The Bards of KeyPoynt

Meet the Bards of KeyPoynt
The Bards of KeyPoynt are an Anacortes, Washington based group of musicians who write and perform Celtic-inspired medieval songs. They tour Washington state, Oregon, and sometimes even British Columbia, Canada, playing their songs for any and all who will listen, with a special interest in welcoming campfires at SCA events.
The Bards mainly consists of, well, bards who are a part of *gasp* the Towne of KeyPoynt! Meaning Kenneniah, Amnara, and occasionally a flautist by the name of Reyus who doesn't seem to mind putting up with them in order to make some fantastic music. If you don't speak SCA, you may call them Nathan, Amanda, and Scott.
Some of the Bards' favorite campfires to entertain around are: The Towne of KeyPoynt, Clan Carn, Ravenstead Household, House Eisen, Temple Caffeina, House Meðelstede, Clan Chaos Moon, Deepwater Keep, The Rampant Squirrel, The Iron Ring, House Smallmilks, and Fire Mountain Keep.

Notable Bardly Accomplishments
- 2008 ~ Released their first album of original songs Welcome to KeyPoynt
- 2008 ~ Bardic Champions of Midhaven Shire
- 2008 ~ Winners of Deepwater Keep's Bardic Competition at Autumn War
- 2008 ~ Amnara became the Bardic Champion of Shittimwoode for the Bards
- 2009 ~ Winners of Clan Carn's Bardic Competition at Autumn War
- 2010 ~ Kenneniah and Amnara recieved their AoA's at Ursulmas
- 2010 ~ Released their second album of original songs Once a Bard...
- 2010 ~ Bardic Champions of Midhaven Shire
- 2010 ~ Winners of Deepwater Keep's Bardic Competition at Autumn War
- 2011 ~ Performers in the Alaska Folk Festival (located in Earngyld Shire of the West Kingdom)
- 2011 ~ Kenneniah and Amnara were both entered into Aquaterra's Order of the Plate at Midhaven's Harvest Feast
The Bards take great joy in traveling from encampment to encampment sharing their music with the wonderful folk of the SCA. They have been honored to have received tokens of esteem from many notable persons, including Lord Micheal Kelly of the Silver Oak, HL Ferin Darkmountain, HL Galeran Chanterel, Leiðólfr Kvígsson of Deepwater Keep, Baron Aleksii Konstantinovich Chernoi, Queen Taisiia of Ma Elring, Duchess Angharad Banadaspus Drakenhefd, the household of Clan Carn, and Natt Sang.

For more information about the bards, please visit their website and listen to their well-turned tunes at