Vesta Antonia Aurelia

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Vestia Antonia Aurelia (called "Vesta") was a resident of Ephesus, 62 BCE. The daughter of a retired Roman soldier and a Greek mother, she stumbled into this place called "An Tir" where she can undertake gladitorial training without worrying about her father's disapproval. Over time, she has received notice from its various Praetors and Imperators, served as lanax to the Baronesses of Adiantum and has given her soldier's oath to Ambrosius Mavrorothakis Cabellerios.

Vestia, called Vesta
Resides: Shire of Myrtle Holt (Summits)
Date Started: AS XXX

Argent, a sinister fist sable and on a chief gules a crescent Or.

Area(s) of Focus


+ Sergeant to Baroness Ceridwen of Adiantum
+ Squire to Viscount Sir Ambrosius Mavrorothakis

Event set up & break down
Feast steward or kitchen staff
Officer positions

Bronze Age clothing/garb
+ Vestal virgins

+ Sumerians
+ utter obsession for all things Minoan
Roman cooking (especially Apicius, Cato and Columella)
Bronze Age jewelry
Bardic performance
+ Elizabethan-age drama
+ Norse kennings
+ live and written storytelling
The triumph that is the Associated Press Style Guide

Personal History

Vesta's first event, technically, was the last Kriegstreiber, back when she was resident of Three Mountains, but not yet playing. She visited with a group of college friends. But Real Life(tm) intervened, and employment drew her to the Summits.

Her first camping event was Border War, during Skapti's first reign, when the Summits was a brand-new principality. It is all quite hazy, as she was still a mid-16th Century German persona (called Ilsa von Waldsee), then. However, the subsequent summer heat soon cured any ambitions of wearing A.D./C.E. clothing. Thus, Vesta.

To be continued....

Most unique experience? Being Miss February in the first Barony of Adiantum Fundraiser Calendar.


2018 -- Captain of Tigers (Summits C&T Champion) -- finals
2017 -- March Summits Coronet -- finals
2016 -- C&T Champion, Shire of Briaroak -- won
2006-2007 -- Defender (Heavy Champion) -- Summits, won
Various branch heavy championships, won
1999-2000 -- Defender (Heavy Champion) -- Summits, won

2017-2018 -- Briaroak Bardic Champion, won
2017 -- Tain Bo Bardic, won
2007-2008 -- Briaroak Bardic Champion, won
1997ish -- Amergin’s Revenge, won

An Tir Costumer’s Guild 12th Night Contest
2007 January -- Vestal Virgin robes and headdress
Winner of Intermediate Level
2002 January -- Sumerian women’s robe and headdress, entered
1999 January -- Minoan women’s dress (Island Fever set)
Judges’ Choice

2017 March -- Kingdom Arts and Sciences Championship, single entry
Entry: Minoan Women’s Dress
2001 or 2002 -- Egil’s Ithrotir, second place

Event Administration

Feast Steward
2015 April, St. Eggbert’s, Myrtle Holt (co. with Felicia of the True Layne)
2009 December, Winter Investiture, Summits (co. with Aelfric Thorfastson & Monique de Toulon)
2005 October, Samhain, Glyn Dwfn
1998 January, Hogamanay, Caversgate

Event Steward
2017 December, Winter Investiture, Summits
2001-2003 June, War College, Summits

Event Staff
2008 May, Crown in the South, An Tir
Site copy booklet, set up, break down
2002 May, Egil’s, Adiantum
Site copy booklet


current -- Shire Exchequer -- Myrtle Holt
2016 -- Shire A&S night -- Myrtle Holt site host
2011 July -- Marshal-in-Charge -- An Tir/West War
2009-2011 -- Principality Earl Marshal -- Summits
2007-2008 -- Shire Seneschal -- Glyn Dwfn
1997ish -- Shire Chronicler -- Caversgate (branch folded)

2017-2018 -- Christian and Helene -- An Tir, guard
2015 -- Tryggr and Temperance -- Summits, captain of the guard
2008-2009 -- Brian and Acacia -- Summits, guard
2008 -- Owain and Wren -- An Tir, guard
2006-2007 -- Gabriel and Avin -- Summits, guard
2001 -- Bane and Meagan -- Summits, Cupbearer
1999-2000 -- Ambrose and Marian -- Summits, guard
1999 -- W. Geoffrey & Melyssande -- Summits, guard
1998 -- Dublin and Kate -- Summits, guard
1997 -- Ambrose and Marian -- Summits, guard/lady-in-waiting

2011 to current, “Russian Judge,” Egil’s Prize Bardic


Making Minoan Women’s Dress (Collegium, Wastekeep)
Powerpoint PDFs on event thumb drive

Body Preparedness for Fighting (co-taught with Sir Ambrose, Egils, Adiantum)

Minoan Women’s Dress (Tain Bo, Glyn Dwfn)
No handout online

Women’s Fighting Discussion Panel -- (with Taran Destingr mac Tarl’a & Marcello Fornarius, Egils, Adiantum)
Two years, freeform discussion/Q&A, no handouts


Minoan garb research

2016 Goin’ Minoan

2015 A Xeste for Life
1999 Island Fever

Vestal virgin garb research


Garb (see Research)

Summits Masque, co-authored with Jessica Denham, written for and performed at Known World A&S Symposium, 2001

Dido of Carthage, play, Elizabethan English

Personal Minoan garb, on-going

Awards and Honors

Award of Arms August 3, AS XXXII / 1997
Silver Barberry (formerly called the Evergreen) (Summits) December 19, AS XXXIII / 1998
Sergeant (Adiantum) April 24, AS XXXIII / 1999
Grail of the Summits - Service (Summits) June 19, AS XXXIV / 1999
Defender (Summits) November 27, AS XXXIV / 1999 to June 17, AS XXXV / 2000
Silver Barberry (formerly called the Evergreen) (Summits) December 11, AS XXXIV / 1999
Goutte de Sang January 1, AS XXXIV / 2000
Grail of the Summits - Martial (Summits) December 9, AS XXXV / 2000
Order of the Summits (Summits) June 23, AS XXXVI / 2001
Grail of the Summits - A&S (Summits) December 9, AS XXXVI/ 2001
Shield of the Summits (formerly called the Shield of Chivalry) March 23, AS XXXVI / 2002
Defender (Summits) September 17, AS XLI / 2006 to September 15, AS XLII / 2007
Baronial Brownie (Adiantum) May 27, AS XLII / 2007
Vigilant Bear (Adiantum) October 6, AS XLII / 2007
Aurei Ursi (Adiantum) May 24, AS XLIII / 2008
Throne's Favor of An Tir December 13, AS XLIII / 2008
Silver Barberry (formerly called the Evergreen) (Summits) June 20, AS XLIV / 2009
Lion's Torse May 26, AS XLVIII / 2013
Vanguard (Summits) May 24, AS XLVIX / 2014
Band of Briars (Adiantum) May 24, AS L / 2015
Sable Gauntlet August 22, AS L / 2015
Tanista of the Summits September 19, AS L / 2015 to December 12, AS L / 2015
Throne's Favor of the Summits December 12, AS L / 2015
Silver Barberry (formerly called the Evergreen) (Summits) December 12, AS L / 2015
Princess of the Summits December 12, AS L / 2015 to June 4, AS LI / 2016
Order of Adiantum May 29, AS LI / 2016
Gryphon's Paw (Summits) June 4, AS LI / 2016
Viscountess June 4, AS LI / 2016
Gryphon's Paw (Summits) October 22, AS LI / 2016
Jambe de Lion February 25, AS LI / 2017
Shield of the Summits (formerly called the Shield of Chivalry) March 18, AS LI / 2017
Gryphon and Spear (Summits) March 18, AS LI / 2017
Royal Scribal Favor May 28, AS LII / 2017
Throne's Favor of An Tir May 29, AS LII / 2017