Tir Righ Past Officers

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In chronological order -- most recent holders at the bottom of the list.

Seneschal and Deputies


Contingency Deputy

Deputy Seneschal - Office Defunct

  • Kieran Gunn, 19-Nov 2005 - 17-Nov-2007
  • Office De-funct 17-Nov-2007

Drop Dead Deputy - Office Defunct


New Branches Deputy

Reporting Deputy

Principality Events Deputy

Royal Liaison

Forms Deputy - Office Defunct

Arts & Sciences and Deputies

Arts & Sciences Minister

Drop Dead Deputy A&S Minister

Deputy Guilds

Exchequer and Deputies



Chatelaine and Deputies


Deputy Chatelaine

Chirurgeon and Deputies



Chronicler and Deputies

Chronicler / Northern Sentinel Editor

Drop Dead Deputy Chronicler

Deputy Sentinel Editor

Web Minister

Website Designer

Website Update Deputy

Deputy Populace Minister

Other Deputy Web Ministers

Constable and Deputies

Deputy Constable

Herald and Deputies

Herald (Silver Yale)

Contingency Deputy (Hafoc)

Order of Precedence (Silver Pillar)

Voice and Court

Field and Town Crier

  • Uilliam mac Ailene mhic Seamuis, (?: Nov 2006)

Consulting (Red Flame)

Recieving Submission Herald (Silver Sparkes)




Marshal and Deputies

Earl Marshal

Drop Dead Deputy Marshal

Youth Combat Marshal

  • Magnus of Seagirt, (current: Nov 2006)

Equestrian Officer

Light Marshal

Rapier Marshal

Archery Marshal

Deputy Archer for Scores

Drop Dead Deputy Archer

Target Archery Deputy Archer

Minister of Lists

Warlord (Defunct)