Njal and Sif I

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Preceded by:
Karolyi Attila Laszlo and Eleanor de Bolton
Njal Tjorkilsson and Ellisif in Vaena
Forty-sixth Prince and Princess of the Summits
08 Dec AS LIII/2018 – 22 June AS LIV/2019
Succeeded by:
Antoine and Kathren


  • Head of Retinue - HL Ayla Roth
  • Head Lady In Waiting - Visc. Acacia Gryffyn
  • Court Coordinator - Visc. Elizabeth Turner de Carlisle
  • Court Herald - Maister Tadhg O'Murchadha
  • Deputy Court Herald - Archos Eobhan Dunbar
  • Chief Scribe - Duchess Hlutwige Wolfkiller
  • Largess Coordinator - HL Milisandia filia Willelmi Filii Roberti
  • Royal Tailor - HE Morrghan O'Siodhachain

Royal Progress

  • Dec. 8 - Winter Investiture - Shire of Briaroak
  • Jan. 11-13 - 12th Night - Barony of Three Mountains
  • Jan. 19 - Midwinter's Feast - Barony of Adiantum
  • Jan. 25-27 - Ursulmas - Barony of Aquaterra
  • Feb. 2 - Briaroak Birl - Shire of Briaroak
  • Feb. 8-10 - Summits Arts and Sciences/Bardic Championships - Shire of Coeur du Val
  • Feb. 19-25 - Estrella War XXXV - Kingdom of Atenveldt
  • Mar. 1-3 - Kingdom A&S - Shire of Glyn Dwfn
  • Mar. 15-17 - March Coronet - Shire of Corvaria
  • Apr. 26-28 - Bar Gemels - Barony of Terra Pomaria
  • May 17-19 - May Crown - Barony of Stromgard
  • May 23-27 - Egil's - Barony of Adiantum
  • Date TBD - Summer Investiture - Branch TBD

Court Reports


Personal Memories of the Reign