Ursulmas L/2016

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January 29 to 31, L/2016
Aquaterra (Snohomish County, WA)
Autocrat Team
Autocrats: Sabina di Zorzi
Evergreen State Fairgrounds, 14405 - 179th Ave SE, Monroe, WA 98272
(briefly) Sample: Cold, with snow on the ground.
Annual Event
Public Hours
Saturday, January 24th, 2015 9 am - 6 pm
Sunday, January 25th, 2015 9 am - 5 pm
All times subject to change
Saturday Activity Schedule
08:00 AM SCA Gate Open
Armor Drop Opens & Inspection begins
Lists Opens
09:00 AM Doors open to public
10:00 AM Opening Baronial Court
After Court Ursulmas Archery Championship
After Court Ranges open for warming up and scoring
10:30 AM Armor Drop Closes
Heavy Championship lists closes
11:00 AM Sable Rose Accolade Tourney
Thrown Weapons Range Open
Heavy Championship
NOON YAC Tournament
12:30 PM Rapier Championship lists closes
1:00 PM Rapier Championship
TW Novelty Competition
Archery Novelty Shoot
2:00 PM Public Archery
3:00 PM Youth Archery
Cadet style opened (if time allows)
4:00 PM YAC Workshop
All Day Ursulwyck Village
5:00 PM Royal Court
followed by
Closing Baronial Court

Saturday Meetings

in the Green Room
NOON Puget Sound Regional Calendar Meeting
2:00 PM Order of the Grey Goose Shaft
3:00 PM Order of the White Scarf
4:00 PM Kingdom Equestrian Guild

Sunday Activity Schedule

08:00 AM SCA Gate Open
Armor Inspection begins
Lists Open
09:00 AM Doors open to public
09:45 AM Bear Meat/Bear Claw lists closes
10:00 AM Bear Claw Rapier Tourney
BearMeat Tourney
Grumpy Archer Over 40
YAC Mixed Melee
Informal Persona Development Gathering
11:00 AM TW Range Opens
de Noirville Over 40 lists closes
Grumpy Old Bear lists closes
11:30 AM Combat Archer lists closes
NOON de Noirville Over 40
Grumpy Rapier Tourney
12:30 PM Archery Combat Tourney
2:00 PM YAC Workshop
Tournament of Historic Warriors
3:00 PM Closing Baronial Court
All Day Ursulwyck Village

Sunday Meetings

in the Green Room
1:00 - 3:00 PM Lions Blood Heralds Meeting

Event Copy

Ursulwyck Village

Medieval arts and sciences will be on display to learn about and enjoy!

Crafts, Merchants, and Village of Ursulwyck

Spinning Ursulmas 2008 The Society encourages education in the Medieval arts and the creation of everyday objects that enhance and bring beauty to the Living History created herein.

Many take part in displaying and demonstrating their crafts and skill in the Village of Ursulwyck located in the Grandstands building.

There will be a variety of items created by our wonderful medieval artisans for all to view and appreciate. For Society participants:

We welcome static, educational displays of your competitive A&S presentations of yore! Dust off those displays and presentations for use as part of the Village of Ursulwyck! Please contact ursulwyck@usulmas.org to coordinate the arrival and display of your items.

Arts & Sciences display competition shall also be located among the Marketplace and Village of Ursulwyck.

Medieval Kitchen

I would like to invite you all to come play with the Aquaterra Culinary Guild at Ursulmas. We will be in the A&S village of Ursulwyck. Our presentation is called "A Look into a Medieval Kitchen"; an interactive display of common kitchen equipment and utensils, basic foodstuffs/pantry staples and how food was processed, cooked, and served.

The Village of Ursulwyk

Walk through the Gate of the Ursulmas Medieval Faire and don the costumes of the ages. Walk among the similarly dressed and encounter skilled crafts-people in the Village of Ursulwyck as they create wondrous and useful items of everyday life in the middle ages.

Gold Key where you can get a costume for the day!Watch practiced hands create everything from glass beads and wood carvings, to needle work and domestic crafts. Maybe sit a spell or be a spectator while others play games that span the ages.

Some experience the opportunity to try their hand at the arts themselves, as there will be displays of historical information, actual demonstrations and discussions on the techniques being exercised in making some of the display items and objects of the medieval life.

Included within the same building as the Village of Ursulwyck shall be the Ursulmas Marketplace, a plethora of merchants who travel far and wide to provide medieval recreationists with handcrafted clothing, household goods, coveted textiles and trims. Everyone is looking for that marvelous must-have object from our favorite time and place. The Marketplace booths shall be intermixed with the displays and demonstrations of Ursulwyck to provide a delight for the senses and many opportunities for interesting conversation!


Saturday, Jan. 25th

Heavy Ursulmas Championship

Merchant Wares! The greatest honor is won in single combat upon the field of battle. With the faith of their inspirations, under the eyes of the nobility, these warriors will do battle and win glory. They will face their worthy opponents, and their victory will be all the sweeter when it is hard-won. Rapier Ursulmas Championship

This will be an open field tournament. All weapons styles excluding case are allowed. The 8 fighters with the highest percentage of wins (who meet a 20 fight minimum) will progress to a single elimination round, with the finals being best 2 out of 3.

Sable Rose Accolade Tourney

This tournament is an opportunity for the fencers of An Tir to display their skill and finesse in the art of defense. As gentles of the Renaissance, those studying rapier with a fencing master were expected not only to display martial prowess but also good comportment and adherence to the principles of the science. Come display your skills and chivalry for the Ladies of the Sable Rose. The format will be round-robin (with multiple fields as needed depending on numbers) so as to give participants the maximum opportunity to display their skill. All weapons forms excluding case will be allowed. Finalists will be those who best display the art as chosen by accolade by provosts of the tournament and the Ladies of the Company of the Sable Rose, and will progress to a single-elimination semi-final and final.

Sunday, Jan. 26th

Our events continue on Sunday with the advent of tournaments for the newly armored and inexperienced as well as the wizened warriors who refuse to give up their sport.

Bear Claw Rapier Tournament

This is for any fighter who has never won a tournament. The format will be round-robin and fighters cannot use the same weapons style two fights in a row. The top 4 fighters will progress to a single elimination final, with the final being best 2 out of 3.

Grumpy Bear Rapier Tournament

This is open to any fighter age 40 or older.

Details to come... Gideon de Noirville Over-40 Tourney (heavy)

Squire Gideon Hrafensfuri (formerly de Noirville), Aquaterra’s first Sargeant-at-Arms, has sponsored a heavy tournament at Ursulmas for many years. This year is the 17th Anniversary of the famous Gideon de Noirville Memorial Over-40 Heavy Tournament. In previous years as the sponsor, Gideon has always provided an incredible prize for the winner. This year is no exception being a milestone in long-standing traditions. This Tournament has grown to be a Sunday morning favorite, as many of the competitors are long-standing luminaries in the combat community. Many warriors who have seen the glory of victorious battle, now feel the wheel of time upon them as their fellows try, yet again, to best them upon the field of combat with chivalry, skill and wisdom. Come join the fun or don your armor for one more friendly bout.

Ursulmas Tournament of Historic Warriors

Unto the Warriors of An Tir and beyond, gather the Sunday of Ursulmas in your pre-1600 century inspired fighting kit and demonstrate your martial skill in this year's period-style kit tournament. The tournament format will be decided after Lists have closed and the entrants are verified. Entry requires signing into Lists, current fighter authorizations, armour inspection and specifically the following:

A typed description of the kit and style from the inspiring time period and culture, as well as any modifications made to the kit. This may be as detailed as you would like and does not need to include sources. It is preferred that this is sent to the sponsor prior to the event, but may be submitted at check in.
A prepared introduction heralded in the style of the time period and culture inspired.

The winner will be decided by the results of the tournament.

Tournament Sponsor: Lady Geneviève De Bretagne, GdS

Beer Garden

Have you ever walked of the field all hot and sweaty just dreaming of a cold one to wash away the battle dust? For the second year, the Speedway will be opening a Beer Garden highlighting local Makers of Beer, Wine, and Meads at moderate prices. Consumption of said beverages will be limited to the interior of the Beer Garden.

And much, much more…

See The Ursulmass web site, although the site is not guaranteed to have the same info after the event date passes.

Event Highlights

Court Report of Eirik and Drifinna Ursulmas

  • King Eirik and Queen Drifinna were joined by the Crowns of Ansteora and Artemisia.
  • Fealty was sworn
  • Welcoming of newcomers.
  • Event Steward and Team were thanked for their hard work on the event.
  • Largess was received from the Sergeants of Glymm Mere.

The following awards were given:

  • Sir Ulfgar Hjarter Bani ‎Thorvaldsson was elevated to Pelican he was sitting vigil since 12th Night.
  • Arianna Freemont of the Clan McBeighn was offered Pelican and shall sit vigil until a time TRM determines.
  • Kateryn Garnett from Bearwood was awarded the Jambe de Lion.
  • Gabrielle ‎Lepinay from Wyewood was awarded the Sable ‎Gauntlet.
  • Nicolai Rabenis ‎Von Tachov from Dragon's Mist was awarded the Goutte de Sang.
  • Juahara al Azin from Lion's Gate was awarded the Bountiful Hand.
  • Eoin Mac an ‎tSaoir from Aquaterra was awarded the Goutte de Sang.
  • Michelino di ‎Gino Martini from Aquaterra was awarded the Goutte de Sang.
  • Aróc ingen Cormaic from Seagirt was awarded the Goutte de Sang.
  • Piaras mac ‎Toirdhealbhaigh from Glyn Dwfin was awarded the Goutte de Sang.
  • Roger Gridley from Aquaterra was awarded Jambe de Lion. This was already given ‎by ‎Havordh ‎and ‎Mary Grace; it was given ‎on their ‎behalf in ‎court.‎
  • Romulus de ‎Corvis from Cold Keep was awarded the Bountiful Hand.
  • Haak of ‎Wyewood was awarded the Lions Cub.
  • Gideon ‎Hrafensfuri from Aquaterra was awarded the Lions Strength.
  • Sethric Underwood from Coill Mhor was awarded a Sable Gauntlet. This was already given ‎by ‎Havordh ‎and ‎Mary Grace; it was given ‎on their ‎behalf in ‎court.‎
  • Oz VonBaekyn from Thornwood was awarded an Award of Arms. This was already given ‎by ‎Havordh ‎and ‎Mary Grace; it was given ‎on their ‎behalf in ‎court.‎
  • The Prince and Princess of Tir Righ awarded the Raven of Tir Righ to Arkill MacMillan from Cold Keep (awarded August 29, 2015 but not given until Ursulmas this year).
  • The Prince and Prince of the Summits awarded a Friend to the Summits to the Barony of Wyewood.

report via Mistress Attia, with a thank you to HL Teagan McKie for taking the notes!


(Links to event pictures off-site)

Sample: Twelfth Night Pictures By Lord Joe Populace

Personal Memories

(Add your personal event memories here. End them with a blank line, four dashes and another blank line. Don't forget to sign them with dash-dash-tildex3. Reminder: it's considered VERY rude to edit someone else's memories.)

Sample: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec sagittis leo quis metus. Vivamus convallis felis sed wisi. Nam aliquam turpis blandit leo. --Elizabeth Braidwood