James Llewellyn ap Gruffyd

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His Excellency Master James Llewellyn ap Gruffydd, OP
  1. Was entered into the Order of the Pelican at Daffodil Tournament 22 March XXXVII/2003
  2. Was 3rd Baron of the Barony of Seagirt 2004-2008
  3. Is head of House of the Golden Oar
  4. Founder and Commander of the Wingnuts East - Barony of Ruantallan
  5. Founder and Commander of the Wingnuts West - Barony of Seagirt
  6. One of the founding Paradigms of the fighting company of Red Dawn.
  7. OP entry http://op.antirheralds.org/op/rosters/j.shtml#James%20Llewellyn%20ap%20Gruffyd
  8. Proteges
  HL Finna Kettilsdottir
  HL Doireann Dechti
  HL Meredith of the White Cliffs


Currently Living in the Barony of Seagirt

Current Office(s)

Tir Righ Calendar Deputy
Seagirt Webmaster


Silent Harp (Seagirt)
Olde Shattered Shield 1988
Award of Arms Aug 2 AS 22 / 1987
Olde Shattered Shield Dec 26 AS 22 / 1987
Sergeant (Lions Gate) Aug 14 AS 23 / 1988
Iceberg (Ruantallan) Apr 4 AS 26 / 1992
Goutte de Sang Mar 26 AS 28 / 1994
Magistrae Ithra May 28 AS 29 / 1994
Seagull (Seagirt) June 12 AS 30 / 1995
Lector Ithra - Scientiae Nov 22 AS 32 / 1997
Silent Hammer (Seagirt) Dec 12 AS 33 / 1998
Narwhal (Seagirt) Mar 20 AS 33 / 1999
Court Baron Jan 12 AS 36 / 2002
Sergeant (Seagirt) Aug 24 AS 37 / 2002
Rock (Seagirt) Aug 24 AS 37 / 2002
Pelican Mar 22 AS 37 / 2003
Forget-me-not July 19 AS 38 / 2003
Throne Favor Jan 10 AS 38 / 2004
Baron (Seagirt) Jan 10 AS 38 / 2004 through Apr 12 AS 42 / 2008
Grand Councilor (SCA) Mar 17 AS 38 / 2004
Silver Pillar (Tir Righ) Aug 14 AS 39 / 2004
Beacon of Insula Magna (Seagirt) Mar 15 AS 42 / 2008
Jambe de Lion Apr 12 AS 42 / 2008

Past Offices

Founding Seneshal of Crickstow-on-Sea
Seneschal Seagirt
Constable Seagirt
Chronicler Seagirt
Chatelaine Seagirt
Chatelaine Northern Region
Master of Stables Seagirt
Herald Seagirt
Knight Marshal Barony of Ruantallan
Knight Marshal Canton of Seashire
Exchequer Crickstow-on-Sea
Baron Seagirt
Public Relations Seagirt
Dance Master Seagirt
Ithra Registrar Crickstow-on-Sea
Calendar Deputy Tir Righ
Webmaster Seagirt


Autocratted 47 events including In Seagirt:

86 Oct, Guy Fawkes Revel – Autocrated first event on 1 year anniversary
Bitterwaters War x2
Sealion War x2
Daffodil Tournament x3
Northern Region Heavy Championships
Yule x4
SST x4
Sergeants Trials x2
Kingdom 12th Night 2001
Tavern Night x4
Pas D'armes
Eotmy Tournament (End of the Mundane Year Tournament)
Camelia von Rottenburg Memorial Tournament
Hartwood-Seagirt Police Action

In Crickstow-on-Sea:

Aqua Cullis Pentathlon
An Evening in Jerusalem (Crusades)
A Tavern in London
All Saints Feast
Combat Ithra
Elizabethan Masked Ball
Pirates of the Aegean

In Barony of Ruantallan:

Celebration of Spring Tournament
Celebration of Archery
Sergeants Trials

In Canton of Seashire: War Camp

In Barony of Lions Gate: Sergeants Trials


"Autocratting an Event" – a guide for new event autocrats in the SCA


"Seagirtian War Manual" - a training manual for war fighting



Magistrae Ithra x 5 Lector Artis

Too many to count


One of the seven wonders of Tir Righ... it's best not to know which one.