morrow/Sweet Springs Press 1986 Only a few Chapters on Mongolia – very modern - His trip across Mongolia in 1984 –

Jettmar, Karl Art of the Steppes Greystone Press revised edition 1967 primary source, good information and pictures

Kennedy, Hugh Mongols, Huns, and VIkings - - Wellington House London 2002 great color pics, poor reference information

Kessler, Adam T. Empires Beyond the Great Wall The Heritage of Genghis Khan Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County 1994 primary source, great color pics

Keys, John D. Food for the Emperor Recipes of Imperial China with a dictionary of Chinese Cuisine Gramercy Publishing Co. New York (No Date) copyright MCMLXIII Library of Congress catalog #63-12996 modern resource, no bibliography

Klimkeit, Hans Joachim Gnosis on the Silk Road Gnostic Texts from Central Asia HarperCollins Publishers New York 1993 very dry reading, mostly poetry form

Komaroff, Linda and Stefano Carboni. The Legacy of Genghis Khan: Courtly Art and Culure in Western Asia 1256-1353. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York 2003 wonderful info and pics, lots of color scrolls

Komeroff, Manuel Contemporaries of Marco Polo Consisting of the Travel Records to the Eastern Parts of the World of William of Rubruck [1253-1255]; The Journey of John of Pian de Carpini [1245-1247] The Journal fo Friar Odoric [1318-1330] & the Oriental Travels of Rabbi Benjamin of Todela [1160-1173] Dorset Press a division of Marboro Books1989 easy to read format, some very annotated versions of the original travels

Lajos, Kassai Horseback Archery Gyomai Kner Nyomda Rt. Budapest 2002

  • Laszlovszky, Jozsef. Tender Meat Under the Saddle: Customs of Eating, Drinking and Hospitality among Conquering Hungarians and Nomadic Peoples. Krems 1998

a compilation of Thesis, some good points

Latham, Ronald– The Travels of Marco Polo Abaris Books Inc. New York 1982

Lau, H.T. Chinese Chess Charles E. Tuttle Co. Inc 1985

Legg, Stuart. Barbarians of Asia The People of the Steppes from 1600 B.C.– Dorset Press 1990

Lister, R.P Genghis Khan Dorset Press 1989 good background info

Long, Jean The Art of Chinese Calligraphy –– General Publishing Company Ltd Toronto Ontario 1987 modern resource, good info on inks, brush care etc

Marsden, Willian The Travels of Marco Polo the Venetian Doubleday and company, Inc. Garden City New York 1948

Marston, Skelton and Painter. Vinland Map and Tartar Relation - - New Haven and London Yale University Press 1965 Carpini’s travels, contains copies of the original scrolls and translations

  • Mackintosh-Smith, Tim The Travels of Ibn Battutah Pan Macmillan 1958-2000 The Hakluyt Society

condensed version of his travels (compared to the 3 book set)

Morgan, David The Mongols Basil Blackwall Ltd New York 1986

Moscati, Sabatino The Face of the Ancient Orient A Panorama of Near Eastern Civilizations in Pre-Classical Times Quadrangle Books, Inc. Chicago 1960

Nicolle, David Attila and the Nomad Hordes Men at Arms Series Osprey Publishing UK 1990

Nicolle, David The Mongol Warlords, Ghenghis Khan, Kublai Khan, Hulegu, Tamerlane – Brockhampton Press 1998

Rice, Tamara Talbot Ancient Arts of Central Asia Frederick A Praeger, Inc. 1965 Some wonderful background information very early period

Robinson, H. Russell, Oriental Armor Dover Publications New York 2002

Ronay, Gabriel. The Tartar Khan’s Englishman Phoenix Press1978 some good annotated info on carpini

Rorex, Robert A and Wen Fong. Eighteen Songs of a Nomad Flute: The Story of Lady Wen-Chi A Fourteenth Century Handscroll in the Metropolitan Museum of Art– Metropolitan Museum of Art, Distributed by New York Graphic Society, 1974 primary source –scrolls of 14th century Khitan Nomads, barding tents etc

Rossabi, Morris. Kubilai Khan His life and Times –University of California Press 1988 good background information

Rudenko, Sergei I. Frozen Tombs of Siberia: The Pazyryk Burials of Iron Age Horsemen University of California Press Berkeley and Los Angeles 1970 Incredible primary resource – Saddle pads, bridles, goods, clothes, detail on dyes, stitching, etc. very early mixed races represented

Sanders, Alan JK. Mongolian Phrasebook – Lonely Planet Publications 1995 modern pocket travel guide, lots of good info

  • Sinor, Denis, The Cambridge History of Early Inner Asia Cambridge University Press New York 1990

good information, good maps – dry read

So & Bunker, Jenny F. & Emma C.. Traders & Raiders on China’s Northern Frontier Arthur M. Sackler Galler, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. in assoc. with the University of Washington Press Seattle and London 1995 primary source, full color pics, front and back of some of the bronze pieces, info on where other similar pieces have been found

  • Sommarstrom, Bo VII. Archaeology 7 Contribution to the Prehistory of Mongolia (under Dr. Sven Hedin) Statens Etnografiska Museum Stockholm 1950
  • Sommarstrom, Bo VII. Archaeology 8 Archaeological Researches in the Edsen-Gol region Inner Mongolia (under Dr. Sven Hedin) Statens Etnografiska Museum Stockholm 1956
  • Sommarstrom, Bo VII. Archaeology 9 Archaeological Researches in the Edsen-Gol region Inner Mongolia (under Dr. Sven Hedin) Statens Etnografiska Museum Stockholm 1958

Great Primary Source, - dishes, spoons, textiles, you need all of the books to use effectively. The pictures are in one book with the explanation of where dug up and info in the next book

Tannahill, Reay Food in History. Crown Trade Paperbacks New York. 1988

Thorp, Robert Son Of Heaven – Imperial Arts of China Son of Heaven Press 1988 great color photos, primarly later period chinese

  • Torday,Laszlo Mounted Archers: The Beginnings of Central Asian History Durham Academic Press 1997

Toussaint-Samat, Maguelonne. History of Food. Blackwell Publishers Ltd. 1992

Trever, Camilla. Excavations in Northern Mongolia (1924-1925) Leningrad 1932 B&W photos, excellent detail on digs

Trippett, Frank The First Horsemen –the Editors of Time-Life Books easy read – good color pics, poor reference info

Trustees of the British Museum. Frozen Tombs; The Culture and Art of the Ancient Tribes of Siberia. British Museum Publications Limited. 1978 small book, some great full color pics

Tsultem,. Mongolian Arts & Crafts ––State Publishing House Ulaan Bataar 1987 wonderful full color pics, mostly all undated

  • Tucker, Jonathan. The Silk Road: Art and History. Art Media Resources 2003

Turnbull, S.R. The Mongols Men at Arms Series Osprey Publishing UK 1980 easy read, designed for youth, very secondary source

Vaughan, Nigel The Illustrated Chronicles of Matthew of Paris Observations of Thirteenth Century Life Alan Sutton Publishing UK 1993

Vernam, Glenn R.. Man on Horseback from the Scythians to the American Cowboy– Harper & Row 1964

Watt, James C.Y and Anne E. Wardwell . When Silk was Gold: Central Asian and Chinese Textiles –Metropolitan Museum of Art Harry N. Abrams Inc. New York 1998 incredible resource – wonderful pictures and detailed description of all textiles

  • Wheeler, Lois The Yurt

modern reference that has fabric layouts and yardage needed

Yep, Laurence The Khan’s Daughter A Mongolian Folktale (modern)

Xun, Zhou, Gao Chunming 5000 years of Chinese Costumes China books and Periodicals

  • Zhao, Feng and Zhiyong Yu, Edited by. “Sha Mo” Legacy of the Desert King: Textiles and Treasures Excavated at Niya on the Silk Road. China National Silk Museum, Hangzhou Xinjiang Institute of Archaeology, Urumqi 2000


Primitive Archer The Medieval Fletcher Fall 2001 Volume 9 issue 3

Primitive Archer Mounted Archery from the Ground Up Fall 2002 Voume 10 issue 3


The Ancestry of the Mongols –

Chinese Bow Holders and Quivers of the Qing Dynasty – Stephen Selby, 2000

Chinese Calendar – conversion

The Great Yassa of Jenghis Khan (the Laws of Ghenghis)–

Lao Hats & Boots & Names –

General Concepts in Mongol Persona –

Making a Medieval Del –

Mongol Hats –

The Mongol Khans –

Mongolia Today – online Magazine -

Mongolian asian recipes with food info and recipes from asia –

Mongolian Wrestling Costumes –

Museum inside Ger –

Names and their sources –

Period Mongolian Names –

Rossi & Rossi London, Auctions of antiques from museum displays and private collections-