Iron Ring

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The Iron Ring at An Tir West War 2008.

The Iron Ring is a household which re-creates the look and feel of a fighting unit with members that existed between 450 and 1600. The Iron ring was founded in 2004, as the brainchild of Lord Heinrich von Arenburg. Command was passed to Nicolai Rabenis Von Tachov in fall 2007.

Members of the Iron Ring live primarily in the Portland metro area, in the Barony of Dragon's Mist but span from Salem, Or. to Winlock, Wa.

Mission Statement

The Iron Ring Device- Per pale vert and sable, a spiked wheel of twelve spokes Or.

As a group dedicated to re-enacting a war unit, the Iron Ring encourages study of armed and armored combat by its members, and seeks to participate in activities including but not limited to SCA armored combat, target archery and rapier combat.

Members of the Iron Ring are highly encouraged to foster an attitude of cooperation between each other and also members of the re-enactment community at large, we emphasize service to our community and encourage our members to volunteer on all levels. We shall lead by positive example and follow the positive example of others.

Awards and Accolades

The Iron Ring was honored by Queen Adwen Wrenn at An Tir/West War XLV/2010 with a Forget-Me-Not. She praised the unit for crafting unit mantles instead of unit tabards, so that it could wear the An Tir tabards and still have unit cohesion.

We also recieved the honor of Sable Pillar in 2013 from Their Excellencies Dragons Mist, Svava and Refr for services as a household to the Barony of Dragon's Mist.

Here is the full list of awards received by the household
Forget-me-not (An Tir)
By: Adwen Wrenn Jul 3, 2010 (AS XLV)
Sable Pillar (Dragon's Mist)
By: Refr orðlokarr Fiachson, Svava in litla Sep 28, 2013 (AS XLVIII)
Forget-me-not (An Tir)
By: Mary Grace of Gatland Jan 9, 2016 (AS L)
Armigerous Group (An Tir)
By: Christian Bane, Hélène d'Anjou

We are also exceptionally proud of the number of our members who have worked hard to earn their Award of Arms, Goutte de Sanges and Jambe de Lions and now Peerages.

Commander: Sir Nicolai Rabenis Von Tachov Knight - 2017
Sir Talieson de Lyon Knight 2017
Dame Lissette de la Rose Pelican 2018
Maestra Iuliana de la Sara Pelican 2022

Rules and Regulations

The Iron Ring is governed by a charter encompassing its rules and regulations, as ratified by the members of the Iron Ring in 2007. In general, all decisions are made by the officers of the Iron Ring (for matters such as use of funds and member disputes) or by a 3/4 majority of the members of the Iron Ring.


We are happily scripting new recruits at this time, please contact Lord Hal Blackstone if interested.

Command Structure


Commander Sir Nicolai Rabenis Von Tachov

Steward of House Her Ladyship Senora Iuliana de la Sara

Field Captain Lord Stavis Vladimir Kraskov

Aide de Camp Lord Vélinn Rulavson


Treasurer, Chatelaine Signora Helena Zancani

Secretary Dame Lissette de la Rose


His Lordship Tristan MacGregor

Lady Nynadin Kraskov

Lord Hal Blackstone

Lady Alochka Kievi

Lady Mara inghean Eoghain

Ivo Quigley

Avalina Attwater

Davide Di Francesco Dominici


Wulfgar Egghead


Catriona Dujous

Everard Pegrin


Breanne (daughter of Nicolai and Lissette)


Nicholas (son of Flora and Wulfgar)

Rosa (daughter of José and Ana)

Kegan (son of Flora and Wulfgar)

Xandrian (Xen) (daughter of Stavis and Nynadin)

Rowan (son of Jose and Ana)

Guinevere (Ivy) (daughter of Stavis and Nynadin)

In Memoriam

Esclave de Winter, Unit Champion

Iron Ring Past and Dormant Members

Arts and Sciences

Esclave de Winter


The Iron Ring has maintained an interest in the fashion of the 16th century, often appearing in groups with fine court garb. Our tailors Iuliana de la Sara, Lissette de la Rose and Helena Zancani continue to advance their skill and try new and different projects.


In the past, the Iron Ring has used hand-crafted wooden benches. The current plans involve producing several wood tables and new wood chairs to improve the look and feel of our camp.

Martial Pursuits

The Iron Ring promotes activity in martial prowess, in support of its mission to present the look and feel of a historical mercenary unit.

Heavy Fighting

Members of the Iron Ring participate in SCA heavy combat. The Captain of our heavy war unit is Stavis Vladimir Kraskov. His agenda is to get as many Iron Ring members into armor as possible, and to practice regularly and with a variety of opponents. The Iron Ring currently practices at the Dragon's Mist Fight Practice and the Three Mountains Fight Practice, and works with other war groups to schedule and attend war practices as time permits.

Rapier Combat

We are proud to support Mara inghean Eoghain on the rapier field and also see our commander don the mask occasionally as well.

Combat Archery

The Iron Ring possesses several crossbows and bows and may, at any time, decide to bring the pain to a war near you.

Target Archery

A number of members of the Iron Ring enjoy target archery. This activity has no particular rank or station associated with it, and is not being performed more than recreationally by some members who own or have access to bows.


The Iron Ring makes camp at a number of events every year. Some of the features of the camp are a growing number of period pavilions, historically-inspired seating and camp elements.

Our 25 foot, blue common area, affectionately called "Big blue" has died and is being replaced. RIP Big Blue.

Schedule of Events for 2015

  • May Crown
  • The Grand Thing
  • Honey War
  • July Coronation
  • Autumn War
  • September Crown
  • Yule (3M, Stromgard, DM combined)
  • 12th Night

Contact Information

Think you are interested in joining us? Visit us at our Facebook page.