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The '''[[Barony]] of Terra Pomaria''' is an active branch of the SCA since AS XVIII/1982 centered in the City of Salem and including Marion, Polk and Lincoln Counties of Oregon located within the '''[[Principality]] of the [[Summits]]''' in the '''Kingdom of [[An Tir]]'''.

The '''Barony of Terra Pomaria''' (Marion and Polk Counties, OR) is located in the Principality of [[Summits]].
The barony is located midway within the Willamette Valley and is split in the middle by the Willamette River. Geographically, Terra Pomaria contains hills and some mountainous areas of the Cascade and Coast Ranges.  It's neighbors bordering on the north being the Barony of [[Three Mountains]] and the Shire of [[Mountain Edge]]; on the south by the Shire of [[Coeur du Val]]; and to the east by the Shire of [[Corvaria]]. It is the northern-most branch of the Principality of the Summits.  Its well-known event sites used for many branch and higher-level An Tir events include [[Willamette Mission State Park]] and [[Silver Creek Falls State Park]].
[[image: Terra_Pomaria_Map.gif|center|500px|Terra Pomaria’s borders.  Image by [[Rafe Neuton]]]]

[[http://terrapomaria.antir.sca.org/ Terra Pomaria Website]
* Circa January AS XIII/1979, the Shire of [[Stormshadow]] first organizes in Salem, Oregon.
* July AS XIV/1979, the name [[Stormshadow]] is registered with the SCA College of Arms.
==Branch Heraldry==
* Circa AS XVI/1981, just prior to An Tir becoming a kingdom, the central lands of Terra Pomaria being the zip codes of Salem, Oregon are abandoned by [[Stormshadow]] when it went defunct.  The Salem zip codes are given to the newly formed Shire of [[Nether Edge]] centered out of Dallas / Polk County, Oregon.
'''Branch Name'''
: The name was initially registered with the [[College of Arms]] May AS XVIII/1984 as the "Shire of Terra Pomaria," as the branch originally intended to be an indpendent shire.  However, since it ended up relying on the sponsorship of [[Three Mountains]] in [http://cunnan.sca.org.au/wiki/Canton canton] status, the name was reregistered in March AS XX/1986 along with the arms as the "Canton of Terra Pomaria."  Even though independent shire status was obtained at [[September Crown Tournament XXI/1986]] the name was never re-registered as a shire.  The final registration took place in January ASXXVII/1993 as the "Barony of Terra Pomaria." 
[[image: TerraPomaria.jpg|frame|right|240px|Terra Pomaria’s Arms.  Image by [[Sebastian zem Sterne]] from An Tir: Roll of Arms]]
: Upon naming the branch a concensus was contemplated and voted upon. Some sources say there were 7 submissions, others say 14 total, with the #2 name was Willum Shire (Willamette Shire), and the #1 name was Terra Pomarium (Land of the Orchards). The Kingdom Herald later corrected the Latin form to Terra Pomaria.
'''Branch Arms'''
[[image: TP_popbadge.jpg|frame|right|Image by [[Sebastian zem Sterne]]|Populace badge]]
:'''Blazon''' ''Azure, three chevronels braced argent, in chief two broad arrows and overall a laurel wreath Or''.
: Registered with the College of Arms in March of AS XX/1986.  As with all baronies in the Known World, the branch arms symbolize the landed baron and baroness and may only be used by them for display to signify their presence, land and properties.
: [[Vandoral the Merchant]], talented in heraldic arts, was an early herald of the branch and acted as chief designer of the arms making him integral in its creation.  Initially he had proposed arms with a stalk of Wheat and a Ferret to symbolize, within heraldic humor, the Wheatland Ferry - a well-known landmark within the branch's lands.  Instead, the arms were decided upon to strongly reflect the look of Three Mountains' arms as initially the branch was made a canton of that barony. The three chevronels actually are to symbolize the mountains of Three Mountains' arms; the two broad arrows pointing downward literaly are there to point out Terra Pomaria is "the land below Three Mountains."  The downside is long after Terra Pomaria's independence first as a shire then as a barony, the strong association with Three Mountains' arms remains so uncanny that many times it is heraldically mistaken for Three Mountains.
'''Populace Badge'''
:'''Blazon''' - ''Azure, three chevronels braced argent and in base a broad arrow Or''.
:Registered with the College of Arms in September of AS XX/1986.
==Timeline of General History==
* Circa mid-AS XII/1977 through circa AS XV/1981 sections of what would become Terra Pomaria, namely Salem and parts of Marion County, Oregon belong to the Shire of [[Stormshadow]].
* Circa AS XVI/1981, just prior to An Tir becoming a kingdom, Stormshadow went defunct.  Salem and the other select Marion County zip codes it possessed are given to the newly formed Shire of [[Nether Edge]] centered out of Dallas / Polk County, Oregon.
* January XVI/1982, the Principality of An Tir becomes a kingdom.
* January XVI/1982, the Principality of An Tir becomes a kingdom.
* August AS XVIII/1982, Owain of Corn Valley and his wife Rose aux Mains Habiles grow restless with the Shire of [[Nether Edge]] and consider rebuilding an independent SCA branch once again in Salem or greater Marion County area.
* August AS XVIII/1982, [[Owain of Corn Valley]] and his wife [[Rose aux Mains Habiles]] grow restless with the Shire of [[Nether Edge]] and consider rebuilding an independent SCA branch once again in Salem or greater Marion County area.
* November AS XVIII/1982, the organizational meeting forming Terra Pomaria was held in Salem.
* November AS XVIII/1982, the organizational meeting forming Terra Pomaria was held in Salem although the only zip codes the branch could acquire were centered more rurally in Marion County, specifically in and around Silverton, Oregon.
* Terra Pomaria became a Canton of the Barony of [[Three Mountains]] at [[May Crown Tournament XVIII/1983]] lasting until [[September Crown Tournament XXVI/1986]].
* Terra Pomaria became a Canton of the Barony of [[Three Mountains]] at [[May Crown Tournament XVIII/1983]] lasting until [[September Crown Tournament XXI/1986]].
* Terra Pomaria was elevated to a shire at [[September Crown Tournament XXVI/1986]] lasting until [[May Crown Tournament XXVII/1992]].
* Terra Pomaria was elevated to a shire at [[September Crown Tournament XXI/1986]] lasting until [[May Crown Tournament XXVII/1992]].
* Beginning in circa early AS XXIV/1990, Terra Pomaria was a branch included in the [[:Category:Rivers Region|Rivers Region]] for the duration of the region's recognized existence.
* Beginning in circa early AS XXIV/1990, Terra Pomaria was a branch included in the [[:Category:Rivers Region|Rivers Region]] for the duration of the region's recognized existence.
* Terra Pomaria was elevated to a barony at [[May Crown Tournament XXVII/1992]].
* Terra Pomaria was elevated to a barony at [[May Crown Tournament XXVII/1992]].  Circa this time the branch finally acquired remaining Marion County zip codes as well as all of Polk County.
* Terra Pomaria was moved into the Principality of the [[Summits]]: [[May Crown Tournament XXXVII/2002]].
* Terra Pomaria was moved into the Principality of the [[Summits]]: [[May Crown Tournament XXXVII/2002]].
* Formally recognized as part of the Principality of the [[Summits]]: [[Summits Summer Investiture XXXVII/2002]].
* Formally recognized as part of the Principality of the [[Summits]]: [[Summits Summer Investiture XXXVII/2002]].
* The [[Board of Directors]] noted the dissolution of the Shire of [[Dun an Chalaidh]] on January 27, 2007 [http://www.sca.org/BOD/minutes/2007/2007-01-27-qm.pdf], thereafter its former land holdings (mundanely known as Lincoln County, Oregon) were granted to the Barony of Terra Pomaria.

==Landed Barons and Baronesses==
==Landed Barons and Baronesses==
* Cesare the Merchant & Astrid of Flanders from [[May Crown Tournament XXVII/1992]] to [[September Crown Tournament XXXV/2000]].
*'''1st- [[Cesare and Astrid of Terra Pomaria|Cesare the Merchant and Astrid of Flanders]]''' were elevated to serve as founding Baron and Baroness by [[Gunnarr II and Gabriell II]] from [[May Crown Tournament XXVII/1992]], May 16th to [[September Crown Tournament XXXV/2000]], September 2nd.
* William Percival & Elspeth of Wyre Forest from [[September Crown Tournament XXXV/2000]] to [[Summits Winter Investiture XXXVIII/2003]].
*'''2nd- [[William and Elspeth of Terra Pomaria|William Percival and Elspeth of Wyre Forest]]''' were elevated to serve as Baron and Baroness by [[Skepti Ravensfury II and Asa Starradottir I]] from [[September Crown Tournament XXXV/2000]], September 2nd to [[Summits Winter Investiture XXXVIII/2003]], December 13th.
* Gawin of Kevelioc & Marianna ferch Orla from [[Summits Winter Investiture XXXVIII/2003]] to present.
*'''3rd- [[Gawin and Marianna of Terra Pomaria|Gawin of Kevelioc and Marianna ferch Orla]]''' were elevated to serve as Baron and Baroness by [[Gunnarr III and Gabriell III]] from [[Summits Winter Investiture XXXVIII/2003]], December 13th to [[Terra Pomaria Business Meeting]], January 15th XLI/2007.
*'''4th- [[Roland and Emma of Terra Pomaria|Roland von Bern and Emma von Bern]]''' were elevated to serve as Baron and Baroness by [[Sven V and Signy V]], with only Sven present, from [[Bar Gemels XLI/2007]], April 28th to [[Winters End/2011]], February 26th.
*'''5th- [[Michael and Francesca of Terra Pomaria|Michael Evers and Francesca Maria Volpelli]]''' were elevated to serve as Baron and Baroness by [[Skeggi II and Taisiia II]], from [[Winters End/2011]], February 26th to [[12th night/2013]] January 12th.
*'''6th- [[Peder and Ainslee of Terra Pomaria|Peder Georg Jensen and Ainslee Goldheart ]]''' were elevated to serve as Baron and Baroness by [[UlfR bloðfotr Falgeirsson]] and [[Caoimhe ingen Domnaille]] (Keeva), from [[12th night/2013]], Jan 12th to [[Egil Skallagrimsson Memorial Tournament LI/2016]] May 28th.
*'''7th- [[Weylyn and Lindis of Terra Pomaria|Weylyn Middleson and Lindis Aquisgrano]]''' were elevated to serve as Baron and Baroness by [[Eirik Daegarsson]] and Driffina Ulfgarsdottir, from [[Egil Skallagrimsson Memorial Tournament LI/2016]], May 28th to [[Bar Gemels XXXIV/2019]] Apr 27th.
*'''8th- [[Clovis and Ximena of Terra Pomaria|Clovis and Ximena]]''' were elevated to serve as Baron and Baroness by [[Kjartan Dreki]] and [[Sha'ya Kjartanskona]], from [[Bar Gemels XXXIV/2019]], Apr 27th to present.

Terra Pomaria currently has eight active championships.  The barony follows the standard set by both the Kingdom of An Tir and the Principality of the Summits with the caliber and skill of her champions equaling entrants found competing at the highest of levels.  The history of Terra Pomaria's champions is rich, spanning decades.  All championships are presented in order of elevation.

==Awards and Orders==
*'''[[The Defender of Terra Pomaria]]'''
*'''[[The Arts and Sciences Champion of Terra Pomaria]]'''
*'''[[The Rapier Champion of Terra Pomaria]]'''
*'''[[The Archery Champion of Terra Pomaria]]'''
*'''[[The Youth Archery Champion of Terra Pomaria]]'''
*'''[[The Thrown Weapons of Terra Pomaria]]'''
*'''[[The Bardic Champion of Terra Pomaria]]'''
*'''[[The Youth Champion of Terra Pomaria]]'''
*'''[[Terra Pomaria Seneschal|Seneschal of Terra Pomaria]]'''
*:[[Lady]] [[Zulaikha al-Zarqa']]
:*'''[[Terra Pomaria Demo Deputy|Demo Deputy of Terra Pomaria]]'''
:*'''[[Terra Pomaria Social Media Officer|Social Media Officer of Terra Pomaria]]'''
:*:[[Countess]] [[Berengaria de Montfort of Carcassonne ]]
*'''[[Heavy Marshall of Terra Pomaria]]'''
*:[[Lord]] [[Randall Blackwolf]]
:*'''[[Minister of the Lists of Terra Pomaria]]'''
:*:[[HE]] [[Peder Georg Jensen]]
:*'''[[Target Marshall of Terra Pomaria]]'''
:*:Archos [[Otto Gottlieb]]
:*'''[[Equestrian Marshall of Terra Pomaria]]'''
:*:[[HL]] [[Tassi Hestamaðer]]
:*'''[[Rapier Marshall of Terra Pomaria]]'''
:*:[[HL]] [[Kenji Morikawa Katashige]]
:*'''[[Youth Armored Combat of Terra Pomaria]]'''
*'''[[Chancellor of the Exchequer of Terra Pomaria]]'''
*:[[HL]] [[Wystan Albryght]]
:*'''[[Chamberlain of Terra Pomaria]]'''
:*'''[[Gold Key of Terra Pomaria]]'''
:*:[[HL]] [[Alyna Trewpeny]]
:*'''[[Librarian of Terra Pomaria]]'''
====[[College of Heralds]]====
*'''[[Herald]], the [[Hazel Leaf Pursuivant]] of Terra Pomaria'''
*:[[HL]] [[Marcus Valerius Taurus]]
====[[Arts and Sciences]] Ministry====
*'''[[Minister of the Arts and Sciences of Terra Pomaria]]'''
*:Meisterin [[Agatha Iris]]
*'''[[Chronicler of Terra Pomaria]]'''
*:[[Olaff Beer Gripper]]
:*'''[[Minister of the Grete Boke of Terra Pomaria]]'''
:*:[[Lady]] [[Keridwyn Nic Cionaodha]]
:*'''[[Webminister of Terra Pomaria]]'''
:*:[[Lady]] [[Adele Neuton]]
*'''[[Chatelaine of Terra Pomaria]]'''
*:[[Lord]] [[Luther Gutman]]
*'''[[Baronial Scribe of Terra Pomaria]]'''
*:[[Lord]] [[Raven Devereux]]
*'''[[Youth and Family Achievement Officer of Terra Pomaria]]'''
*:[[HL]] [[Duvessa of Movilla]]
The current sergeants (and holders of equivalent ranks) in Terra Pomaria:
*[[Randall Blackwolf]]
*[[Santinus Contarini]]
*[[Magdelena von Freiberg]]
*[[Morikawa Kenji Katashige]]
*[[Tassi Hestamaðer]]
*[[Alyna Trewpeny]]
*[[Fortune verch Thomas]]
*[[Emelyn Fulredy]]
==Branch Awards and Orders==
[[Terra Pomaria Awards and Orders]]

'''The Privy'''  
'''The Privy'''  

==Traditional Events==
* [[Terra Pomaria Ceilidh]]
* [[Terra Pomaria Open Castle]]
* [[Terra Pomaria Business Meeting]]
====Traditional Events====
'''Winter Season [[Terra Pomaria Winter Event]]
* [[Winter's End]]
* [[Norse Feast]]
'''Spring Season [[Terra Pomaria Spring Event]]
* [[Bar Gemels]]
'''Summer Season [[Terra Pomaria Summer Event]]
* [[Long and Short of It Tournament]]
'''Autumn Season [[Terra Pomaria Autumn Event]]
* [[Autumn Ball]]
* [[Crimson Sky War]]
* [[Richard's Return]]
* [[Robin's Revenge]]
* [[Baronial Revolt]]
* [[Prelude to War]]
* [[Martinmas of Terra Pomaria]]
* [[Bear and Apple Tavern]]
====Kingdom, Principality and Regional Hosted Events====
*[[July Coronation]]
*[[September Crown]]
*[[Summits Spring Coronet]]
*[[Baroness War]]
====Anniversary Events====
* [[20/10 Anniversary Revel of Terra Pomaria]]
* [[25/15 Anniversary Revel of Terra Pomaria]]
==Populace Facts & Milestones==
===The Northern Horde===
Various honorary members of Terra Pomaria who often participated, but did not reside, within its borders.
===Elevated to Peerage===
This section intends to honor by naming, in order of receipt, those current and past Terra Pomarians either by mundane residence or exclusively playing in / claiming residency of the branch who were elevated to peerage.
* AS XXX / 1995 [[Angus McClure]]
* AS XXXIII / 1999 [[Cesare the Merchant]]
* AS XXXIV / 1999 [[Astrid of Flanders]]
* AS XXXVI / 2001 [[Elspeth of Wyre Forest]]
* AS XLI / 2006 [[Alainne de Lacy]]
* AS XLII / 2007 [[Lindis Aquisgrano]]

* [[Winter's End]] -  Winter
* AS XLIV / 2010 [[Juliana van Aardenburg]]

* [[Bar Gemels]] - Spring
* [[Mhairi mon myn Cymru]]

* [[Long and Short of It Tournament]] - Summer
* AS XLIII/ 2008 [[Ian Cnulle]]

* [[Terra Pomaria Autumn Event]] - Fall

==Other Events==
* AS XXXVIII / 2003 [[William Percival]]
* 20/10 Anniversary Revel
* AS XLI / 2006 [[Roland von Bern]]

* Norse Feast
===Passed Away===
This section intends to honor by naming, in order of passing, those current and past Terra Pomarians either by mundane residence or exclusively playing in / claiming residency of the branch who have passed away.

* Richard's Return
* AS XXXV / 2001 [[Wenzel the Abductor]]

== Web Site ==
* AS XXXVIII / 2003 [[Stahlbern der Pfielschmidt]] (aka Stahlbern der Pheilmacher)

* [http://terrapomaria.antir.sca.org/ Terra Pomaria website]
* AS XXXIX / 2004 [[Roberto des Mountana del Feugo]]
* AS XL / 2005 [[Judith de Bruges]]
* AS XLII / 2007 [[Mariah Blackfire]]
* AS XLII / 2007 [[Dragon Rider]]
* [[Lionel the Woodworker of Antwerp]]
* [[Angus McClure]]
* [[Dublin O'Guinn Silverwolf]]

[[Category:Active Branches]]
[[Category:Rivers Region]]
[[Category:Rivers Region]]

Latest revision as of 16:13, 5 May 2024

The Barony of Terra Pomaria is an active branch of the SCA since AS XVIII/1982 centered in the City of Salem and including Marion, Polk and Lincoln Counties of Oregon located within the Principality of the Summits in the Kingdom of An Tir.

The barony is located midway within the Willamette Valley and is split in the middle by the Willamette River. Geographically, Terra Pomaria contains hills and some mountainous areas of the Cascade and Coast Ranges. It's neighbors bordering on the north being the Barony of Three Mountains and the Shire of Mountain Edge; on the south by the Shire of Coeur du Val; and to the east by the Shire of Corvaria. It is the northern-most branch of the Principality of the Summits. Its well-known event sites used for many branch and higher-level An Tir events include Willamette Mission State Park and Silver Creek Falls State Park.

Terra Pomaria’s borders. Image by Rafe Neuton
Terra Pomaria’s borders. Image by Rafe Neuton

[Terra Pomaria Website

Branch Heraldry

Branch Name

The name was initially registered with the College of Arms May AS XVIII/1984 as the "Shire of Terra Pomaria," as the branch originally intended to be an indpendent shire. However, since it ended up relying on the sponsorship of Three Mountains in canton status, the name was reregistered in March AS XX/1986 along with the arms as the "Canton of Terra Pomaria." Even though independent shire status was obtained at September Crown Tournament XXI/1986 the name was never re-registered as a shire. The final registration took place in January ASXXVII/1993 as the "Barony of Terra Pomaria."
Terra Pomaria’s Arms. Image by Sebastian zem Sterne from An Tir: Roll of Arms


Upon naming the branch a concensus was contemplated and voted upon. Some sources say there were 7 submissions, others say 14 total, with the #2 name was Willum Shire (Willamette Shire), and the #1 name was Terra Pomarium (Land of the Orchards). The Kingdom Herald later corrected the Latin form to Terra Pomaria.

Branch Arms

Populace badge
Blazon Azure, three chevronels braced argent, in chief two broad arrows and overall a laurel wreath Or.
Registered with the College of Arms in March of AS XX/1986. As with all baronies in the Known World, the branch arms symbolize the landed baron and baroness and may only be used by them for display to signify their presence, land and properties.
Vandoral the Merchant, talented in heraldic arts, was an early herald of the branch and acted as chief designer of the arms making him integral in its creation. Initially he had proposed arms with a stalk of Wheat and a Ferret to symbolize, within heraldic humor, the Wheatland Ferry - a well-known landmark within the branch's lands. Instead, the arms were decided upon to strongly reflect the look of Three Mountains' arms as initially the branch was made a canton of that barony. The three chevronels actually are to symbolize the mountains of Three Mountains' arms; the two broad arrows pointing downward literaly are there to point out Terra Pomaria is "the land below Three Mountains." The downside is long after Terra Pomaria's independence first as a shire then as a barony, the strong association with Three Mountains' arms remains so uncanny that many times it is heraldically mistaken for Three Mountains.

Populace Badge

Blazon - Azure, three chevronels braced argent and in base a broad arrow Or.
Registered with the College of Arms in September of AS XX/1986.

Timeline of General History

  • Circa mid-AS XII/1977 through circa AS XV/1981 sections of what would become Terra Pomaria, namely Salem and parts of Marion County, Oregon belong to the Shire of Stormshadow.
  • Circa AS XVI/1981, just prior to An Tir becoming a kingdom, Stormshadow went defunct. Salem and the other select Marion County zip codes it possessed are given to the newly formed Shire of Nether Edge centered out of Dallas / Polk County, Oregon.
  • January XVI/1982, the Principality of An Tir becomes a kingdom.
  • August AS XVIII/1982, Owain of Corn Valley and his wife Rose aux Mains Habiles grow restless with the Shire of Nether Edge and consider rebuilding an independent SCA branch once again in Salem or greater Marion County area.
  • November AS XVIII/1982, the organizational meeting forming Terra Pomaria was held in Salem although the only zip codes the branch could acquire were centered more rurally in Marion County, specifically in and around Silverton, Oregon.
  • Terra Pomaria became a Canton of the Barony of Three Mountains at May Crown Tournament XVIII/1983 lasting until September Crown Tournament XXI/1986.
  • Terra Pomaria was elevated to a shire at September Crown Tournament XXI/1986 lasting until May Crown Tournament XXVII/1992.
  • Beginning in circa early AS XXIV/1990, Terra Pomaria was a branch included in the Rivers Region for the duration of the region's recognized existence.
  • Terra Pomaria was elevated to a barony at May Crown Tournament XXVII/1992. Circa this time the branch finally acquired remaining Marion County zip codes as well as all of Polk County.
  • Terra Pomaria was moved into the Principality of the Summits: May Crown Tournament XXXVII/2002.
  • Formally recognized as part of the Principality of the Summits: Summits Summer Investiture XXXVII/2002.
  • The Board of Directors noted the dissolution of the Shire of Dun an Chalaidh on January 27, 2007 [1], thereafter its former land holdings (mundanely known as Lincoln County, Oregon) were granted to the Barony of Terra Pomaria.

Landed Barons and Baronesses


Terra Pomaria currently has eight active championships. The barony follows the standard set by both the Kingdom of An Tir and the Principality of the Summits with the caliber and skill of her champions equaling entrants found competing at the highest of levels. The history of Terra Pomaria's champions is rich, spanning decades. All championships are presented in order of elevation.





College of Heralds

Arts and Sciences Ministry






The current sergeants (and holders of equivalent ranks) in Terra Pomaria:





Branch Awards and Orders

Terra Pomaria Awards and Orders


The Privy



Traditional Events

Winter Season Terra Pomaria Winter Event

Spring Season Terra Pomaria Spring Event

Summer Season Terra Pomaria Summer Event

Autumn Season Terra Pomaria Autumn Event

Kingdom, Principality and Regional Hosted Events

Anniversary Events

Populace Facts & Milestones

The Northern Horde

Various honorary members of Terra Pomaria who often participated, but did not reside, within its borders.

Elevated to Peerage

This section intends to honor by naming, in order of receipt, those current and past Terra Pomarians either by mundane residence or exclusively playing in / claiming residency of the branch who were elevated to peerage.




Passed Away

This section intends to honor by naming, in order of passing, those current and past Terra Pomarians either by mundane residence or exclusively playing in / claiming residency of the branch who have passed away.