Oddr Þiálfason

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Oddr mjǫksiglandi
Resides: Aquaterra
Pronouns: Not specified
Date Started: AS XXVI
Awards: [No link added to Order of Precedence]
Prefered Title: Not specified
Offices: Web minister, Chronicler, Herald, Motley Pursuivant, Lions Blood Herald

Per bend sinister dovetailed sable and vert.

Oddr entered the Society in AS XXVI, in what was then the College of Hraesvelgr (now Lyonsmarche), attending a feast in Wealdsmere before his first camping event, Honor War the following spring. True to his name of the time, Aodh Deoradhán, meaning "Aodh the Wanderer", he frequently moved, particpating in the Shires of Fire Mountain Keep and (in the West Kingdom) Cloondara, before settling in his present home, the Barony of Aquaterra, in AS XLIII. He still maintains Cloondara's website (but disclaims the web ministership, no matter how often he gets credited for it).

In AS XXXI, while studying under Fionn Æstel, he was thwacked with the Great Chicken of State and inducted into the Whimsical Order of the Ailing Wit by Grand Puntiff Arwen Lioncourt, along with the person who would eventually take him as protégé, Anderwyn na Sionain.

Oddr received his Award of Arms from Tiernan and Miranda at September Crown, AS XLV.

At Banner War XV, he was admitted to the Order of the Silver Dolphin, by Hauk and Rosamund.

To his surprise, Thorin and Dagmær saw fit to make him a companion of the Jambe de Lion at Aquaterra's Good Yule, AS XLVI.

Steinolfr and Sineidin admitted him into the Order of the Golden Estoile at Boar's Hunt, AS XLVII.

He briefly held the title of Motley Pursuivant, who with Tóki Sinister Gauntlet is deputy to the Kingdom submissions Herald, the Lions Blood Herald, charged with reporting heraldic acceptances and returns to the populace. He was also a consulting deputy under Alan ap Neal -- then Gorges Pursuivant of Aquaterra -- but has since relinquished both offices to assume duties as Lions Blood Herald.

He has interests in books, maps, astronomy, music, mathematics, rapier combat, target archery and -- naturally -- heraldry.

OP Entry Roll of Arms Entry