John Dougall MacAndrew of Ross of Balnagowan

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John Macandrew

Born in 1500 as second son to Fergus and Ceridwyn MacAndrew of Balnagowan. I learned Latin from my brother Uilliam and spoke the local Gaelic language. At the age of 12, I served as an arrow runner during the Battle of Flodden. After the battle I returned to my home and began studying archery under a local master. At the age of 16 I was taken into service of the Princes' Arrayer.

In 1528 when James V took the throne I swore fealty to him and began employment as his Arrayer. I fought in the Battle of Solway Moss 1542 after which James died. My last service to the throne was in the Battle of Ancrum Moor, 1545.

Now at 46 years of age I have returned to Isles of Lorne where I am working as a local hunter and arrowsmith.

SCA Accomplishments

Baroness' Champion of Archery (Lions Gate) Nov 10 AS 25 / 1990

Award of Arms Nov 7 AS 27 / 1992

Lion's Claw (Lions Gate) Nov 15 AS 32 / 1997

Goutte de Sang May 1 AS 34 / 1999

Goutte de Sang Sept 4 AS 34 / 1999

Magistrae Ithra Apr 8 AS 34 / 2000

Founder Lions Gate Company of Archers

Grey Goose Shaft Jan 14 AS 35 / 2001

Baroness' Champion of Service (Lions Gate) Oct 20 AS 36 / 2001

Baroness' Champion of Arts (Lions Gate) Oct 4 AS 38 / 2003

Hafoc (Tir Righ) May 23 AS 39 / 2004

Archery Champion (Tir Righ) Sept 18 AS 39 / 2004 through Sept 18 AS 40 / 2005

Archery Champion (Lionsdale) Feb 19 AS 39 / 2005 through Feb 18 AS 40 / 2006

Archery Champion (Eisenmarche) Apr 2 AS 39 / 2005 through Apr 1 AS 40 / 2006

Lion's Mark (Lions Gate) May 7 AS 40 / 2005

Guardian of Tir Righ (Tir Righ) Sept 17 AS 40 / 2005

Pelican Sept 17 AS 40 / 2005

Arts&Sciences Minsiter for the Barony of Lions Gate, Sept, 2007

Arts and Sciences Champion, Barony of Lions Gate, Feb, 2008

Bardic Champion, Barony of Lions Gate, May 2008

Member, Lions Gate Company of Archers 2010

[Archery Champion Principality of Tir Righ, 2010]

[Order of the Silver Pillar, Tir Righ 2011]