Elizabeth Turner de Carlisle
Elizabeth Turner de Carlisle currently lives in the Shire of Coeur du Val. She is a bard and has served as the Bardic Champion of the Barony of Adiantum. She took her Honorary Oath of Citizenship in Adiantum at Egil's in May 2008 and served from April 2008 to July 2009 as scribe for the Barony. In September 2009, she passed the Cohort trials held by Baron Tadhg.
In most of her SCA activities, she is a herald. She was once known as Áine Steele, but soon realized that it might be prudent to have a period name if she was going to ask others to do the same. She writes letters for the Academy of St. Gabriel. She has served as Löwenmähne Herald as well as Sinister Gauntlet Pursuivant for the An Tir College of Heralds, and currently serves as Lions Blood Herald in charge of submissions in An Tir.
Elizabeth received her Award of Arms in October of 2006 from Prince Tjorkill and Princess Sylva of the Summits. At 11th Night, 2006, she became a protégé to Master Finngall McKetterick, a Companion of the Order of the Pelican. At May Crown 2008, Elizabeth received her Goutte de Sang from Their Majesties Cedric and Elizabeth.
She received her Order of the Grail of the Summits in Arts and Sciences from Prince Brian and Princess Acacia as well as an Order of the Silver Barberry from Her Highness Acacia at Summits Summer Investiture 2009. Later that year, she received the same accolade for Service from Prince Brogan and Princess Johanna at Summits Fall Coronet.
She has recently discovered the joys of writing original music and poetry in period style, as well as painting charters and doing calligraphy. She is not good at any of them yet, but it will come with practice.
She is disturbingly attached to Hello Kitty and the color pink.
Her persona is very late 16th Century English, but enjoys all cultures and loves to meet new people.
Registered Arms
Artwork courtesy Frederic Badger and the An Tir Roll of Arms
Sable, two chevronels and in chief an arrow fesswise argent
(registered December 2006)
Registered Badge: (Fieldless) Two chevronels couped braced argent
(registered August 2009)
Order of Precedence
Current/Last Known Branch: Coeur du Val
Highest Current Award: Goutte de Sang
Award of Arms .................... Oct 21 AS 41 / 2006
Bardic Champion (Adiantum) ....... Oct 6 AS 42 / 2007 through Oct 4 AS 43 / 2008
Goutte de Sang ................... May 17 AS 43 / 2008
Honorary Citizen (Adiantum) ...... May 30 AS 43 / 2008
Grail of the Summits (A&S) ....... Jun 20 AS 44 / 2009
Cohort (Adiantum) ................ Sep 12 AS 44 / 2009
Grail of the Summits (Service) ... Sep 19 AS 44 / 2009
Offices Held
Coeur du Val Pursuivant ......... April AS 40 (2006) to April AS 43 (2008)
Lowenmahne Herald ............... January AS 41 (2007) to January AS 43 (2009)
Sinister Gauntlet Pursuivant .... April AS 41 (2007) to September AS 44 (2009)
Lions Blood Herald .............. September AS 44 (2009) to September AS 46 (2011)
Adiantum Scribe ................. May AS 43 (2008) to July AS 44 (2009)
Summits Disaster Coordinator .... September AS 40 (2005) to current