Luaithrend inghean Uilliam

The Beginning Luaithrenn the Falconer's Wife, lady to Christopher the Falconer and mother to Sierra the Falconer's Daughter, is a long-time member of the SCA and a current resident of the Barony of Wastekeep. She first learned of the SCA in the Shire of Southern Shores, Principality of the Mists, Kingdom of the West in AS 26 and has since lived in Shittimwoode, Terra Pomaria, and now Wastekeep.
All stories have a beginning, though, it is sometimes hard to know where one story begins and another ends. This story is part of a larger story, or, rather, several larger stories. It is part of the story of the SCA, of the story of the Kingdom of the West, of the Kingdom of An Tir, and of many Shires, Pricipalities, and Baronies in which the principals have lived. It is also part of the story of the woman mundanely known as Laurie, who has found so much happiness and solace through the Dream known as the SCA...
Once upon a time, a young lady named Laurie worked in a lawyer's office in the mundane world of San Jose, CA. Her boyfriend Chris had taken her to the CA Ren Faire once or twice, and she had a love of King Arthur and Tolkien, but did not have any idea that there might exist an actual leaving breathing outlet for these interests. One day, one of the attorneys at her firm came out of his office wearing a kilt and announced that he was off to dance practice. That attorney was a young SCA Lord named Brocc of Alderden (later Master Brocc for his uncomparable service to the Chirurgeonate, when we had such a thing), and Laurie went off to dance with him. She fell in love immediately with the SCA, though it was some time before she actually went to an event. Her very first event was a Collegium (the West's equivalent of An Tir's Ithra), and she took classes in things like How to Make an Elizabethan Ruff and the History of the Sword. Unfortunately, due to a very late night the evening prior to the event (she was still in her early twenties, remember), Luaithrenn took ill during the afternoon and was taken to the home of a very kind lady who nursed her with chamomile tea and chicken broth, until she was fit to join the evening festivities. There was a feast, with candlelight and music, and the bards entertained one and all, and afterwards there was dancing such as she had never seen before. She wanted more of this life, and wished that the event would never end!
And so, the young woman became a member of the Shire of Southern Shores and embarked upon a wonderful journey into the Dream...
Who is this Luaithrenn Person? Luaithrenn has had many persona changes over the years. She started out in the Kingdom of the West with the idea of wanting to be Irish, to reflect her mundane heritage, but had no idea of how to go about doing so. Someone suggested to her that she should start with a Name, and then everything else would fall into place. So the young woman known only as "Laurie" found a book on the herald's table at an event and started looking through it for names. Her first choice had been "Laurel," but she swiftly learned that she could NOT have such a name (such a presumptious child she was back then!). Then she moved to "Lauren" but didn't feel that was "Irish" enough. "Lauren of Gentle Waters" sounded nice, but it really belonged in a children's story rather then in the SCA. Finally, in the small book from the herald's table, she found the name of Luaithrenn (with two additional spellings, no less!). She took the name to her heart and it became a part of her. She used the name for many years until she finally decided that the time had come to officially register it (and a device) as her own. Unfortunately, the College of Heralds did not agree that the documentation taken from the little book so many years ago was sufficient, and so Luaithrenn's name is not registered. Her device was therefore registered under "Laurie of Terra Pomaria," and remains so to this day.
After she had lived in Southern Shores for about a year's time, Luaithrenn learned that her husband (for she had married the young man who had taken her to the Ren Faire all those years ago) would be transferred to the wild lands of An Tir as part of his duties to his Uncle. And so, with heavy heart, Luaithrenn and Christopher moved to an Island just north of the Barony of Madrone. Alas, though, she did not know at that time that fun and frivolity was but a short trip away, across the small sea that surrounded her island, and for three years Luaithrenn did not keep company with any of her SCA friends. She slipped into sadness and for a time lost hope.
But then a boon came to her. The College at the Shire of Shittemwoode accepted both Luaithrenn and her husband as students, and so they returned once again to the loving arms of the vast SCA family. For three years Luaithrenn lived in Shittemwoode, dancing and laughing, until she learned that her studies would take her far to the south, to the land of Baron Cesare and Baroness Astrid, Terra Pomaria. It was here that Luaithrenn truly found her "place" in the SCA.
Soon after moving to the lovely land of Terra Pomaria, Luaithrenn became interested in the art of the Rapier. She cultivated an Elizabethan persona and remained in that role for several years. She still loved to dance, and began teaching others in bi-weekly dance classes and at events. Luaithrenn became known as a Dance Person, and she enjoyed that role very much. She also began to become interested in the bardic arts, and sang at events whenever she could. Terra Pomaria had become a wonderful home to her, but alas, after three years (again, seems to be a trend), she found that her lord husband's work would carry them far away from those that she loved, and that she would soon have to make a new home in the lands far to the east, in the great inland desert of An Tir.
In the Spring of 2002, Luaithrenn found herself in the Barony of Wastekeep, under the protection of Baron Ulrik and Baroness Meghan. At her very first event, she knew that she was among friends. She began to attend fighter practices under the tutelage of Don Jack Tyler, and her skills as a rapier fighter grew until she was accepted as a Gallant to Baroness Meghan Oakendottir of Wastekeep, and proudly served in that rank until she learned that she was with child. Knowing that she would be unable to fulfill her duties (as her time would be devoted to motherhood), Luaithrenn sadly returned her scarf to Baroness Meghan but carries the pride in serving her Baroness with her always.
And the Tale Continues Ever On Once a practitioner of the art of the Rapier, Luaithrenn has given up the blade in recent years in favor of motherhood and the gentler pursuits. She would like to know how to cook a decent meal, but doesn't seem to be able to coax separate ingredients to combine and form something palatable (thought she most certainly appreciates the culinary efforts of those around her!). As such, she turns her attentions to dance, song, and costuming. Archery, however, strikes a chord with Luaithrenn, and she is looking forward to picking up her bow again as the days grow longer and warmer.
SCA Resume
- Award of Arms (West) Dec 4 AS 28 / 1993 (Prince Michael & Princess Wander)
- Silver Apple (Terra Pomaria) Sept 16 AS 35 / 2000 (Baron William and Baroness Elspeth)
- Blasted Tree (Wastekeep) Feb 22 AS 37 / 2003 (Baron Ulrik and Baroness Meghan)
- A&S Champion (Wastekeep) Oct 5 AS 38 / 2003 through Oct 2 AS 39 / 2004
- Goutte de Sang Oct 11 AS 38 / 2003 (King Gunnar & Queen Gabrielle)
- Gallant (Wastekeep) Oct 25 AS 38 / 2003 (Baroness Meghan)
- Order of the Iris of Saint Elizabeth (Terra Pomaria) Feb 7 AS 38 / 2004 (Baron Gawain & Baroness Marianna)
- Silver Keep (Wastekeep) Oct 2 AS 39 / 2004 (Baron Ulrik & Baroness Meghan)
- Jambe de Lion July 16 AS 40 / 2005 (King Skeggi & Queen Taisiia)
- Baron's Favor (Terra Pomaria) Feb 9 AS 42 / 2008 (Baron Ruland)
- Protege to Mater Ulrik Grimwolf de Montazure (Wastekeep) Dec. 13 AS 43 / 2008