Jodan de la Montagne

Baroness HL Jodan has been in the SCA since AS XXIV and has been involved in many aspects of the Society. She spread the gospel of Tablero da Gucci to Lochac and Southron Gaard, being the Ambasador for Lions Gate. She is strong in both Arts/Sciences and Service and has had a hand at Fighting light and Dragoon. Lately she has taken up CrossBow combat with the scary McBrians. Jodan is the Current Court Liasion to their Royal Majesties Ulfgar & Renee, Prince & Princess of Tir Righ. She will be at the following events should you have any business at court: investiture, Baroness's Tourney, Possibly Yule Fest, Possibly Ursulmas, definately 12th Night and Estrella. feel free to contact her with any new business, should you need.
Aside from being a helpful person, she's a bit of fun. She paints murals and taught Tavern Wenching for 12 years at Clinton. Although it's her favourite event, she has passed along the class to others - but you can find her there every year - usually first on site and last to leave. Feel free to visit her. Look for her banner: Azure field, Sun in Splendor Or in chief, Chevron Gules, three water boquets OR in base.