Emprise of the Sable Rose - AS XLIII

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Emprise of the Sable Rose ASXLIII - June 22, 2008

Event report by EMIC Here are the RESULTS for the equestrian competitions at Midhaven Champions/Emprise of the Sable Rose:

We had 14 riders and 10 horses enter Midhaven’s 1st ever Equestrian Championship.

The competition was decided by a Double Elimination Speed Quintain Tournament (Was that FUN, or what…).

The Honorable Lord Thorkel Haraldsson, mounted on his ferocious battle mare, Blonde, emerged victorious to become Premier Equestrian Champion of the Shire of Midhaven.

For the Emprise of the Sable Rose, THL Sven designed a diabolical and wickedly fast Challenge Course.

We had 9 riders and 9 horses enter as Venants to the field.

Lord Giraldus Evienece and his valiant steed Valerius took on all comers and were Victorious!

As EqMiC, I wish to say that I saw everyone ride with such Honor and Comradeship that all who viewed these deeds should be truly inspired by the shinning example of these equestrians of An Tir!

Three cheers to everyone…HUZZAH… HUZZAH…HUZZAH!


HL Taradan

EqMiC – Midhaven Champions/Sable Rose

final words by Donwenna

I would add that several new members were inducted into the Company of the Sable Rose Argent; an updated Roster listing will appear on the Rose Companies website soon. In the meantime, you can see our induction ceremony here: Sable Rose Documents at [1]

Results of the Sable Rose Emprise 2008 Pictures

Equestrian Competition

Victor: Francesca de Monte

Inspiration: Felicitae de l’Hay
Heraldic Pageantry/Presentation

Victor: Miranda Faoltiarna

Inspiration: Tiernan mor dal Cais
In Remembrance of Mischka Ravensfuri

Berfrois Choice: Felicitae on Royal

Heavy Fighting Competition

Victor: Thorkel Haraldsson

Inspiration: Taradan ban Marca

Accolade: Georgii Bjornson

Inspiration: (didn't have it written done - need to find out)

Chivalry: Aedan Kelm

Inspiration: Angharad Banadaspus Drakenhefd

Best Death: Crinoc Donn

Inspiration: Styrkarr Bjarnarson
Honorable mention: Elzipeth Davidson

Humility Award: Robert de Perceval

Inspiration: Elzipeth Davidson

Rapier Competition

Victor: Gracion

Inspiration: Maedha

Accolade: Richard Thomas

Inspiration: Maedha

Chivalry: Duncan Tadio

Inspiration: Layla Griego

Best Death: Basilius

Inspiration: Mecia Raposa

Emprise of the Sable Rose - June 22, 2008

Event Reports

Greetings from Donwenna, EMIC for Sable Rose II

I would like to congratulate Lady Francesca, Kingdom Equestrian Champion on winning the Emprise of the Sable Rose. HL Felicitae was her Inspiration. Francesca was riding Bee, who is quite a little pistol. But despite an interesting dismount in which she bounced right back up, Francesca went on to ride to glory and Honor in the final round on the jousting quintain. HL Kolfinna came in second on Skygnir (sp), --it was an absolute tie to the end! I am hear to tell you folks, that Francesca is well deserving of her title as Kingdom Champion!

Viscountess Miranda was in the top Three on her fine mare, Cookie. She gave a very moving presentation during the Processional in which she dedicated her riding to Master Mischka who had given her Cookie long ago. She won best Pageantry scroll and prize and her Inspiration was Sir Tiernan. We were all inspired by her speech and actions. I am certain that Master Mischka is smiling down on her and was drumming in praise of her riding.

There were some young horses who were in training & the owners thought they might not complete their runs. However, they did far better than expected and were able to meet every challenge just fine! Felicitae was riding her youngster , Royal, a very sweet gelding and HL Thorkelrode Stitch, a very handsome gelding. I am veryimpressed by how welltheir training is progressing.

Every Rider rode with skill, passion, joy, and courtesy. It was a real pleasure to serve them as EMIC for this activity. Indeed, they truly all typified the virtues set forth by the Company of the Sable Rose.

I would like to thank the Ladies of the Befrois headed by our Grand Noble Patroness of the Company of the sable Rose, Duchess Angharad. It means alot to the Riders to display their talents and skills to such Worthies. I would also like to thank everyone who worked the field with me (Al were either riders or Jr Marshals). HL Saikhan was Lysts. Groundcrew were : THLs Agelos, Khaidu, Taradan, Giraldus, & Duncan Taddio.

I am certain Her Grace will be adding the final results and post a more complete list of the Champions and Winners of all categories including the Heavy Weapons and Rapier.

Thanks to m'lord Crios from the Shire of Earnrokke for taking these pictures of the activities of the entire day: The Processional included HW, Rapier and Horses/Riders. Then the fighting and finally the riding and closing court awards. Some cameo shots of youngsters who are too cute for words (which explains why I do not know their SCA names, eh? LOL).

Please feel free to help me with captions, by uploading to the comments sections. Pictures

Ever in Service, Donwenna la Mareschale, Premier Companion of the Royal Company of the Sable Rose