Conner Hume

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Conner Hume (AoA)

Currently serving as a Gallant in the Barony of Blatha an Oir as a member of the Sergeantry, he is also cadeted to Diana MacLachlan.

A Border Reiver is Born - 1525

Conner was born in Hume Castle, in the Scottish East Marches. In his younger years he was trained to become a monarch's man, to eventually become a Warden. Although the office of Warden was not hereditary, in Scotland it tended to remain with the same family through generations. To be an effective 'governor' required that he learn to be a mixture of soldier, judge, diplomat, lawyer, fighting man, administrator and rough-rider. For many a year he served as a deputy warden, until his clan was dispatched to fight in the continental wars of the French King ... upon his return he became known as a "Steel Bonnet", often better known as Border Reivers.

During February of A.S. 47 Conner became a full member of Clan Carn.

Demographic Info:

Current Branch: Blatha an Oir

Past Branch: Glymm Mere

Highest Award : Award of Arms

Crystal of Glymm Mere (Glymm Mere) May 5, 2001 (AS XXXVI)

Gallant (Glymm Mere) May 6, 2001 (AS XXXVI)

Award of Arms (An Tir) Oct 13, 2001 (AS XXXVI)

Gallant (Blatha an Oir) Sep 7, 2003 (AS XXXVIII)

Golden Blossom (Blatha an Oir) Sep 8, 2007 (AS XLII)

The Sweet of Glymm Mere (Glymm Mere) Mayfaire 1997 (AS XVI)

Rapier Defender Blatha an Oir Sep 18, 2010 (AS XXXXV)

An Tir University of Ithra Classes Attended

Survey of Medieval Sciences

Survey of Medieval Arts

Medieval Herbal Lore: Period Ideas about Plants

Using Period Herbals

Marshallate Symposium

Service to An Tir

Conner has served in both the capacities and offices of Constable and Chirurgeon.


Azure, a unicorn rampant contourny and on a chief embattled argent three suns azure.

Lord Gallant Conner Hume, A.S. 45