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The Shire of Lionsdale (Mundanely Abbotsford, Chilliwack, Hope, Mission, Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows B.C.) is located in the Principality of Tir Righ and a proud part of the Kingdom of An Tir. Nestled between the mountain ranges several miles from the coast, with its exquisite beauty and rolling farmland, Lionsdale is to many gentles a home away from home.


Blazon: Or, on a cross formy quadrate sable within a laurel wreath vert a lion's face Or.


Pre-Canton discussions begin in the western part of Lions Gate
Founded 1996
The Canton of Lionsdale in the Barony of Lions Gate
April 1, XXVI/2002
Given official borders, Lionsdale is now the Fraser Valley Regional District
January 11, XXXVII/2003
Lionsdale becomes a Shire
November 1, XLV/2010
Merge with Eisenmarche, Lionsdale expands to include Maple Ridge and Pitt Meadows, Coquitlam and New West are given to Lions Gate

Notable Residents

Thora Golvik of Al in Hallingdal

Highest Award: Viscountess

Einar Guntharson (KSCA)

Highest Award: Lion of An Tir

Gwyneth Gower

Highest Award: Viscountess

Ieuan Gower (KSCA)

Highest Award: Viscount

Savaric de Porte des Lions (KSCA)

Highest Award: Viscount

Safiye Konstantiniyye (OL)

Highest Award: Viscountess

Lionsdale Gentles with "An Tir Wiki" profiles

Thane Einar "Oak" Guntharson
Hleafdige Thora Golvik of Al in Hallingdal
Viscount Savaric de Porte des Lions
Viscountess Safiye al-Konstantiniyye
Viscount Ieuan Gower
Viscountess Gwyneth Gower
Master Angantyr Hjalmsmithr
Her Ladyship Aislinn O'Connor
Her Ladyship Johanna Katarina Morgenstochter
Her Ladyship Elspeth Selwode of Wilton aka Elspeth Sèalwudu
Her Ladyship Geira inn hárfagra
Her Ladyship Desiree Chirastella
His Lordship Tomas de Courcy
His Lordship Godfrey von Ravensburg
Lord Bowdyn Ivarsson
Lady Komatsu no Ayame aka Kale Kepourina Akropolitissa
Lord Dougal MacLaomuinn
Lord Ailric the Green
Senhora Orraca Da Coruña aka Agdta Xalbadora Da Coruña
Hlaford Wulfstan Hrafnsson


Seneschal -- His Lordship Tomas de Courcy
Deputy Seneschal: Hleafdige Thora Golvik
Exchequer -- Lady Aine Selmasdottir
Deputy Exchequer: His Lordship Sebastian de Sandoval
Chamberlain: Her Ladyship Elspeth Selwode of Wilton
Herald -- His Lordship Wulfstan Hrafnsson
Deputy Herald: Geoffrey
Scribal Deputy: Vacant
Master of Stables -- Viscount Savaric de Porte des Lions
Deputy Master of Stales: Theign Oak Guntharson
Archery Marshal: His Lordship Symon Cottel
Master of Blades: vacant
Thrown Weapons Deputy: vacant
List Mistress: vacant
Chronicler -- Hleafdige Thora Golvik
Webminister: His Lordship Tomas de Courcy
Minister of Arts & Sciences -- Lady Kayleigh de Leis
Deputy A&S: Viscountess Safiye al-Konstantiniyye
Dance Deputy: Lady Azzah Lazanice
Bardic Deputy: His Lordship Wulfstan Hrafnsson
Chatelaine -- Viscountess Safiye al-Konstantiniyye
Deputy Chatelaine: Her Ladyship Elspeth Selwoode of Wilton
Gold Key: Vacant
Pied Piper: Senhora Agdta Xalbadora Da Coruña


Armoured Combat
Viscount Sir Savaric de Porte des Lions
Rapier Combat
Don Godfrey von Ravensburg
Missile Combat
Baroness Kaitrin ne Ingen
His Lordship Symon Archibald Cottell
Arts & Sciences
Sir Kerrigan
His Lordship Hraði inn Rakki
Thrown Weapons


Traditional Events

Lionsdale Champion's Tourney (June)
Lionsdale Winter's Tourney (January/February)
Odin's (September)
Bard and a Banquet (November)
Odin's Playground (September)

Other Events

May Crown Tournament (May 2004)
Lionsdale Revels in Learning (October 2006)
Tir Righ Winter Investiture (Winter 2006)


The only token the Shire of Lionsdale gives out is the Scapula Leonis. It is a token of thanks to those who have gone above and beyond in support of the shire.

The current recipients are

Sofia Marika Traum von Trifels
Lou Tang
Symon Archibald Cottel

Yrsa of Lionsdale
Katarina Felgenhauer (formerly known as Johanna Katarina Morgenstochter)
Kieran Gunn
Amanda Kendall

Pierce O'Briain
Genevieve d'Clairvaux
Mairi MacDougall
Luther Magnus

Richarde Touchet de la Croix
Angelique Gravel
Thora Golvik

Donatello Sanudo
Brion of Lions Gate

Danitha Poecile du Lenora
Kateryn Drake
Sebastian de Sandoval

Tomas de Courcy
Aine Selmasdottir
Azzah Lazanice

Safiye al-Konstantiniyye
Einar "Oak" Guntharson

External Links