Egil Skallagrimsson Memorial Tournament

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An annual event in the Barony of Adiantum.

At the time this event was founded, Memorial Day weekend, XI/1976, by Ulfhedinn inn vegfarandi and others, Adiantum was a very small group, and heavily Norse. In the early years the event included (but was not limited to) a large, standard double-elim. style prize tournament (very popular among fighters who had just had very serious fighting at Spring Coronet a week or two before, and with those fighters who did not compete in the Coronet); a Norse costume contest; and a Norse stickball game.

For many years the tourney prize was created by a joint effort of the entire populace of Adiantum. Also for many years the tourney was as big or bigger than the Spring Coronet, often running 3 or 4 erics. The costume contest was soon expanded to the current "Norse-and-neighbors" definition.

The Ithrottir competition was introduced by Gerek the farseeing in 1989. Over the years it has been expanded to include Children's and Youth (teenagers) divisions.

At some point after that the Tourney was shifted from a standard tournament to a "holmgang" style.

The Norse stickball game was always a very big favorite. Ulfhedinn was the "un-referee" for many years, but after he retired from overseeing it, the game play became harder to control and it was eventually banned because of the rising injury level. It is still played at other Norse events in An Tir, and may occasionally occur at Egils these days (ca. 2007), but is no longer a main event. The prize for the winning team was traditionally a large quantity (5 gallons) of Athole Brose, made by Ulfhedinn and Reginleif.

The location of the tourney has roamed around Lane County over the years; the first event was held at Armitage State Park (Eugene), the second, at Vida (up the MacKenzie), then Bellfountain Park (Bellfountain), Zumwalt Park (Eugene), Elijah Bristow State Park (Pleasant Hill), Buford Recreation Area (Eugene); currently (2007) Lynx Hollow State Park (Cottage Grove).