Abrahe çaragoça de girona
Motto: Lealtad me Ata
Senyor Abrahe çaragoça de girona is a Catalan currently living in the Barony of Blatha an Oir in the year 1509. Abrahe started playing in the SCA in 1987 in the Barony of Adiantum and has lived in several Baronies and Shires throughout the Kingdom of An Tir. Abrahe received an AoA from the hand of Darius and Morgaine in 1997. As a member of the Barony of Blatha an Oir, he was given a Golden Blossom from their Excellencies Aleksii and Elspeth and was also made a Companion of the Brier. Abrahe is apprenticed to Mistress Isolde de la Vielle a Roue.
Abrahe was born in 1466 to Jacobus çaragoça, a joiner, and Esther charbit. While Abrahe was still a child, his family left the city of Çaragoça and moved briefly to Barcelona and then, permanently, to Girona. As he grew, he learned his father's trade and began his own family with La Senyora Honorada Agnés berengarii de girona. Their daughter is Ursula "The Turnip" çaragoça berengarii de Blatha an Oir.
Name and Device
The name Abrahe çaragoça is a properly researched, documented, and registered SCA name (March 2006) in the Spanish tradition. Abrahe's arms, Or, on a fess dovetailed gules a drawknife Or, were registered in September 2006. His previous arms, Sable, an abacus bendwise Or within a bordure argent (September 1992), were retained as a Badge.
Abrahe pursues woodworking (joinery) and leather working. He also assists his Laurel, wife, and apprentice sisters with the Kingdom of An Tir Costumer's Guild.
Apprentice to Mistress Isolde de la Vielle a Roue
Chronicler and Web Minister for the Barony of Blatha an Oir
A&S Champion for the Stronghold of Rath an Oir