Clan MacAndrew

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A service-oriented band of clansmen from Lions Gate, now spreading throughout the Known World like a fungus.


A Clan History

AS 22 / May 1987 - April 1988
Uilliam, Tegan, Raven and Allen attend their first event, held at Coyote Group Camp in Langley, BC.
The next week, Graham and Ardelis join.
Sometime in the next few months, James (Seamus, Duncan, or-maybe-my-name-will-be...) joins as well.

AS 23 / May 1988 - April 1989
September - the Clan attends Harold Hadraada Memorial Tourney, and feels the day ends too soon.
February - the "Lady's Knight Inn", hosted by Ulric, is attended by Uilliam, Tegan and James. It's such a good time, that we begin thinking of doing the same.

AS 24 / May 1989 - April 1990
During this year, Uilliam attended several events at SFU, while working there as campus security, often changing into garb after finishing a night shift. His curiosity finally giving out, one of the fellow guards - John - asks "What the heck are you doing?".
August - Highland Games, John's first event
September - The first Wolf & Drum Tavern follows Harold Hadraada's.
November - Clan mentioned as one of the households of Lions Gate in Baron's Column.

AS 25 / May 1990 - April 1991
Baronial Officers: Uilliam - Gamesmaster
May Bardic - the Clan becomes Amanda's Champion for Sciences
May - Vladimir joins the Clan (and the SCA)
July - Celtic Festival; John and Uilliam spend all day with blankets full of games and kids
August - Clinton War; the Clan is thanked in the North Wind for our hard work and contributions to the War and Work Week. Francesca runs out of food, and is adopted into the Clan. Not particularly in that order.
September - Wolf & Drum Tavern
November - John is Amanda's Champion for Archery
December - Nathanial joins the Clan
February - Nathanial begins the Lions Gate Navy
March - Lions Gate Navy Revel (Nathanial), with Wolf & Drum in attendance (Uilliam)

AS 26 / May 1991 - April 1992
Baronial Officers: Uilliam - Gamesmaster
AA - Vladimir (December)
May Bardic - Griffin is Amanda's Champion for Combat
June - Lions Gate's Big Baronial Boat Bash (An Annual Tradition since next year!) - Nathanial
August (SYG) - Griffin becomes a Sergeant
September - Wolf & Drum Tavern
December - Lions Gate's Navy Winter Warm-Up (Nathanial) with Wolf & Drum (Uilliam)
December - Hogmanay, Griffin and Caitrin join the Clan
March - At the William Tell Shoot, John tops the archers with a score of 80

AS 27 / May 1992 - April 1993
Baronial Officers: John - Archer; Vladimir - Constable; Graham - Dancemaster; Uilliam - Gamesmaster
AA - Paula (August), Nathanial (August), Griffin (August), John (November), Caitrin (November)
May Bardic - Clan MacAndrew officially recognized as a Great Household of Lions Gate
July - Lions Gate Games Weekend (Uilliam )
November - Baroness' Birthday Tournament; The Clan hosts the Wolf & Drum as the evening tavern. Vladimir wins the Baroness' Liqueur competition.

AS 28 / May 1993 - April 1994
Baronial Officers: John - Archer; Vladimir - Constable; Uilliam - Gamesmaster; Caitrin - Waterbearer
Lions Claw - Vladimir (November)
December - Baroness' Birthday Tournament; The Clan hosts the Wolf & Drum as the evening tavern.
December - Hogmanay, Giovanni joins the Clan
May - Paula is Amanda's Champion for Arts
May - Francesca is Amanda's Champion for Rapier

AS 29 / May 1994 - April 1995
Baronial Officers: John - Archer; Tegan - Chatelaine; Vladimir - Constable; Uilliam - Gamesmaster
GdS - Vladimir (June)
AA - Graham (July), Uilliam (October), Tegan (November)
December - Baroness' Birthday Tournament; The Clan hosts the Wolf & Drum as the evening tavern.

AS 30 / May 1995 - April 1996
Baronial Officers: John - Archer; Tegan - Chatelaine; Uilliam - Sable Loat Pursuivant; Giovanni - Gamesmaster
MI - Tegan (August), Uilliam (October)
November - Baroness' Birthday Tournament - The Clan hosts the Wolf & Drum as the evening tavern.

AS 31 / May 1996 - April 1997
Northern Regional Officers: Vladimir - Herald
Baronial Officers: Tegan - Chatelaine; Uilliam - Sable Loat Pursuivant, Giovanni - Gamesmaster

AS 32 / May 1997 - April 1998
NSCA Officers: Giovanni - Treasurer
Northern Regional Officers: Vladimir - Herald; Uilliam - Herald
Baronial Officers: John - Archer; Tegan - Chatelaine; Uilliam - Sable Loat Pursuivant
Lions Claw - John, Tegan, Uilliam (November)
MI - Giovanni (April)
December - Hogmanay, Wade is welcomed into the Clan

AS 33 / May 1998 - April 1999
NSCA Officers: Giovanni - Treasurer
Northern Regional Officers: Uilliam - Herald; Wade - Chronicler
Baronial Officers: Tegan - Chatelaine; Nathanial - Gamesmaster; Uilliam - Sable Loat Pursuivant
GdS - Uilliam (December)
February - Vladimir is Cold Keep Rapier Champion

AS 34 / May 1999 - April 2000
Northern Regional Officers: Wade - Chronicler
Baronial Officers: Uilliam - Sable Loat Pursuivant
GdS - John (May)
JdL - Nathanial (July)
AA - Aerial (September), Giovanni (September)
MI - John (April)
Uilliam & Tegan move to Squamish, leaving the SCA temporarilly
Griffin and Caitrin step away from the Clan for a time

AS 35 / May 2000 - April 2001
Northern Regional Officers: Wade - Chronicler
Baronial Officers:
OGGS - John (January)
John forms the Lions Gate Company of Archers

AS 36 / May 2001 - April 2002
Baronial Officers:
October - John is Amanda's Champion for Service
June - Tegan leaves the Clan

AS 37 / May 2002 - April 2003
Baronial Officers:
MI - Nathanial (November)

AS 38 / May 2003 - April 2004
Baronial Officers: Uilliam - Sable Loat Pursuivant
May - Vladimir is Cold Keep Heavy Champion
May - Vladimir is Cold Keep Archery Champion
October - John is Baroness Aurora's Champion for Arts
October - Uilliam returns to the SCA, with Caitrina. Uilliam becomes Sable Loat Pursuivant again.
December - The Clan begins to regroup; Caitrina is recognised as a member.

AS 39 / May 2004 - April 2005
Baronial Officers: Uilliam - Sable Loat Pursuivant; Caitrina - Pied Piper; Raven - Gamesmaster
GdS - Wade (April)
AA - Caitrina (February)
Hafoc - John (May)
Gilded Griffin (Avacal) - Vladimir (May)
Lions Claw - Wade (May)
May - Nathanial is Cold Keep Heavy Champion
September - John is Tir Righ Archery Champion
February - John is Lionsdale Archery Champion
April - John is Eisenmarche Archery Champion

AS 40 / May 2005 - April 2006
Baronial Officers: Uilliam - Sable Loat Pursuivant, Gamesmaster; Caitrina - Sable Loat Pursuivant
Order of the Pelican - John (September)
Lion's Mark - John (May)
May - Vladimir is Cold Keep Heavy Champion
September - John is Guardian of Tir Righ
December - The Great Clan Shuffle. Many people who've moved away or stopped playing are accepted to be outa da Clan, unless they say otherwise.
December - Raven is recognized as a full member of the Clan

AS 41 / May 2006 - April 2007
Baronial Officers: Uilliam - Gamesmaster; Caitrina - Sable Loat Pursuivant
May - Nathanial is Cold Keep Heavy Champion
August (Sergeant's) - Caitrina and Uilliam are married
April - Allen is recognized as a full member of the Clan
April - The Wolf & Drum Brewery and Alehouse resumes production!

AS 42 / May 2007 - April 2008
Kingdom Officers: Caitrina - Lions Blood Herald
Baronial Officers: John - Art & Sciences; Caitrina - Gold Key; Uilliam - Gamesmaster, Seneschal; Aline - Sable Loat Pursuivant
Lions Claw - Caitrina (May)
OGGS - Aline (December)
GdS - Caitrina (April)
June - Uilliam and Margaret form the Brewers' Guild of Tir Righ
September - the Clan recognizes Aline and Don as members
February - John is A&S Defender of Lions Gate

AS 43 / May 2008 - April 2009
NSCA Officers: Ceara - Treasurer
Kingdom Officers: Caitrina - Lions Blood Herald
Principality Officers: Morweena - Archer
Baronial Officers: Uilliam - Seneschal; Anika - Exchequer; Aline - Sable Loat Pursuivant; Cáemgen - Sable Loat Pursuivant; Ceara inghean ui Mhadadhain - Chronicler; John - Art & Sciences; Caitrina - Gold Key; Heraldic deputies - Uilliam & Aline
JdL - Fiona (April)
AA - Cáemgen (September)
Silver Pillar - Fiona (May), Morweena (June), Uilliam (November)
May - John is Bardic Defender of Lions Gate
May - Anika joins the Clan
August - Cáemgen successfully becomes Baroness Caitrin's Courtier, but fails in the "I'll Keep Eating And Drinking And Get Some Sleep And Keep Myself Alive" trials. Caitrina and Uilliam adopt him.
September - Cáemgen and Ceara join the Clan
November - Morweena joins the Clan
December - Fiona joins the Clan

AS 44 / May 2009 - April 2010
Kingdom Officers: Caitrina - Lions Blood Herald; Ceara - Black Talbot Herald
Principality Officers: Morweena - Archer; Uilliam - Contigency Deputy Seneschal, Seneschal; Caitrina - Chamberlain, Silver Yale Herald; Aine - TUTR Dean, TUTR Deputy Governor
Baronial Officers: Uilliam - Seneschal; Anika - Exchequer; Cáemgen - Sable Loat Pursuivant; John - Art & Sciences; Heraldic deputies - Uilliam & Aline
OGGS - Margaret (May), Morweena (August)
GdS - Ceara (October)
Silver Pillar - Anika, Hraði (November)
l'Etoile d'Argent - Morweena, Margaret (September)
May - Cáemgen is Bardic Defender of Lions Gate
August - Ceara becomes Baroness Caitrin's Courtier.
October - Aine and Hraði join the Clan

AS 45 / May 2010 - April 2011
Principality Officers: Uilliam - Seneschal, Webminister; Caitrina - Silver Yale Herald; Aine - TUTR Dean, TUTR Deputy Governor
Baronial Officers: Ceara - Seneschal; Anika - Exchequer; Cáemgen - Sable Loat Pursuivant
Order of the Pelican - Uilliam (March)
GdS - Cáemgen (November)
Hospitaller of Albion (Drachenwald) - Aine (June)
Dragon's Scale (Dragon's Mist) - Caitrina (June)
L'Etoile d'Argent - Uilliam (June)
Silver Pillar - Caitrina (August)
Lions Claw - The Clan MacAndrew (November)
The Mortar & Pestle - Uilliam (and the Clan) (December)
July - Lions Gate's first "Tournament of Armies". The Clan is the first group to declare an entry, with Cáemgen as the Clan's Warlord.
December - The entire Clan hosts Lions Gate's Baronial Banquet (Caitrina, Event Steward).
February - Hraði is Lionsdale's Bardic Champion

AS 46 / May 2011 - April 2012
Principality Officers: Uilliam - Seneschal, Lynx Herald, Webminister; Aine - Deputy Seneschal; Caitrina - Silver Yale Herald, Chamberlain;
Baronial Officers: Ceara - Seneschal; Caitrina - Seneschal
Shire Officers: John - Seneschal, Hartwood
July - Tournament of Armies II. The Clan enters again, and ends in third place.
September - Aline is Archery Champion of Tir Righ
AS 47 / May 2012 - April 2013
Principality Officers: Uilliam - Seneschal, Lynx Herald, Deputy Seneschal, Webminister; Aine - Deputy Seneschal, Seneschal; Caitrina - Silver Yale Herald, Chamberlain; Ceara - Calendar, Lists
Baronial Officers: Caitrina - Seneschal; Mary - Gamesmaster; Uilliam - Gamesmaster
Shire Officers: John - Seneschal, Hartwood; Aline - Archer, Hartwood; Ceara - A&S, Ramsgaard
Order of the Pelican - Caitrina (July)
JdL - Aline (February)
Court Baroness - Aine (June)
Silver Pillar - Griffin (May), Ceara(August)
Hafoc - Aline (June)
Griffin and Caitrin rejoin the Clan

AS 48 / May 2013 - April 2014
Principality Officers: Aine - Seneschal; Vladimir - Silver Yale Herald; Hraði - Hafoc Herald; Ceara - Calendar, Lists; Caitrina - Chamberlain; Uilliam - Lynx Herald, Deputy Seneschal, Webminister;
Baronial Officers: Caitrina - Seneschal; Fiona - Exchequer; Eleanor - A&S; Uilliam - Gamesmaster
Shire Officers: John - Seneschal, Hartwood; Aline - Archer, Hartwood; Ceara - A&S, Ramsgaard
Baroness of Lions Gate - Margaret
Baron & Baroness of Lions Gate - Uilliam & Caitrina
l'Etoile d'Argent - Aline (December)
June - Caitrin is Lionsdale's Champion of Missile Combat
July - ToA IV. Led by our chosen warlord Viscount Steinn, the Clan enters and takes second place
March - Eleanor joins the Clan, and is Baroness Caitrina's Inspiration for the Arts

AS 49 / May 2014 - April 2015
Principality Officers: Aine - Seneschal; Vladimir - Silver Yale Herald; Hraði - Hafoc Herald; Caitrina - Blue Inkhorn Herald, Silver Sparkes Herald, Red Flame Herald (acting); Ceara - Calendar, Lists; Uilliam - Lynx Herald, Webminister; Sionann - A&S Minister;
Baronial Officers: Fiona - Exchequer; Eleanor - A&S; Uilliam - Gamesmaster
Shire Officers: John - Archer, Hartwood; Aline - Herald, Hartwood; Ceara - A&S, Ramsgaard
Baron & Baroness of Lions Gate - Uilliam & Caitrina
Order of the Pelican - Ceara (September)
AA - Fergus (August)
Hafoc - Caitrin (August)
Silver Pillar - Eleanor (August)
Gilded Griffin (Avacal) - Giovanni (September)
JdL - Eleanor (October)
May - Fergus joins the Clan, and is Baroness Caitrina's Inspiration for Archery
August - Fergus is sworn in as Uilliam & Caitrina's personal herald
November - Sionann joins the Clan
January - The Clan - and Lee-Erin - finally realized that she is, after all, one of the gang.
February - Laric joins the Clan