Aelfwynn Fiske
The Honorable Lady Aelfwynn Fiske

mka: Diane Karpinski
Protege to Dame Arwen McDougall Lioncourt OP
Award of Arms Nov 3 AS 25 / 1990
Bell & Chain (Stromgard) July 1 AS 34 / 1999
Goutte de Sang Sept 4 AS 34 / 1999
Famulus Primarius (Stromgard) June 21 AS 38 / 2003
Jambe de Lion Aug 7 AS 40 / 2005
Aelfwynn has been involved in the SCA for almost 20 years. In that time, she has served as Stromgard's Seneschal, Lists Mistress, Feast Steward, and Autocrat. Aelfwynn loves to cook feasts, and you will often find her there helping the staff and getting others involved. She also makes a point to involve newcomers and makes them feel comfortable.
Current Project: Feast Steward Founding Revel 2009, Stromgard
AElfwynn pictured far right with protege sisters and Dame Arwen