Eoghan ÓBriain

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Eoghan and youngest daughter, Laurel, going for a stroll at Faire in the Grove XLIV/2010.


Tiarna Eoghan ÓBriain

(op ranking)

The Acadamy of Saint Gabrielle has agreed that this name would have been appropriate for an Irish Gentleman in the early 1600's.

Or, a duck rising wings displayed azure and a base wavy barry wavy azure and Or.

Name and Device approved November 2010.

More on the name: The title and spelling listed are appropriate Irish Gaelic spellings. When doing business in England it would, most likely, have been anglicized to Lord Owen O'Brian. Ironically, the original name I had intended for this persona was Deryk Owen O'Brian. Pretty close not knowing anything about anything.

Persona History

Eoghan ÓBriain was born the second of only two sons in 1587 in Dublin, Ireland. His Father, Cormac ÓBriain, was a wealthy sea merchant specializing in exotics from the Far East. His mother, Aibhilín inghean Uí Ruairc, died during his birth. His elder brother, Fearghus, died fighting under the command of Hugh ÓNéill against the English in 1601. At a very early age, Eoghan would "stow away" on his father's ships as part of the crew. He visited many ports throughout England, Spain, the Mediterranean, and even as far as Persia before his 16th year. He learned fencing, archery, sailing, and woodworking during his travels. At that time, his Father began grooming him to take control of his trade. He was sent all along the coasts of Ireland and the British Isles to establish contact and open the lines of communication with his Father's associates in those areas. While traveling through the Orkney's, he came upon Her Lovely Ladyship Mairghread inghean Dubhghaill mhic Cainnich and began courting her. Their courtship has not ended. Despite his great love and devotion, Eoghan refused to marry Mairghread. He could not bear the thought of leaving her a widow should he be taken upon by privateers during his voyages. So, he would ensure she was well cared for, leaving money and fine jewelry with her each time he would visit. Thusly, he continued to travel all along the coast lines further south on his task to take over for his Father. In 1605, he began a journey to the far eastern shores of China, where the finest of his Father's trade originated. He spent 6 years making connections and affirming his position as his Father's heir. In 1611 Eoghan received word that his Father was dying. He returned home to find his Father had died and he had left his beloved Lady Mairghread with a daughter. He took full possession of his Father's estate, and full control of the trade. He called for his Lady to join him in Dublin. There, they had two more daughters. When his eldest daughter, Mara inghean Eoghain, grew to 10 years, she began to "stow away" on Eoghan's ships, much to his amusement. Not so coincidentally, members of The Iron Ring, a German Mercenary Band, were to be seen on those very same merchant ships.

SCA History

I was introduced to the SCA in the Summer of 1992 in the Shire of Shittimwoode. I only attended 2 events and one demo that summer. Then I joined the US Navy and was sent to NAS Lemoore, California. This is when I married Lisa, my lovely Lady, and we began our family. Once we were able to settle down a bit, we began playing in the Barony of Nordwache. We were there for just over a year attending local and inter-kingdom events, but never really lending assistance more than the occasional water bearing. Then the Navy moved us to NAS China Lake, California. There we played with the Barony of Naevehjem. We took a more active part in the business of the Barony, although at that point neither of us became officers. I found a love for fencing at an annual inter-branch fighter practice. I went looking for a practice and found a mentor. Don Donn the Bald offered me a Red Scarf and his tutelage in exhange for nothing but a hunger to learn and the manner of a Gentleman. I have both. We attended many more events. We each received our Award of Arms. After three years in Naevehjem, the Navy moved us back to NAS Lemoore and Nordwache. Our activity in the Society dropped drastically. We attended a few events. Brought a few friends. But nothing more than that. Finally, I was Honorably released from service in October of 2002 after serving a tour in Afghanistan. Job offers led us back to Naevehjem. But, still our activity was slight. Three years we lived and did not play in the High Desert of the Mojave. Both Lisa and I have always held An Tir dear in our hearts. We have always believed we are a part of this wonderful kingdom and no other. I believe we stopped being a part of the SCA because we couldn't be a part of An Tir. Then, in 2005, I was offered a job by the largest private employer in Oregon. After all of the technicalities were worked out, we joyously returned to our glorious Pacific Northwest and the majesty of our Kingdom of An Tir. Within weeks of our arrival we attended 12th Night Celebration sponsored by Three Mountains. Very soon there after, we began attending Dragon's Mist's Friday Revels, and were welcomed with open arms. In the three short years since we've returned, I have volunteered to be the Youth Archery Marshal for our branch, began regular Youth Archery practices, and insisted Dragon's Mist begin competitions for a Youth Archery Defender. We met Earl Edward Ian Anderson who invited us to be a part of his War Band, Havoc. I received my authorization in An Tir to fence. In October, 2008. I was appointed Seneschal of Dragon's Mist. I have never been more involved than I am here. I have never wanted to be more involved than right now. I am extremely excited about the future of Dragon's Mist, An Tir, and the Society.

Continuation: Since the time the above was written (and as you can see from the list of attended Events below), I have continued to stay extremely active in the goings on for DM and An Tir. I've done my best as Seneschal and Youth Archery Marshal for the branch. I'm grooming Mara to take over as Youth Archery Marshal, despite certain age related restrictions (she is only 12). I've competed in many rapier tourneys, even winning DM's Defendership. For our service, Mairghread and I were inducted into the Order of the Goutte de Sang, for which we are both honoured and humbled to have been granted entry by Their Majesties, Cedric II and Elizabeth II. I'm excited and proud of Mairghread for coming up with the idea of Winter Bazaar and volunteering to Autocrat it as her first event. I'm happy with the direction Dragon's Mist is heading. Please, take a look at our new site and see for yourself just what we have planned. Until next time, best wishes.

Continuation: I have handed over the responsibility of the Youth Archery Program for Dragon's Mist to the more than able hands of Alessandra de Barbuzza. She has many exciting ideas to keep the kids interested and involved. Let me remind you, my fair readers, the intent is not to get kids shooting target archery, but to get kids doing something that is for them within the Society. The more we can involve the next generation of SCAdians, the longer the Dream will live on. That's the true vision.

Continuation: I have, recently, learned that Don Donn the Bald has retired from the SCA and is now teaching modern fencing at his local Park & Rec facilities. I wish him good health and success with his endeavors.

Continuation: In conjunction with our Sunday teaching practice, I am attempting to build a mid-week rapier sparring practice for Dragon's Mist to happen on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednesdays of each month. I've emailed the Hillsboro School District in an attempt to find a large enough space to accommodate a couple dozen fencers indoors. Everyone, cross your fingers, please.

Continuation: I was able to, for a short time arrange for the mid-week practice with the help of Kuromori Fumiko. It lasted a few months. Dragon's Mist was elevated to Barony and seems to be thriving. The change will bring a lot of challenges, but the Barony seems ready to take on those challenges. I have taken a deputy seneschal and am hopeful that he is being well groomed for the position. I plan on stepping down in October this year (2012). I am continuing my fencing education. I've been studying the works of Salvator Fabris, and am seeing progress in my practice of those works. I was taken on as a Rapier Scholar to Master Sean O'Conner at Ursulmas. I am very happy with this relationship and hope I can live up to his expectations. The script for the ceremony can be found here.


Student of Fence to Master Sean O'Conner (Jan 28, 2012 - present)

Seneschal (Oct 2008 - present) of Dragon's Mist

Youth Archery Marshal (Oct 2009 - April 2011) of Dragon's Mist

Camp Master and Rapier Column Leader for the War Band, Havoc

Friend of The Iron Ring.

Student of Fence to Don Donn the Bald of Caid (Summer 2000 - May 2010)


Youth Archery Marshal (May 2008-May 2010) of Dragon's Mist: created the Youth Archery Program for DM, which is now in good hands.

Dragon's Mist Rapier Defender (Jun 2009-Aug 2009)


An Irishman in the Italian Style (Queen's Champion Tourney 2010)
Plate 60 from Farbis' treatise. {"Digital Transcription Copyright 1999, William E. Wilson"}


Here lies my passion. Second only to my devotion to my family. In more ways than the obvious does my Lady truly inspire me. I'm currently studying the system laid down by Salvatore Fabris in his treatise published in 1606, The Art of Dueling


It's fun. I'm not very good, and I don't plan on ever being any good. Mainly, I'm interested in archery because this is my daughter's main interest. I'm taking steps to allow the next generation to find their place in the SCA.


(Sigh) If only I could keep my workshop clean.


I love tossing my balls around for everyone to see!

Events Attended





Completely Non-Related

Sparring with HL Thorbjorn.

Xerox your life. That way if you loose it, you'll always have a copy. from The B-Team (Benny Hill)

"I was going for a sorta snake/ninja approach, with some hissing." from Monsters, Inc. (Pixar)

Yes, eagles do soar. But weasels don't get sucked into jet engines. I can't remember where I found this

"Nobody rolls initiative in the SCA." Don Mateo Montero de Madrid

"I suggest you find some soap that makes you smell like a man. Then use it." from Mandy (unknown)

"I'll think about that when the hurting stops." Eiryk

"Aquarius: There's travel in your future when your tongue freezes to the back of a speeding bus Fill that void in your pathetic life by playing Whack-A-Mole seventeen hours a day" from Horoscope for the Day by "Wierd Al" Yankovik

(Internal Work Blog) Describe, in six words, your plans for the Summer: (My Response) Stab many people in the face.

"Why are we here? Not existentially. I mean physically. Why are we here?" Balthazar

"If an injury has to be done to a man it should be so severe that his vengeance need not be feared" Niccolo Machiavelli

"I hope the Dragon of the North Sea gets you and your Lord!" from Erik the Viking (MGM)

"Gay and Married. Your approval is not necessary." Bumper Sticker

"Jesus saves. The rest of y'all, roll for damage!" Asim

"A car made by people who love cars for people who love cars to drive past people who don't care so much about cars." Dodge Charger commercial

"This is the Death Star. What does it do? It does DEATH!" Eddie Izzard

"Sometimes harsh words or physical intervention may be called for. Patience safeguards our inner composure: we are in a stronger position to judge an appropriately non-violent response than if we are overwhelmed by negative thoughts and emotions. It is the opposite of cowardice, which arises when confidence is lost as a result of fear. Being patient means we remain firm even if we are afraid." His Holiness the Dalai Lama

"My brilliant evil plan worked! I've been plotting this for.... moments." Mairghread

"Decomposition: every body's doin' it." Mairghread

"Proctologist Man, I hear you've been looking up old friends!" Ryan Styles in Whose Line is it Anyway? (BBC)

"We are the Knights Who Say, 'Meh.'" Mara

"Come on in, the slaughter's fine!" Me

"Because the sword is mainly a defensive weapon, it requires a strategy of calmness in action, and to achieve this, one needs patience, calmness, and bravery." Dr. Jwing-Ming Yang (Northern Shaolin Sword)

"Everybody needs a nemesis." Jandie Freeman (my boss)

"Your existence demonstrates a flesh to futility ratio that is mathematically staggering." Character from Goblins web comic