Embellishers' Guild of An Tir

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Who We Are and What We Do

Guild Badge: (Fieldless) In saltire a needle argent and a hammer reversed Or.

We are the Embellishers' Guild of An Tir. Amongst other things we do embroidery, needlework, painting, leather decoration, wood carving, burning and painting, bone carving and more. Any citizen of An Tir can join our Guild, and any member of the Guild can challenge the Guild Ranks.

We have a lot of fun at what we do. Come join the party!


Anyone who plays in the SCA in An Tir is welcome to join the Guild. The docs and information for joining are available in the links below, on the guild documents page.

Guild meetings are open to anyone, member or not. There is no membership fee, currently, to join the Guild. You must be a member of the Guild to participate in Guild Challenges and rise through the Guild ranks.

Links to Details

Forms of Embellishment - Decorative grounds and materials

Guidelines, Ranks and Challenges - How to participate

Membership Standings - Find out your current rank, and items challlenged

Contests, Displays and Projects - Some past activities

Guild Documents, Forms, and Links - Membership and Challenge documents; instructions for guild members

The Guild Sample Box - More samples are welcome

Officers and Members - Contact officers

Online groups - Other points of contact

For more information on the Guild, you can visit us in our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/160308191124234/?ref=bookmarks

For further information, you can contact: HL Giana Visconti kimswitzerpdx [at] gmail [.] com

Guild Heraldry

Guild Badge ' (Fieldless) In saltire a needle argent and a hammer reversed Or.

Guild Motto - 'It Needs a Little Something…'

Guild Rank Colors

   Member: none
   Junior Student: blue
   Senior Student: green
   Journeyman: red
   Craftsman: purple
   Artisan: black