An Tir-West War XLIII/2008

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July 3-6, A.S. XLIII/2008
Hosted by the West Kingdom
Euchre Creek, Gold Beach, OR
Warm, sunny days and cool misty nights
Rapier fighting
A&S Classes

Event Highlights

An Tir won the war on points in the first day of fighting, making the second day much more about everyone enjoying themselves than about the stress of trying to win.


West/An Tir War photos uploaded by Eliza

Personal Memories

I fought with the Iron Ring in our first war event as a group. We were blessed and trusted to be thrust into the midst of the fighting next to the Spartans. We had a great time! We were also wearing our unit garb (green doublets and black knee breeches for the men, black chemises and green kirtles for the ladies) for the first time, and the ladies received a lot of praise for their lovely dresses while they were busy providing water to all of the fighters on both sides of the war. --Malkom1366 12:43, 10 Jul 2008 (PDT), José Cabrera de Castilla