September Crown Tournament XL/2005

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3-5 XXXIX/2005
Aquaterra (Snohomish County, WA)
Rosamund of the Misty Meadows
Merchant Steward
Lenya Horsetamer, and Aine Sarka Paixdecoeur
Soler Dairy Farm, 19330 SR 530 NE, Arlington, WA 98223. 35 acres of open pasture backing onto the Stilliguamish river
Overcast with scattered showers and the occasional downpour. Saturday night was very clear, though!
Annual Event
September Crown Tournament
tournament to select the Heirs to the Lion Throne, Kingdom Protector tournament, Premiere Kingdom Equestrian Tournament, tournaments for squires, rapier wielders, contests for archers, thrown weapons competitions, equestrian competitions, activities for children, and an Artisans Display for Laurel comment.

Event Highlights

Tournament Format

(As posted by Alessandra da Montefeltro, 30 Aug 2005 5:57 PM, to a number of An Tirian lists.)

Crown Tourney Instructions for Sept-3

[Feel free to forward this message to email boards other than An Tir Marshals, An Tir Fighters, Northern, or Steps.]

Greetings unto all intending to participate in the upcoming Crown Tournament. His Majesty, King Uther has decreed that the format of the Challenge round will follow the style of West Crown Tournaments.

Since this is new to the majority of our fighter base, I have put together a checklist of how the morning will run. Please look this over at least once to help insure we have a smooth, fast-paced tournament with plenty of time after to enjoy the planned festivities.

  1. Lists will open at 9:00am with two sign-in sheets: Chivalry on one (side), Unbelteds on the other. Please have your fight card, your proof of membership, and your consort's proof of membership with you!
  2. You will be given your List Card when you sign-up. This is the one the Heralds use to call you to the field and mark the wins and losses on. *** DO NOT LOSE THIS CARD! ***
  3. Armor inspection will commence
  4. Lists will close at 10:00am
  5. All will process into Court for the Invocation of the Lists at 11:00am as per usual (process in, introduction of self and inspiration, move to the appropriate side). Chivalry to the King's side of the Herald holding their Field Color, unbelteds to the Queen's side. (UTHER, Chiv, Chiv, SABLE, Chiv, Chiv, OR...) Field Colors for Chivalry will be called out just before their name as they are introduced. (eg. "On the Chequey field, Duke Sven Fallgr Gunnarson, Champion of An Tir, inspired by...") ***Squires: Listen closely so you don't challenge onto the same field as your Knight!***
  6. A portion of Unbelted fighters will be invited to the King's side to even the numbers. They will be asked to move to the King's side as their names are read with the color of their assigned field. (eg. "The following fighters are invited to stand with the Chivalry this day. On the Chequey field...") If you are invited, please join the Chivalry beside the appropriate Field Herald. ***Still got your List Card? GOOD!***
  7. Fighters remaining on the Queen's side will begin challenging those on the King's side, one-by-one, In The Order They Signed Up, as called forth by the Herald. Bow to the throne on your way past and go pick your challenge. The next name will be called right on the heels of the first, so move!
  8. The challenged gives their List Card to the challenger who walks the pair of cards to Lists.
  9. The pair then retire to the proper colored field.
  10. Heralds will call out the pairings of the challenge round on each field.
  11. Additional rounds will be paired by Lists and Heralded per the usual tournament format.

Although only four field colors will be called out, we will be using all eight fields. So, if the fields are set up as shown below, fighters called for the CHEQUEY field will find themselves called on either the Chequey or the Azure fields.

      gules | SABLE  | CHEQUEY | azure
      vert  | ARGENT |   OR    | purpur

We hope that this will speed up the challenge round and not cause there to be the large gap of time between the challenge round and round 2 that we are used to seeing. Feel free to contact me with questions about any part of this except "Why are we doing it this way?"

In Service,

Lady Alessandra da Montefeltro, GdS, AoA
Kingdom Lists Minister

Final Rounds of Crown Tournament

The 7th round
Duke Sven was victorious against Viscount Kheron Azov
Thane Ulf Bloodfoot Fallgerson was victorious against Sir Olin Ulfredsson
Sir Kjartan Daegarson was victorious against Sir Tiernan mor dal Cais
Sir Hathawulf Spearbreaker was victorious against Sir Vik Vikingson
Lord Viktor Zagreev was victorious against Sir Tjorkill Kanne
Sir Octamasades versus ?
8th round
Sir Hathawulf was victorious against Duke Sven
Thane Ulf was victorious against Lord Viktor
Sir Kjartan was victorious against Sir Octamasades
9th round (semi finals)
Sir Hathawulf was victorious against Sir Kjartan
Duke Sven was victorious against Thane Ulf
10th round (finals)
Duke Sven won two fights in a row to win the final round against Sir Hathawulf.

OP Observations

Duke Sven Gunnarson is our new Crown Prince! Inspired by his lady, Duchess Signy Oksendahl, Duke Sven was victorious in the final round over Sir Hathawolf Spearbreaker who was fighting for Lady Kendra the Traveller. It was Duke Sven's fourth victory in the An Tirian Crown lists moving him into elite company with Duke Thorin Njallson (6 reigns) and Duke Davin Stronghand (4 reigns). An Tirians Duke James Greyhelm, Duke Trelon of the Wood, and Duke Uther Schiemann der Hunt also have at least four reigns, but those reigns were not in An Tir.

Archos Burning Bear won the Kingdom Protector tournament to become the first person in An Tir history to serve as Kingdom Protector twice.

HL Khaidu Naranaimorin became the premiere Equestrian Champion of An Tir. He rode Titus, a male Trakehner owned by Agelos Evienece.

Squires' Tournament Results

We had 68 fighters in the list this time.

The Chivalry prize went to Aziz, Squire to Faris Tariq Abu Zayd. Most Wins (53) went to Aleksii, Squire to Sir Loehtgar. Aleksii also had the most fights (56); however, since squires can only win one of the prizes, Most Fights was awarded to Ariel de Courteny, Squire to Lady Bolverk, who had the second highest total with 46 fights.

Thanks also to those who donated prizes - Baroness Saewynn, HL Shaughnessy and Greydragon!

The individual results are listed below. My apologies for any strange formatting - my email program seems to have problems with this. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Please feel free to forward.

In service, I remain

Lady Cainder nic Sheanlaoich Squires' Tourney Coordinator

Name                        Wins      Losses       Total
Aiden                        22         22          44
Aleksii                      53          3          56
Angelo                       32          4          36
Ariel                        13         33          46
Aryan                        13          7          20
Asbjorn                       9         20          29
Aziz                         15         12          27
Balyn                         8         22          30
Bernadette                    0          0           0
Berwyn                        0         16          16
Byryllius                     2         33          35
Ceolflaed                     2         12          14
Conal                        19          8          27
Daniel                       13         16          29
Deasel                       15          8          23
Diego                         0          1           1
Dmitri                        6         15          21
Elgar                        13         19          32
Fiacha                       11         12          23
Gavin                        12          9          21
Gernon                        0          0           0
Grehan                       20          6          26
Gwymiun                      13         21          34
Gyrth                         9         21          30
Haakon                        7         19          26
Heilyn                       10         17          27
Hrogan                        2          0           2
Ivarr                        17         26          43
Johann                        6          8          14
John                          5         30          35
Kane                         29          5          34
Kerrigan                     18          6          24
Kerry                        13         15          28
Khori                        12         23          35
Kvigr                         0          1           1
Leith                        39          6          45
Loric                         9         24          33
Luther                       13         13          26
Mark                         11         20          31
Martin                        6         12          18
Osrik                        28          5          33
Owain                        11          7          18
Owen                          2         12          14
Palladius                     5          0           5
Patrick                       3         19          21
Randall                      13         23          36
Raul                         25          6          31
Rayner                        6         25          31
Richard                      10          8          18
Roisin                        2          7           9
Roland                       17         16          33
Rurik                         6         13          19
Slade                        27          7          34
Styrr                         8          6          14
Tai                           8          6          14
Taranus                       0          1           1
Tekla                        12         13          25
Thomas                       16         15          31
Tien                         21          8          29
Ula                           3         20          23
Ulfgar                       17          6          23
Vincent                       1          7           8
William                      15         18          33
Wrenn                         7         13          20
Kathryn                      D.N.R.
Madeileen                    D.N.R.
Varrus                       D.N.R.
Inga                         D.N.R.


(Links to event pictures off-site)

September Crown Pictures by HL Tacye Maple

Photos by Marcus

Photos by Tracy Dunlap

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

Thank you, An Tir for giving your recognition and presence to our King and Queen by your willingness to travel to September Crown.

Thank you, An Tir for coming to Aquaterra to support our event and witness the important tournament which named our next Heirs to the Throne (Duke Sven and Duchess Signey).

Thank you, An Tir, for your patience and courtesy to our gate crew.

Thank you, An Tir, for coming with light hearts and laughter to lend an atmosphere of joy to this event.

Thank you, An Tir, for your courtesy in following the site rules which made the event safe and care-free for everyone on constable watch.

Thank you, An Tir, for your willingness to follow the change in curfew time without resentment and anger which made the event enjoyable for your neighbors and the autocrats.

Thank you, An Tir, for giving of yourselves when volunteers were needed.

Thank you, An Tir, for following the modern fire rules and laws for Snohomish County Administration were well pleased with this event and the SCA's management of a large crowd and would welcome the SCA back for other large events.

Thank you, An Tir, for using the pastures with respect. For the owners of this working dairy farm were most impressed with our people and would welcome us back to this site with open arms.

And thank you, An Tir for having fun, but being willing to pack out quickly and cleanly. The autocrats were able to return the site in an agreeable state to the Solar family before dark.

What a fun event. You made it entirely enjoyable for the autocrats as well as yourselves! Thank you!

HL Rosamund of the Misty Meadows

September Crown Autocrat

Seneschal of Aquaterra

Her Excellency Sæwyn wrote: "Our new Kingdom Protector is Burning Bear."

Fionn responds: Hurrah for Lord Burning Bear! (BTW- someone should consider putting out the flames on our new KP, and re-clothe him... <WEG>)

Her Excellency continues: "Earl Sir Edward Ian Anderson was elevated to the Order of the Laurel."

Fionn responds: Not only was Sir Edward elevated to the Order of the Laurel, but he was granted that honour as An Tir's very first home grown Equestrian Laurel!

In addition to Sir Edward's 'Laurelling', both he and HL Togrul Guiscard, along with Sir Jerald of Galloway and HL Ceara Roisin were granted the Ordo Equis, Ah Tir's new grant level award for Skill and Dedication to the Equestrian Arts!

Hurrah for the pioneer Laurel!

Three cheers for the new members of the Ordo Equis !

Ever in Service, Unka Fionn (former Royal Equestrian)

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Greetings from Donwenna la Mareschale, Equestrian Marshal In Charge for Sept Crown-

HL Taradan ban Marca won the EQ Tourney on Saturday which was the Reeds/Rings format with a score of 124 in the Advanced Division. (score will be posted later this week).

HL Khaidu won the Kingdom EQ championship on Sunday on Titus (owned by HL Agelos). He will be sporting the new Kingdom EQ CHP regalia: an elegant short black cloak graced with the arms of An Tir and a gorgeous saddle cloth cover for his horse to wear. (The regalia was created by Baroness Anastasia, Kingdom Bardic Champion.)

Thanks to all of the people who made these tourneys possible, not the least of which was the groundcrew and Lists and Aquaterra , but also Their Royal Majesties for allowing the First Kingdom Equestrian Championship of An Tir to take place during the 'Best Summer EVER!' Donwenna 01:38, 24 May 2006 (EDT)Donwenna la Mareschale