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Mistress [[Alisaundre ni Feidhlimidh dal gCais]]
Mistress [[Alisaundre ni Feidhlimidh dal gCais]]

HL Jason Sinclair  
HL [[Julian Sinclair]]

Master Owen the merry
Master [[Owen the Merry]]

==The Bardic Company of An Tir==
==The Bardic Company of An Tir==

Revision as of 23:32, 2 October 2014

An informal social group within the kingdom of An Tir. The Bards of An Tir exist to foster the bardic arts throughout the kingdom of An Tir. They host several on going bardic activities including:

  • A sponsored bardic fire and encampment at each of the outdoor Kingdom Events. All bards and supports are invited to camp and participate at the fire.
  • At September Crown they host a bardic competition, the Chorum Leo.
  • Semi-final bardic match up at September Crown and May Crown. The final 8-9 competitors are matched up with bards who write small performance pieces based on the fights they saw.
  • At least one educational village a year.

The Bards of An Tir, also known as BOAT, work with the An Tir Players to host 2 plays and 2 skits at the 4 kingdom events.

Bards of An Tir (BOAT) congregates primarily on the Facebook page below.

BoAT History

Bards in An Tir have been attempting to organize since its inception. Various guilds have risen and fallen over the years. With the advent and popularity of facebook the bards of An Tir came together as a more cohesive and on going collection of bards. The very beginnings of this group began back in 2007. Ollamh(Master) Fearain took his year as Kingdom Bardic Champion to travel An Tir and support various grass roots bardic activity. This lead to the creation of a bardic championship in the Shire of Corvaria, but more importantly connections made across the kingdom. The first official event we supported was the 2010 bardic Ithra held in the barony of Madrone. Here is an excerpt from an email pertaining to the event:

"But ho what is this I hear, the laughter of Owen the merry, the chuckles of his hearty friend Julian Sinclair.  Could it be the lost voices of years gone by rise once more in joyous harmony and speak yes! A play, an invitational, music laughter and performance for a day!" 10/15/10

Ollamh Fearain with the support of house dal gCaise started hosting regular fires and encampments under the name Bards of An Tir.

The informal society under the umbrella of the then Bardic Deputy of An Tir, Ruadhan O Fearain, began to sponsor many events across the Kingdom including:

-Chorum Leo, a no requirements bardic competition held at september crown, and hosted by Julian Sinclair and Lissette.(tinypie)

-Official Kingdom Bardic Fire, this fire is hosted at all kingdom level camping events.

-An Tir Players Royal Shakespeare company, this troupe produces two plays, and two best of shakespeare bits a year.

- Laurels forum, this is hosted twice a year at 12th night and Kingdom Bardic, Arts and Sciences championship.

- Kingdom crown finalist bardic match up. We match up bards with the finalists at crown to create praise poetry.

- Various performance venues, educational workshops, and administrative support to the various guilds and regional associations of An Tirs Bardic community.

Now the BoAT has transformed into a company and is a thriving community of divers individuals and collection of talents.

Notable Founding Members

Master Ruadhan O Fearain

Mistress Alisaundre ni Feidhlimidh dal gCais

HL Julian Sinclair

Master Owen the Merry

The Bardic Company of An Tir

At July Coronation, AS 49, members of the Bards of An Tir presented a charter to Their Majesties Eirik and Driffina for approval to recognize the BoAT as an official Company of An Tir. The name now officially changing to Company, An Tir Players.

Founding/Supporting members of the Company: