Alessandra da Montefeltro

Photo courtesy of Mark Virtue

Current Local Branch
- Barony of Wyewood, where I live and play
- Barony of Madrone, where I often play
- Member of Clan Carn, as of Aug-14-2010
- Past Protege of Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol
- Retinue
- Marshal, Senior Heavy Marshal & Junior Missile Combat Marshal
- Lists, local to kingdom level
- Pewter casting
- Glass etching
- Silk painting
- Embellishment, especially blackwork
Offices Held
- First event - September Crown 1995 (AS XXX)
- Subscribing Member, 1996 to Present
- Kingdom Lists Minister (KLM), January 2003 to January 2007
- Crier Listings Editor, February 2011 to 2019
- Deputy Seneschal of the Barony of Wyewood, April 2013 to April 2015
- Seneschal of the Barony of Wyewood, April 2015 to September 2016
- Baroness of the Barony of Wyewood, September 24, 2016 to August 3, 2019
- Kingdom Curia Clerk, December 2021 to Present
- Retinue, Royal - Thorin VII and Dagmaer II (An Tir)
- Retinue, Royal - Vik II and Astrid (An Tir)
- Retinue, Royal - UlfR II and Caoimhe II (An Tir)
- Retinue, Royal - Ieuan II and Gwyneth II (An Tir)
- Retinue, Royal - Savaric and Dalla (An Tir)
- Retinue, Royal - Havordh and Mary Grace (An Tir)
- Retinue, Royal - HRM Joan of Ooc (Gleann Abhann); June 2015
- Retinue, Baronial - Stefen of Pembroke & Emmelina de Coventry (Madrone), September 2013 to September 2016
- Retinue, Royal - Kjartan and Sha'ya (An Tir)
- Retinue, Royal - Christian and Heléne (An Tir)
- Retinue, Royal - Morgan and Livia (An Tir)
- Award of Arms (Skepti Ravensfury & Asa Starradottir), Jul 22, 2000 (AS XXXV)
- Order of the Goutte de Sang (Thorin Njalsson & Dagmaer in Hvassa), Sep 4, 2004 (AS XXXIX)
- Order of the Jambe de Lion (Ieuan Gower & Gwyneth Gower), Sep 14, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
- Companion of the Order of the Pelican (Kjartan Dreki & Sha'ya Kjartanskona), Jul 20, 2019 (AS LIV)
- Court Baroness (Morgan Claymore & Livia Alexandra Severa), Aug 3, 2019
Non-Armigerous Awards
- Rising Star of Eisenmarche, Mar 27, 1999 (AS XXXIII)
- Companion of the Royal Company of the Sable Rose, Argent
- Green Leaf of Madrone
- Princess' Knot of Avacal; given by HRH Bryjna Lovisdottir of Axewater Feb-2011 (AS XLV)
- Prince's Favour of Tir_Righ; given by HRH Alden ap Owain Mar-2011 (AS XLV)
- Princess' Talon_of_Favour of Tir_Righ; given by HRH Katherine_Moore Mar-2011 (AS XLV)
- Forget-me-not; given by HRM Dagmaer_in_Hvassa Jan-2012 (AS XLVI)
- Forget-me-not; given by HRM Astrid av det Fjord Landskap Jan-2013 (AS XLVII)
- Forget-me-not; given by HRM Caoimhe ingen Domnaille Jul-2013 (AS XLVIII)
- Princess' Knot of Avacal; given by HRH Sadb ingen Thuathail Aug-2013 (AS XLVIII)
- Bountiful Hand; given by TRM Ieuan Gower & Gwyneth Gower Jan-2014 (AS XLVIII)
- La Compaignie de la Forche (Wyewood); given by Their Excellencies Baron Robert trinitie the chickenhearted
& Baroness Gabrielle Lepinay
- Bountiful Hand; given by TRM Savaric Coeur-de-Lion & Dalla in Fagra May-2015 (AS L)
- Forget-me-not; given by HRM Dalla in Fagra Jul-2015 (AS L)
- Order of the Jeweled Ring (Gleann Abhann); given by HRM Joan of Ooc Oct-2015
- Forget-me-not; given by HRM Mary Grace of Gatland Jan-2016 (AS L)
- Queen's Favor; given by HRM Sha'ya Kjartanskona Jan-2017 (AS LI)
- Forget-me-not; given by HRM Hélène d'Anjou Jan-2018 (AS LII)
- Sable Sparrow; given by HRM Jason of Ansteorra Sep-2018 (AS LIII)
- Forget-me-not; given by HRM Hélène d'Anjou Sep-2018 (AS LIII)
- Royal Service Token; given by TRM Kjartan & Sha'ya Jul-2019 (AS LIV)
- Baron's Favor; given by Baron Evrard de Valogne Aug-2019 (AS LIV)
- Forget-me-not; given by HRM Livia Alexandra Severa Jan-2020 (AS LIV)
- La Compaignie de la Cuillier (Wyewood); given by Their Excellencies Baron Alarich von Thorn & Baroness Aline Swynbroke Sep-2021 (AS LVI)
- Alimentum Vitae; given by TRM Sven & Rauokinn Jan-2022 (AS LVI)
Guild Memberships
- Madrone Pewters Guild
- An Tir Lampworkers Guild
- Royal Company of the Sable Rose
- Madrone Sewing Guild
- Embroiders and Embellishers' Sub-Guild
My Silk Painting
While attending Sport of Kings in 2011 and again in 2013 I took a silk banner painting class from Aldgudana Gunnarsdottir. My first attempt at silk painting in 2011 was ruined when a breeze caught the fabric while the gutta was still wet. The fabric folded and my design went 'SPLAT!' However, I didn't want to give up, so in 2013 I purchased silk paddle fans from [Dharma Trading Company]. These are already fixed to a frame so the breezes on site weren't a problem. The difference was Amazing and I am Hooked! As soon as I got home I ordered gutta and silk paints and produced 14 more designs. 12 of these were submitted to the An Tir Dirty Dozen Donation Derby (aka D4) at September Crown 2013.
The Kingdom of An Tir populace badge - My piece from the 2013 SoK class
The Principality of Avacal populace badge - D4 entry
The Principality of Tir Righ populace badge using silver gutta - D4 entry
The Barony of Blatha an Oir populace badge - Given as largesse from Wyewood to the new Baroness (Sep-2013)
A blue celtic knot snake - D4 entry
A green celtic knot snake using silver gutta - D4 entry
A pair of fish - D4 entry
A Japanese flower design ([Mon] - D4 entry
A Japanese flower design ([Mon] - D4 entry
A kraken based off the Game of Thrones House Greyjoy badge using gold gutta - D4 entry
A lion - D4 entry
A peacock using gold gutta - D4 entry
A swan - D4 entry
A wolf - D4 entry
Stage 1 - 6 fans outlined with gutta and drying before getting painted
Stage 1 - 6 fans outlined with gutta and drying before getting painted
My Blackwork
Blackwork on a shirt; See profile picture
Blackwork on a shirt
Blackworked shirt collar
Blackworked shirt cuff; Goes with chain collar
Blackworked (reversible) shirt collar
My Pewter Work
I am a proud member of the An Tir Pewterer's Guild. Most of these tokens were commissioned from the Guild.
My 1st casting; An Tir Lists token
Dragon's Laire Candlemas site token (Guild commission)
Button for Dormouse's cadets
Madrone Baronial Banquet site token (Guild commission)
Cedric Wlfraven's personal token (Guild commission)
My Glass Etching Work
I have worked on many items, but the majority of them are made to be given away and I often don't manage to take photos first.
Closeup of Goblet; Given to Stein & Gemma for their first reign as Prince and Princess of Avacal
Pair of Goblets; First Reign
One of a pair of Mugs etched for Antioch 2013 Champions in Lionsdale