Adele Neuton

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Or, two chevronels vert, the chiefmost charged with a rose Or.

Date added to Roll: May, 2020
Date Registered to Laurel: March, 2020

Pending update in the An Tir Roll of Arms.
Full Name and Title: Lady Adele Neuton (Formerly Adele Fontane from 2002-2005)
Allegiance: Terra Pomaria
Years of SCA Service: A.S. XXXVII (37) 2002 to currently active
Highest Title: Goutte de Sang

Adele Neuton in the Order of Precedence.
Active Offices Held: Summits Web Minister Dec 2021 to present, term ends Dec 2023
Rafe and Adele at 12th Night 2006.

SCA History

Adele joined the Society in 2002, her first participation was at a small gathering, Terra Pomaria Ceilidh. She had discovered the SCA on the internet while planning a history-themed costume party.

Past Offices



Adele Neuton is the wife of Rafe Neuton, an Englishman in the 16th Century. She has five children, Elizabeth, Adam, Celina, Kira and Lillian and enjoys a comfortable life among the merchant class.


  • Costuming
  • Researching everyday life from different eras