Rafe Neuton

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Per chevron sable and argent, a demi-sun issuant from base azure.

Date added to Roll: August, 2002
Date Registered to Laurel: May, 2002

Rafe Neuton in the An Tir Roll of Arms.
Full Name and Title: Lord Rafe Neuton
Allegiance: Terra Pomaria
Years of SCA Service: A.S. XXXVI (2001) to currently active
Highest Title: Jambe de Leon

Rafe Neuton in the Order of Precedence.
Active Offices Held: Summits Web Minister Sep 15, 2018 to present, term ends Sep, 2021
More information to come.
Rafe and Adele at 12th Night 2006.

SCA History

Rafe's first SCA Experience was a small grade school demo in about 1991. His first Camping Event was An Tir-West War 2001, after which he jumped into the society feet first. Moved from The Barony of Terra Pomaria to Porte de l'Eau, a Canton of the Barony of Madrone, in July 2008. Moved back to The Barony of Terra Pomaria, in 2018

Rafe is a Protege of Mistress Astrid of Flanders, and an Arcuarius of Baron Gawin of Kevelioc.

Protege ceremony March 15, 2003.

Past Offices



Rafe Neuton is an Englishman in the 16th Century. He is a successful tradesman, and enjoys a comfortable lifestyle amongst the merchant classes with his wife, Adele Neuton, and five children, Elizabeth, Adam, Celina, Kira and Lillian.


  • Archery
  • Metal Casting
  • Costuming
  • Woodworking
  • Metalworking
  • Cooking