Epona Ehwaz

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Purpure, a horse courant contourny within an orle argent (registered as Jódís in glaða)
Awards and Honors
Golden Torc from Baron Alfric Rolfson and Baroness Jill Blackhorse of Three Mountains at Hauksgarðr May Revel, May 9 AS 44 / 2009
Award of Arms from King Vik Vikingsson and Queen Inga the Unfettered at July Coronation XLIV/2009, July 19 AS 44 / 2009
Honorary Citizen of Wastekeep at Yule Feast, December 12 AS 44 / 2009
Order of the Mountain Sun from Baron Alfric Rolfson and Baroness Jill Blackhorse of Three Mountains at Hauksgarðr May Revel, May 8 AS 45 / 2010
Order of the Goutte de Sang from King Tiernan mor dal Cais and Queen Miranda Faoltiarna at Barons Ball, October 2 AS 45 / 2010
Sable Brush from Baron Styrkarr Jarlskald and Baroness Stjarna Hrafnhar of Wastekeep at Springfest, June 18 AS 46 / 2011
Order of the Jambe de Lion from King Savaric Coeur-de-Lion and Queen Dalla in Fagra at Baroness' War/Hopping Phules, "April 11 AS 49 / 2015"
Order of the Blasted Tree from Baron Steinbjorn Tros and Baroness Katherine of Akornebir of Wastekeep, "December 12 AS 50 / 2015"

Member of the RPP
Member of the An Tir Lampworkers Guild
Member of the Village of Vindr'bek
Member of the Barony of Wastekeep