Clan MacAndrew

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A service-oriented band of clansmen from Lions Gate, now spreading throughout the Known World like a fungus.

Clan macandrew banner.png


A Clan History

AS 22 / May 87 - April 88
Uilliam, Tegan, Raven and Allen attend their first event, held at Coyote Group Camp in Langley, BC.
The next week, Graham and Ardelis join.
Sometime in the next few months, James (Seamus, Duncan, or-maybe-my-name-will-be...) joins as well.
AS 23 / May 88 - April 89
September - the Clan attends Harold Hadraada Memorial Tourney, and feels the day ends too soon.
February - the "Lady's Knight Inn", hosted by Ulric, is attended by Uilliam, Tegan and James. It's such a good time, that we begin thinking of doing the same.
AS 24 / May 89 - April 90
During this year, Uilliam attended several events at SFU, while working there as campus security, often changing into garb after finishing a night shift. His curiosity finally giving out, one of the fellow guards - John - asks "What the heck are you doing?".
August - Highland Games, John's first event
September - The first Wolf & Drum Tavern follows Harold Hadraada's.
November - Clan mentioned as one of the households of Lions Gate in Baron's Column.
AS 25 / May 90 - April 91
Baronial Officers: Uilliam - Gamesmaster
May Bardic - the Clan becomes Amanda's Champion for Sciences
May - Vladimir joins the Clan (and the SCA)
July - Celtic Festival; John and Uilliam spend all day with blankets full of games and kids
August - Clinton War; the Clan is thanked in the North Wind for our hard work and contributions to the War and Work Week. Francesca runs out of food, and is adopted into the Clan. Not particularly in that order.
September - Wolf & Drum Tavern
November - John is Amanda's Champion for Archery
December - Nathanial joins the Clan
February - Nathanial begins the Lions Gate Navy
March - Lions Gate Navy Revel (Nathanial), with Wolf & Drum in attendance (Uilliam)
Clan macandrew.png

External Links

The Clan's Website