Art of War VII XLIX/2015: Difference between revisions

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This year was the most ambitious curriculum we've had. We had two heavy tracks, and one track each for archery, marshal's and rapier. Everything went well and a lot of knowledge was passed from teacher to student. We'd like to thank in no particular order-
This year was the most ambitious curriculum we've had. We had two heavy tracks, and one track each for archery, marshal's and rapier. Everything went well and a lot of knowledge was passed from teacher to student. We'd like to thank in no particular order-

HL [[Tadhg Fairbarin]] who taught the lion's share of the foundation track with wisdom and enthusiasm.
HL [[Tadhg Fairbarin]] who taught the lion's share of the foundation track with wisdom and enthusiasm.<br>
Sir Waldryk, who taught in both heavy tracks with passion and his flexibility saved the day.
Sir Waldryk, who taught in both heavy tracks with passion and his flexibility saved the day.<br>
Duke Almaric, who had great insight during our debriefs and was lots of fun to fight and learn from.
Duke Almaric, who had great insight during our debriefs and was lots of fun to fight and learn from.<br>
Sir Aleksii, one of the founding White Lions of An Tir, who joined us last minute and taught with a fun, and a laid back attitude.
Sir Aleksii, one of the founding White Lions of An Tir, who joined us last minute and taught with a fun, and a laid back attitude.<br>
Sir Geoffry, He inspired as well as informed.
Sir Geoffry, He inspired as well as informed.<br>
Lord [[Verith de Prendergast]], The Queen’s Rapier Champion (on vigil for White Scarf so soon to be “Don”) Taught with a steady hand.
Lord [[Verith de Prendergast]], The Queen’s Rapier Champion (on vigil for White Scarf so soon to be “Don”) Taught with a steady hand.<br>
Broness [[Doña Brighid MacCumhal-Brought]] - She brought leadership experience from the east kingdom, and a light heart that brought joy wherever she was.
Broness [[Doña Brighid MacCumhal-Brought]] - She brought leadership experience from the east kingdom, and a light heart that brought joy wherever she was.<br>
HL [[Eoghan ÓBriain]]- This guy did an outstanding job organizing the rapier track and helping to heard cats as needed.
HL [[Eoghan ÓBriain]]- This guy did an outstanding job organizing the rapier track and helping to heard cats as needed.<br>
Don [[Warrick Drakkar]], Traveled far to teach in both the rapier and archery track and taught us new tech skills pre-event to make coordinating much easier.
Don [[Warrick Drakkar]], Traveled far to teach in both the rapier and archery track and taught us new tech skills pre-event to make coordinating much easier.<br>
HL [[Klüs Hebenstraub Derr Hess]], Brought instruction gained from traveling in other kingdoms.
HL [[Klüs Hebenstraub Derr Hess]], Brought instruction gained from traveling in other kingdoms.<br>
Maestra Althaia, Organized and taught the marshaling track with precision and punctuality - and responded quickly and enthusiastically to the needs of the operations team during planning phases.
Maestra Althaia, Organized and taught the marshaling track with precision and punctuality - and responded quickly and enthusiastically to the needs of the operations team during planning phases.<br>
HL [[Steve Desardin]], kept us safe marshaling and taught arrow inspection so more people will be able to help with this at future events.
HL [[Steve Desardin]], kept us safe marshaling and taught arrow inspection so more people will be able to help with this at future events.<br>
HL [[John de Percy] - Organized and taught the archery track, bringing a whole new cadre of people into the community that is An Tir's Army
HL [[John de Percy]] - Organized and taught the archery track, bringing a whole new cadre of people into the community that is An Tir's Army<br>

With Deep Gratitude,
With Deep Gratitude,

Revision as of 23:25, 2 October 2015

April 23 to 26 XLIX/2015
Aquaterra (Snohomish, WA)
Jade of Redstone
Camp Edward (formerly Camp Brinkley), 25600 Monroe Camp Rd, Snohomish, WA 98290
Repeating Event
The Art of War
(briefly) Sample: Cold, with snow on the ground.
War Track - Experienced
War Track - Beginner
War Track - Archery
War Track - Rapier
Event Steward Track
War Marshalling Track

Event Copy

We call forth the brave Warriors of An Tir to assemble and train together for the wars of summer. Strength of arms alone is not enough to win battles, for a well-trained warrior is worth 5 lesser men. So the Army of An Tir calls to its warriors, seeking training in Heavy, Rapier, and Archery combat skills as well as those interested in learning or advancing their skills in Marshaling for these combat styles. Please do assemble and train in the Arts of War. Sharp blades nor a keen eye can replace sharp wits, and word fame everlasting rewards only the most skilled in the crafts of war. Have you gone as far as you can go in your area of fighting skill? Join us for Art of War VII and learn to fight smarter! You need only bring yourself, your armor, your favorite tankard, your bed roll, shower needs and a passion for fun and learning. We supply lodging and food all four days - all meals and snacks. All Pre-registration forms and additional event updates and details can be found at


Master Syr Waldryk the Firedryk – Returning Instructor

Waldryk started playing in the SCA and making armor in Calontir over 20 years ago. He has been a Fyrdman and Huscarl in the Calontir army before becoming a Laurel for armoring in 2001 and then being Knighted on the battlefields of Estella in 2006. Waldryk has battle fighting in his blood!

He has been in numerous positions in the Calontir army at many wars, including General at Pennsic, commander at Lillies and Diamond wars, and taking command positions at Gulf wars. He has trained countless fighters in war maneuvers and tactics, as well as shield wall drills and army movement. He did a great job last year at Art of War and we are happy to have him back.

Sir Godric ap Rhys – Returning Instructor

Godric as been fighting in SCA wars for over 20 years, attending 15 An Tir West Wars, 9 Pennsic wars, 5 Estrella Wars and has lead small units in SCA battle for the last 8 years.

Godric formed and leads the Company of Saint Ulrich which has fielded over 20 fighters. He has also led his Baronial war unit during his term as Baron of Glymm Mere which fielded up to a dozen fighters. Godric has lead the An Tirian “Army” at Pennsic several times, fielding up to 20 fighters and represented An Tir on the East Kingdom Pennsic war council.

Godric is firm believer of the SCA “team” experience and is a big supporter of small units and encourages war fighters to either join a unit or start a new one.

Sir Duncan MacKinnon- Returning Instructor and Curriculum Coordinator

Duncan has been fighting in wars for 15 years with Clan Carn. He is the commander of Clan Carn’s fast lance and has done so for 9 years. He has been on 7 teams that have won 5-man tournaments. He has taught classes with Clan Carn at previous Art of Wars. He was knighted at July Coronation 4 years ago. He will be teaching advanced flanking as well as advanced sword and shield.

Tadhg Fairbairn – Returning Instructor

For two decades Tadhg has led Clan Carn, a house founded on and dedicated to the practice of war. Carn’s fight company has received many awards over the years including the honor of carrying the Kingdom battle standard at AnTir-West War as the White Lions of AnTir. Tadhg is Squire to Sir Stephen of Huntington and member of the order Hastae Leonis. He looks forward to training with and being inspired by his fellow war fanatics.

Sir Rodrekr Sigmundarson – Returning Instructor

Maestra Althaia filia Lazari – Returning Instructor

Currently the Martial Authorization Officer for the Kingdom of An Tir, which means she enters all of the authorization cards for fighters and marshals. (With the assistance of some great volunteers.) Althaia joined the SCA in 1991 and began marshalling in 2000. She regularly marshals events in the central area of the Kingdom, primarily on the armored and rapier field, but also sometimes on the archery range or as equestrian ground crew. Althaia has acted as MIC for multiple events including September Crown 2012, June Faire 2012-2014, Sport of Kings 2009 & 2011, and Emprise of the Black Lion (armored) for 2010 & 2013. She has also been the Deputy MIC for Autumn War since 2009; and regularly teaches about marshaling to whoever wants to listen. In between events, Althaia works closely with the other An Tir officers to revise forms, manuals, and procedures so that everyone can better enjoy whatever combat activity is of interest to them as a participant or spectator. It is due to this service that she was admitted to the Order of the Pelican in 2011.

HL Steven Desjardin

Currently the Central Region Armored Deputy. Steven was introduced to the SCA in 2002 and started marshaling at Ursulmas 2003. He has been a constant fixture on many heavy erics and war fields throughout the Central region. He enjoys war marshaling and has been a marshal at events large and small. He is currently a Senior Marshal in Armored, Siege and Equestrian activities; and has been called one of the “Marshals of the Apocalypse”. He has developed and taught the combat missile inspection class since 2009. Steven Desjardin has acted as MIC for many local and Kingdom events including September Crown 2008 & 2009, May Crown 2013 & 2014. He has been the MIC for Autumn War since 2009. He also marshaled at Estrella War XXI 2005. He also enjoys table weaving and his new activity of horseback riding.

Don Warwick Drakkar

Currently warranted in Rapier, Cut and Thrust and Heavy marshalling and is currently the Kingdom Cut and Thrust Marshal. He has participated in heavy and rapier wars in An Tir, the West and at Gulf Wars and led the forces the Barony of Lionsgate, and the Principality of Tir Righ, as well as large coalitions of mercenary forces (about 100) at Clinton war. He has previously attended Art of War twice as a heavy fighter and finds great value in the camaraderie and learning that occurs at the event. His SCA war related awards include include the Principality award Hafoc and the Kingdom award Hastae Leonis and he is a Don in the Rapier Community of An Tir.

Doña Brighid MacCumhal

Is a former rapier General of the Middle Kingdom, Companion of the Order of the Bronze Ring (Middle Kingdom) and Companion of the Order of the Golden Rapier (East). She is a senior marshal of the Kingdom of An Tir and currently resides of the Barony of Madrone.

She was involved in the Pennsic rapier melee war points from the very first War and continues participate there. Dona Brigihid has served as a General of the Middle Kingdom Rapier Army for multiple Gulf Wars (2005-2007) and also at Pennsic War (2009) to command over 300 fencers to her side. She has also served as XO of the Middle Kingdom rapier army (2007-2008) where she was in direct command of the woods battle and managed the regional and unit commanders. From 2005-2007, she was commander of various specialized kingdom units from the Rapier Scouts (which gathered intelligence and deliverables) to the Black Ops units (which were in charge of battlefield tactical advantages and assassinations). I was also the Kingdom Scout Commander for rattan for the Middle Kingdom for several years (2005-2007) in which she was involved in wartime planning, communications, and execution of the overall plan. She has been intimately involved in the War negotiations for both Pennsic and Gulf Wars for rapier (as well as rattan) and has run Kingdom-level and Regional-level War Practices training up unit and regional commanders who would later become General’s.


(Links to event pictures off-site)

Sample: Twelfth Night Pictures By Lord Joe Populace

Post Event Email

Good Morning,

Sir Duncan and I wanted to take a moment and thank you for your participation in and support of Art of War VII! It was a pure joy to have the participation, support and engagement of our Rapier, Marshaling and Archery communities building on the work started by Sir Brand and all of the White Lions of An Tir in the heavy fighter community. We hope each of you found value in what was offered, met new people you will spend time with at war as part of your War Bands and as friends. We hope you both learned new things, and went home willing to share that knowledge. We also hope you felt well cared for, and well met. I know we speak for the whole team when we say, "We hope you return and bring a friend next year!"

The Logistics team for this event included both those who have been there from the beginning and people brand new to the team, and with all the work that needed to be done, each and every one stepped up, stepped in, and made things work were we thought we might have missed a step. Never did it seem we were short handed, or over reaching, and that is due to all of the logistic team and the instructors who made the promise to serve and then did, with grace and skill.

I am eternally grateful to our Registrar and my Co-Steward HL Elizabeth de Summerlege for all of her administrative and cat wrangling skills. To HL Adrianna MacAverr, back up to our Registrar and all around excellent second to everyone who needed her To our Kitchen Lead Lady Ysabella Bonaiuti for organizing the entire kitchen staff into shifts and making sure they all had a little down time and got to do things they loved!

Kitchen Mentors - HL Katherine Brennan Redstone, HL Gregor of Aquaterra - both of whom have supported this event for several years and have decided to teach what they know so others like Ysa can step up and lead.

Jairin (Crafter of Excellent Marinara and hauler of way too many trash bins)

Lady Eila McGurn - Shift lead and generally supportive back up HL Dayne Lonewolf - roaster of great meats and veg! HL Mýrún Bjarnardóttir, Baker of great breads HL Lianor Pereira do Valle and HL Aenor de Pessac - who both raised their hands for the first time this year and said "Use us where you can" and then worked tirelessly in the kitchen and on the serving tables to bring you good cheer and good food!

And to all of our instructors - lead by Sir Duncan MacKinnon - for bringing your passion, your joy, your knowledge and skill. THANK YOU for making Art of War happen!

This year was the most ambitious curriculum we've had. We had two heavy tracks, and one track each for archery, marshal's and rapier. Everything went well and a lot of knowledge was passed from teacher to student. We'd like to thank in no particular order-

HL Tadhg Fairbarin who taught the lion's share of the foundation track with wisdom and enthusiasm.
Sir Waldryk, who taught in both heavy tracks with passion and his flexibility saved the day.
Duke Almaric, who had great insight during our debriefs and was lots of fun to fight and learn from.
Sir Aleksii, one of the founding White Lions of An Tir, who joined us last minute and taught with a fun, and a laid back attitude.
Sir Geoffry, He inspired as well as informed.
Lord Verith de Prendergast, The Queen’s Rapier Champion (on vigil for White Scarf so soon to be “Don”) Taught with a steady hand.
Broness Doña Brighid MacCumhal-Brought - She brought leadership experience from the east kingdom, and a light heart that brought joy wherever she was.
HL Eoghan ÓBriain- This guy did an outstanding job organizing the rapier track and helping to heard cats as needed.
Don Warrick Drakkar, Traveled far to teach in both the rapier and archery track and taught us new tech skills pre-event to make coordinating much easier.
HL Klüs Hebenstraub Derr Hess, Brought instruction gained from traveling in other kingdoms.
Maestra Althaia, Organized and taught the marshaling track with precision and punctuality - and responded quickly and enthusiastically to the needs of the operations team during planning phases.
HL Steve Desardin, kept us safe marshaling and taught arrow inspection so more people will be able to help with this at future events.
HL John de Percy - Organized and taught the archery track, bringing a whole new cadre of people into the community that is An Tir's Army

With Deep Gratitude, Sir Duncan MacKinnnon, KSCA and Cirriculum Lead for Art of War VII Jade Redstone, GdS, Event Team Lead for Art of War VII

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

Sample: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis leo quis metus. Vivamus convallis felis sed wisi. Nam aliquam turpis blandit leo. --Elizabeth Braidwood