Aine inghean ui Chonchobhair
SCA History
Aine became Baroness Amanda's champion of arts as part of the group Musica Moderna at her first event, Lions Gate May Bardic in A.S. 37 (May 2002). She received an AoA from Princess Amanda and Prince Ulf at Tir Righ Summer Investiture XLI/2006. At Lions Gate Defenders XLII/2007 Aine gained the title of Bardic Defender of Lions Gate, which she held for a year. She became student to Viscountess Caoimhinn ingen Domnaille at Tir Righ Winter Investiture XLII/2007. Aine was co-autocrat of 12th Night 2008 and autocrat of Kingdom Bardic 2008. She received a Goutte de Sang from King Cedric and Queen Elizabeth at Tir Righ Spring Coronet 2008 and a Silver Pillar from Prince Owain and Princess Wrenn at Tir Righ May Investiture 2008. She has been on several principality retinues and is currently an attendant to Their Royal Majesties Owain and Wrenn.
- Midwifery
- Retinue
- Fibre Arts
- Music
Awards Summary
- Award of Arms (Tir Righ) May 13 A.S. 41 / 2006
- Princess' Talon of Favour (Tir Righ) November 10 A.S. 42 / 2007
- Goutte de Sang April 12 A.S. 42 / 2008
- Order of the Lion's Fang (Lions Gate) May 3 A.S. 43 / 2008
- Princess' Talon of Favour (Tir Righ) May 10 A.S. 43 / 2008
- Prince's Favour (Tir Righ) May 10 A.S. 43 / 2008
- Order of the Silver Pillar (Tir Righ) May 10 A.S. 43 / 2008
- Forget-Me-Not October 25 A.S. 43 / 2008
- King's Favour November 22 A.S. 43 / 2008
- Princess' Talon of Favour November 22 A.S. 43 / 2008
Known Accomplices
- HL Hraði inn Rakki
- Viscountess Caoimhinn ingen Domnaille
- Mistress Yrsa Ketilsdottir
- HL Morweena of House Desdecardo
- Maister Iago ab Adam
Modern Life
In her modern life Aine is known as Sally. She is a labour doula, teaches History at Douglas College, and is completing a PhD in the history of childbirth. If her friends stop winning crucial tournaments, she might be able to finish her dissertation in August of 2009.
(And for the record, she does not consider her life mundane)