Trails End Inn

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Biography and History

The Trails End Inn was formally organized at Egils circa 2004, and prior to that had functioned as an informal gathering encampment first of Daire inghean ui Chearbhaill then later of her and her husband Arkill MacRobert. Daire and Arkill are the Innkeeper and wife of the Trails End Inn. The in has no formal members, but rather regular guests who frequently are found making their lodging there. The idea of the inn was as a gathering place of mis-matched friends from different periods and personas who could come together in a household like setting that is not required to be uniform. Traditionally, most of the inn guests have been heavily service-minded and lightly in the arts and sciences such as drumming and crafts.

Regulars and Frequent Guests

Arkill MacRobert, Innkeeper
Daire inghean ui Chearbhaill, Innkeeper's wife
Tuirn Brecc
Elspeth of Glendinning
Jehan-Jacques Lavigne

Honorary Traditional Guests

Juliana van Aardenburg
Yosef von Ruhne
Richard of Croun
Adele Neuton
Roana Deletoile
and others...