Amalthea di Sforza
Lady Amalthea di Sforza

Amalthea's interests are many and varied
- Wool, wool processing, spinning, weaving
- Historic and natural textiles, linen, silk, etc.
- Animal husbandry - raises chickens, ducks, rabbits, peafowl, geese, goats, sheep for wool, and draft horses
- Medieval equitation and horsemanship
- Early music, bardic performance
- Primitive & traditional archery
- Medieval Cooking
- Sewing
- Viking & Norse culture and history
- Italian Renaissance dress & history
- Scythian archery, culture, & history
- Honors And Awards
- Culinary Champion of Lyonsmarche at Newcomer's Feast and Champion's Tourney Sep 26, 2009
- Archery Champion of Lyonsmarche at Honor War, 2010
- Archery Champion of Wastekeep at Springfest, 2010
- A&S Champion of Wealdsmere at Celtic Revolt, 2010
- Award of Arms at May Crown, 2010
- Golden Acorn from Wealdsmere at Defender of the Hart, 2010
- Archery Champion of Silverhart at Defender of the Hart, 2010
- A&S Champion of Wastekeep at Baron Dyon's Memorial Tourney, Oct 2, 2010
- Culinary Champion of Lyonsmarche at Newcomer's and Champion's Tourney Sep 24, 2011
- Personae
Amalthea di Sforza was born in 1409 in Milan, the daughter of one of the lesser noble ladies of the di Sforza family and a wealthy Scots wool trader. Widowed at twenty when her husband found himself on the losing end of a duel, she does well enough for herself by assisting her aunt and family, learning the textile merchanting trade and importing fine wool from Spain. Fascinated with the expensive Spanish Andalusian horses that can occasionally be found gracing stables of the very wealthy, her ambition is to establish her own stable and breeding program of these horses.
Aerngaldra Hrafnskald, the first daughter of a Norwegian jarl and his Irish wife grew to adulthood in AD 869. Being something of an odd disgrace to her parents as she was entranced with weaponry, combat and warfare, and became perceived as a 'hvatr' (mannish) woman who was prone to dressing in men's clothing and taking up arms. Through her father's connections and her own aggression, she gained a place on a raiding ship bound for Ireland. Proving to be possessed of fierceness and without fear on the battlefield and in raiding, she amassed enough wealth to support herself, and in AD 897 set sail for the 'frontier' of Iceland with a handful of her own thralls and loyal servants. Laying claim to a fine steading near Husavik, she set about producing the finest sheep in the region and exporting excellent wadmal to support her household. Iceland suits Aerngaldra well, as she is quite fond of the numerous hot springs for washing and fulling wool, and soaking in the natural heat.
- SCA Activities
- Herald for Lyonsmarche
- Acting Arts & Science Officer for Lyonsmarche
- Feast steward for Lyonsmarche at Newcomer's Feast and Champion's Tourney Sep 26, 2009
- Teaching classes at the slightest provocation on various subjects, including needle felting, fleece processing, using natural dyes, beginning spinning, natural fibers & their origins, threshing grain, etc.