Clan Hubert

Clan Hubert is the Scotto-Norman household run by HL Katherine FitzAlan and denoted by her badge, the dragon known as "Hubert".
The Clan Motto is "Wakey Wakey". It is to be uttered with appropriate cheer or menace, as circumstance requires.
The alternate motto is "That looks about right..." in honor of all the Clan siege engineering and other Clan schemes.
See: Morgan de Comyn and Edwardus Honestus
This household is an amazing mix of cultures and personae, with a heavy underpinning of Scots Highland culture. For those interested in such things, here is our family non-tree, the Clan Briar, [link temorarily offline] wherein we tried to recall to memory all the many rationales we had come up with over the years, and make them make sense. (Hah!)
Clan members include:

Her SCA mother Moreach nic Mhaolain - "War Chief"
Moreach's SCA brother Morgan de Comyn
Moreach's "Irish cousin" Edwardus Honestus
Edwardus' Irish cousin Ciaran Cluana Ferta
Morgan's wife June of Morganshall
His daughter and Clan Tanista (heiress) Ælfgifu verch Morgan
Her Lord and juggling partner Elric Strangulf
Katherine's adopted SCA daughter Zenobia Naphtali
Zenobia's friend Xenia Dimitrievna Morózova
AElfgyfu's friends and SCA siblings:
Gwynnin's mother Geileis Ingen Ui Peatain
Gwynnin's sister, possibly Eilin Irska
Aelfgyfu's Lord Elric Strangulf
Past members of the Clan were Karl Weislowen (retired) and Ulfarr MacDougal Ap Loingseoir (Requiascat In Pace)
The Hous Graneshavene|Greyhaven is the "fine" of Clan Hubert. Fine is pronounced "fee-nah" and denotes the house of the heir of the Clan - in this case Tanista Aelfgyfu.