Hjlmr inn Danski

Hjlmr arrived in An Tir on July 15 AS 35/2000.

He draws daily inspiration from his lady wife, Talia banu-Khabeelah.
Squired by Sir Yusuf ben Josef at July Coronation AS 41/2006.
Hjlmr was awarded arms by Ulf and Bernadette on 10 April AS 39/2005.
It was Hjlmr's extreme honor to serve on Ulfgar's guard during His reign as Prince of Tir Righ.
Hjlmr served Her Highness Caoimhinn, Princess of Tir Righ, in the humble capacity of guard.
Hjlmr served and guarded Owain and Wrenn, Prince and Princess of Tir Righ, to the best of his capabilities.
Hjlmr was delighted to serve Savaric and Safiye, Prince and Princess of Tir Righ, as a guard on Their retinue.
Hjlmr was inducted into the Order of the Goutte de Sang by Their Majesties Tiernan and Miranda on 25 August AS 42/2007.
Hjlmr became the Silver Pillar (OP) Herald of Tir Righ at Tir Righ Winter Investiture XLII/2007.
Hjlmr is currently residing in Shittimwoode and serving as the Shire's Master of Stables.
He's proud to be among the handful of noble gentles who have been bestowed with the three Shittimwoode branch tokens; the Bunny's Fang for the martial arts, the Acacia for service, and the Bunny's Crook for the Arts and Sciences.
He's a Cardinal of THE Church and a Duke of Tablero.
Hjlmr is a devoted and proud member of the al Khabeelah household.
Hjlmr inn Danski enjoys: Heavy combat, beer, building armor, leather working, marshaling, the OP, archery, heraldry, carousing, filling out forms, cup and ball, serving feasts, Tablero da Gucci, embroidery, spear the beer, elder futhark, flirting, persona development, scotch, the Danelaw, Ithra, and needle felting.

Yusuf's addition.
Hjlmr forgets to mention that he is an all around astounding individual and on the day that he was made my squire he went out and won one of the Squires tourney prizes! That made me look very cool in front of the other Knights and left them all wondering how they could have overlooked such an amazing man for so long. Talk about a stellar performance!!! As some may not know he also holds a number of Tablero prizes. Tablero is also one of my favorite games, although I don't play that often any more I get an incredibly vicarious thrill observing his exceptional Tablero skills. I believe that one day I will be in a position to show off his liver to the royalty of the Known World just as my Knight did for me one year at Estrella. His Liver is strong!
I once made Hjlmr some pants! -Rébeca de la Mare
Hjlmr is also a skilled leather crafter. He made a gorgeous quiver and an arm guard for me. The stitches are so perfect they look machined, but he did it all by hand. - Mahala de Sorbonne
Persona Information
Hjlmr does his best to portray a Danish Viking living in Jorvik (York) around the year 866.
I voyaged to the East Anglian region of Enga-lond with the great warrior chief, Ivar Ragnarsson (called the Boneless) in the year 865. Having distinguished myself during a decisive battle against the native Northumbrians, Ivar granted me humble dwellings, lands and a position of modest leisure collecting weregild (taxes, tribute, etc.) in the recently conquered settlement of Jorvik.