The Barony of Wyewood (S. King County, WA) is located in the central region of An Tir, between Madrone and Blatha an Oir.
General History
Wyewood was founded in A.S. XXIX (1994-1995) as a canton of Madrone. (The document naming Wyewood an official canton is a lovely illuminated scroll which may be seen here.) The original name of the canton was Wyebridge, but that name did not pass muster with the College of Arms as it was found to conflict with the real-world name Weybridge. So Wyewood was submitted as an alternate name, which did pass.
Wyewood became a Shire during the reign of King Davin and Queen Groa at Lionhearts Tourney in A.S. XXXVI (2001). Upon the elevation of the branch to shire, Earl Edward Cire of Greymoor and Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol served as Royal Patrons of the shire for six years.
The mascot of Wyewood is Bubba, the winged hamster. See the canton of Porte de l'Eau for more information on Bubba.
On the 2nd of March XLVII, Wyewood was elevated to a Barony by King UlfR and Queen Caoimhe. Master Robert de la Trinitie and Lady Gabrielle Lepinay were invested as the founding Baron and Baroness.
- Robert and Gabrielle (Wyewood), Founding Baron and Baroness - Mar 2, XLVII/2013 to Sep 24, LI/2016
- Evrard and Alessandra (Wyewood), Second Baron and Baroness - Sep 24, LI/2016 to current.
Historical Stories and Songs
- A remembrance of the historical timeline of Wyewood
- The tradition of Artimus
- On the early growth of Wyewood
- On the origins of Bubba
- A soliloquy on becoming a barony
- An early history of the Fyrd
- Wyewood Wants to be a Barony (song)
- Fryd of Wyewood (song)
Notable Residents
- Caitriona ni Bhriain - Viscountess, Pelican
- Edward Cire of Greymoor - Count, Viscount, Knight, Pelican
- Elisabeth de Rossignol - Countess, Viscountess, Pelican, Laurel
- Esperanza Maria Diago - Viscountess
- Magnus Sigmarsson - Viscount
- Wolf Dietrich von Hohenwald - Viscount, Pelican
- Tamlyn of Wyntersea - Laurel, Court Baroness
- Tvorimir Danilov - Pelican
- Esclarmonde de Porcairages - Laurel
- Robert Trinite the Chicken Hearted - Pelican
- Kent Canterbury Faire (Demo event hosted each August; previously co-hosted with Madrone; cancelled in 2006).
- Wyewood Summer Event, generally held the last weekend of July or first weekend in August:
- Wyewood Yule Feast, in December:
- Other Events
Guilds in Wyewood
- The Company of the Fyrd of Wyewood: a warband/guild in Wyewood.
- The Companye of Cacophony is Wyewood's performance guild.
- There is a Thread Workers Guild.
Households in Wyewood
- The Companye of Seint Audre is a service household of women in Wyewood.
- Clan Carn is not just in Wyewood, but has a strong presence in the greater area.
Current Awards
- The Wye Knot - Given once a year to an individual who is the best embodiment of the Spirit of Wyewood. This individual is a well rounded person who is active in many areas of the SCA and within the Branch. Recommendations for the recipient are solicited from the populace. This may only be received once. Physical Representation: A napkin with an embroidered Celtic “Y”. Created By: Trahaearn and Janelyn, 6th Baron and Baroness of Madrone, AS 33.
- Periwyncle - The Periwyncle recognizes culinary service of members of the Barony of Wyewood.
- Argent Increscent - The Argent Increscent is given to newcomers who have demonstrated chivalry, courtesy, and enthusiasm in service, arts and sciences, or martial activities, showing they are on the path to being active and contributing members of the Society and inspiring others with their enthusiasm.
- La Compaignie de la Forche - The La Compaignie de la Forche was established by the first Baron and Baronness of Wyewood to recognize gentles whose continuing and dedicated service contribute to the functioning of the barony and the society. Like a fork, they take upon themselves the duty of checking if a task is done.
- La Compaignie de la Cuillier - La Compaignie de la Cuillier was established by the first Baron and Baroness of Wyewood to recognize gentles whose skill and teaching in the arts and sciences enrich the Barony. Like the spoon, this artisan provides the proper measure of knowledge to those new to an art, allowing them to create their own recipe for learning and growth.
- La Compaignie du Couteau - La Compagnie du Couteau was established by the first Baron and Baroness of Wyewood to recognize gentles whose continuing prowess and service in the martial arts bring honor to the Coronets and people of Wyewood. Like the trusty knife, this warrior may be the last chance for victory when the swords of knights have fallen.
- Felowshipe of the Wynged Forke - this is a second level service award.
- Felowshipe of the Wynged Spone - this is a second level arts and sciences award.
- Felowshipe of the Wynged Knyfe - this is a second level martial arts award.
- Baron's Favor - a token of personal favor from the Baron.
- Baroness's Favor - a token of personal favor from the Baroness.
- Piece of the One True Wye - not an official award, but a token of being a citizen of Wyewood. Usually a small splinter of wood in a vial. The wood was collected from the Wye river in England.
Former Awards and Tokens
Several Canton and Shire awards now have similar Baronial forms.
- History of the Patrons Companies of Merit
- Established in AS 36 by the first Royal Patrons of Wyewood, Earl Edward Cire of Greymoor and Countess Elisabeth de Rossignol. These companies reflect the traditional split of recognition throughout the Society - Martial Arts, Arts & Sciences, and Service. Wyewood has always had a close association and affinity for the culinary arts, and the names and symbols of the Companies of Merit continue the tradition started with the Wye Knot's napkin. The names are in Norman French: La Compagnie du Coutel (The Company of the Knife), given for consistent achievement in the Martial Arts; La Compagnie du Couillier (The Company of the Spoon), given for consistent achievement in the Arts & Sciences; and La Compagnie de la Forche (The Company of the Fork), given for consistent service.
- La Compagnie de la Forche/The Company of the Fork - service token from the patrons. Closed when the patrons stepped down. A baronial award with the same name and token, La Compaignie de la Forche, was later created.
- La Compagnie du Couillier/The Company of the Spoon - arts and sciences token from the patrons. Closed when the patrons stepped down. A baronial award with a similar name and token, La Compaignie de la Cuillier, was later created.
- La Compagnie du Coutel/The Company of the Knife - combat achievement token from the patrons. Closed when the patrons stepped down. A baronial award with a similar name and token, La Compaignie du Couteau, was later created.
- The Wye Knot - this existed as a Madrone award for the Canton, created by Trahaearn and Janelyn, 6th Baron and Baroness of Madrone, in AS 33. After Wyewood became a Shire, it was given as an honor by the shire. When Wyewood became a barony, the award was transferred to the new barony, and the Wye Knot honors retroactively became awards, retaining the date of the honors.
- The Muckin' Great Spoon - a giant spoon, carved by Gorden Redthorn, held by whomever was running a feast (feast-o-crat).
- The Bubba Trenchers - wooden or glass plates decorated with an image of Bubba, awarded to champions. They included a promissory, for a year, to be filled if presented at a Wyewood encampment.