Tournament of Armies IV

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Event Overview

Recruiting Your Army

Soldiers must be paid; a good way to understand building armies is to think about fielding Coins – not people. As Warlord, initially you field 10 Coins in Heavy, 5 in Rapier, and 4 in Archery.

Warlords are also required to provide a war standard or banner that identifies their army and can be placed on the battle field or elsewhere as the event requires. Must be on a combat-legal polearm.

Martial Activities

Army Marshal

Field Marshal, with up-to-date marshal status on kingdom lists. This member of your army is mandatory, and responsible for all inspections. The warlord cannot serve as the army's marshal.


Armoured forces are built on 10 coins.

  • Knights cost 2 Coins
  • All others cost 1 Coin
  • A band of 1 knight and 8 warriors is equal to 10 Coins, as is 2 knights and 6 warriors.


Rapier forces will be built on 5 Coins.

  • White Scarves cost 2 Coins
  • All others cost 1 Coin
  • A force of 1 WS and 2 warriors costs 4 Coins.

Target Archery

Target archery forces will be built on 4 Coins.

  • Grey Goose Shaft cost 2 Coins
  • All others cost 1 Coin
  • A force of 2 Geese will cost 4 Coins.

Cut and Thrust

The Cut and Thrust Tournament is a prize tourney, and does not cost a warlord - nor earn coin or boon.

Thrown Weapons

The Thrown Weapons Activity is a prize tourney, and does not cost a warlord - nor earn coin or boon.


Providing volunteers will not only help the event run – there is no cost, and they will help generate coins for your army’s purse.

The following activities will each earn 5 coins per hour: Gate, Lists, Marshaling and Teaching TUTR classes.

Arts & Sciences Competitions

There is no cost to warlords for artisans, and there is no limit to the number you may employ. Entrants to A&S Competitions will be required to:

  • Sign up for their competitions on Friday evening or Saturday morning, except for Bardic
  • Declare their warlord when registering; once they do, then should their warlord's army be absorbed into another, their entry will then be for the new warlord.


The Bardic scenarios will be judged, with a benefit for the competitor's warlord - and a prize for the competitor. Finalists may be asked to perform at Sunday's court, time permitting, to spread the enjoyment and the appeal of the competition. 1. Filk 2. Authentic-to-Period Entertainment 3. Tales of Derring-Do (with bonus points for commemorating something that happening during the event battles) 4. Lullaby (tentative)


Three categories, which may be split up if there are a large number of entries for one category. 1. Beers/Ales 2. Wines/Meads 3. Cordials/Liqueurs/Other Entries will be judged on four criteria: Presentation, Flavour, Period Appropriateness, and Event Team Choice. The winner will be presented with coins for the warlord of his/her choice.

Camp Life

Armies could not function without camp support; this contest is for items that could be used by a medieval army at camp. Bonus points for documentation. Extra points if the army is actually using the entry/

Children's Heraldic Scavenger Hunt

Children participating with have an official scavenger hunt bag and a list with the different heraldry on it that they have to find (or it will be directly on the bag). The heraldry will belong to people who have agreed to be part of the hunt who will have cards with their heraldry on it to give to participants who approach them asking for confirmation that (points to bag or list) 'this' is their personal heraldry. There will be a time limit (to be announced, will depend on the number of heraldry to find) and the person who returns with the most heraldry found will win points for their Warlord and a prize for themselves. Anyone coming back after the time limit will not be counted. In case of a tie, the points will be split between the winners.

Heraldic Display

An entry consists of anything which is used to display heraldry. Possible pieces include banners, flags, tabards, heraldic clothing, furniture, feast gear, tapestries, etc. Documentation not required but extra points for including the following: 1. Materials used 2. Skills necessary to complete the project 3. Methods and tools used 4. Research (country, period of origin, period use of item, etc) The winner will be awarded points for their Warlord

Medieval Socks

They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and the Sock Wars which began at An Tir/West War in July 2010 have proven to be very popular. So we are borrowing their idea at HRM Ieuan’s specific request. (Plus, it’s just an awesome contest.) 1. Period plausible stockings, 16” from heel to top.

   a. Only ONE stocking need be completed by the deadline.
   b. A free pattern is available on-line at and will be provided in printed format on-site.
   c. Other knitting or nalbinding patterns that produce a period-plausible stocking at least 16 inches from heel to top can be used. Sock Wars stockings must be either nalbinded or knitted.

2. Worsted weight wool (unless you’re allergic) 3. Participants must bring their own needles, most likely US size 5, 6 or 7 double-pointed knitting needles. Circular needles, while not a period technique, are allowed. 4. No stockings may be started before 9am on Friday, August 2nd. Yes, that's before site opens. 5. Participants must sign in at Event Steward Point on Friday afternoon/evening. The first five participants will receive free yarn. Others may paticipate but will need to supply their own yarn (a pair of stockings takes about 5 to 6 ounces of worsted-weight wool). Deadline is 3pm on Saturday. Will be judged in two categories: 1. First to turn in a finished stocking (only 1 is required). If no one has finished by the deadline, the longest stocking wins. 2. Judges' Choice. Honorable Mentions may also be added at the judges' discretion.

SCA Creation

What have you done to make your SCA life more medieval? Covers for folding camp chairs, modern pop-up converted to a medieval pavilion, a cooler built into a wood box, a "hide" for your modern kitchen items - anything that you made that makes your SCA life seems more medieval. Documentation should include: 1. Inspiration for the thing you have made. This can be as simple as a photocopy of a picture, or a textual reference to an item. 2. Description of how you made it (materials and steps). All Warlords are required to provide a period container for their coins to be kept at lists. This could be a pouch, a bag, a mug, a goblet or anything else that you can think of that will hold coins.

TUTR Classes

The University of Tir Righ will be offering classes on Saturday and Sunday. Registration to begin Saturday morning after opening court.

Basic Norse Wire Weaving

Length: 2 hours Instructor: Dame Elena de Maisnilwarin Cost: Free Min 1 student, max 6 Description: Learn the basic techniques of Norse wire weaving. Materials for working in class and a handout will be provided. Students can bring needle nose pliers and wire cutters if they have them. Note that this class does not include findings. Please, no children under 14

Basic SCA Heraldry

Length: 1 hour Instructor: Mistress Caitrina inghean Andriasia Cost: Free Max: 20 Description: An informal discussion of Basic Heraldry rules and how they are used in the SCA. The benefits and protocols of Heraldic registration and where to go to get started down the colourful world of Heraldic display. 30 to 45 minutes of discussion with remaining time for Q&A

Basic Scribal Arts

Length: Two hours approximately Instructor: Marie de Cheriseye la foret Cost: $2 Max Students: 6 Description: Hands-on introduction to illumination (painting) and calligraphy for people who have never tried it. We will be painting bookmarks, adding period embellishments and a little calligraphy. There will be a handout with suggested materials for continuing scribal arts at home and at the scriptorium. No children under 14 years. Students should bring a chair to sit on - all other materials (paints, brushes, pens and ink) will be supplied.

How to Submit Your Heraldry

Length: 1 hour Instructor: Mistress Caitrina inghean Andriasia Cost: Free Max: 20 Description: The heraldic submission process.

Inkle Weaving

Length: 2 hours Instructor: Mistress Caitrin ni Cingeadh Cost: TBA Max: TBA Description: Come learn how to create beautiful bands of handwoven trim for your medieval clothing and accessories. Students should bring a chair.

Introduction to Bodhran

Length: 2 hours Instructor: His Lordship Ingvar the Restless Cost: TBA Max: TBA Description: An introduction to the bodhran, the Irish drum. A familiar sound in Celtic music, it's not that hard to play. Techniques such as how to hold the drum and grips – bring your sense of rhythm and a drum if you have one! Students should also bring a chair.

Introduction to Bookbinding

Length: 2 hours Instructor: Her Ladyship Aelana Cordovera Cost: $7 Max: 8 students Description: Includes making a basic floralegium (soft cover book) as well as a discussion of historical bookbinding materials and technniques. Beginning with early Florileium, the Coptic, Anglo- Saxon-Carolingian, 12th Century Monastic, and Gothic hard cover and soft cover styles. Included is a study of adaptations of bookbinding technique to the printed book. Samples of different structures will be available to examine. Students will fold paper into quires, sew and cover a basic paper book. All materials and tools will be supplied, but students may bring ruler, pencil, bone folder, triangle, awl if they have them on hand. Bring a chair.

Introduction to SCA Dance

Length: 1 to 2 hours Instructor: Her Ladyship Ceara inghean ui Mhadadhain Cost: free Min: 5, no Max Description: Students should bring water to drink and comfortable shoes. This class is for newcomers and experienced folks alike. We will focus on having fun while learning a few dances from different cultures, some of which are purely SCA creations. Dances will vary based on how many students sign up and the general experience level of all.

Medieval Games

Length: 2 hours Instructor: Master Uilliam mac Fearchair mhie Gillie Aindreas Cost: TBA Max: TBA Description: Learn how to play games the way “they” did. Class will include instruction and playing time.


Length: 2 hours Instructor: Lady Wymarcha Hektanah Doiron Cost: TBA Max: TBA Description: a sheet of paper, some folding et voila – a beautiful origami object. Let me teach you how.




Target Archery

Event Info

Date August 02, 2012 to August 05, 2012

Event Steward & Staff

Site Fees

Site Fees at Gate: $25 per person, $15 per youth, $50 mundane family cap

$5 NMS in effect, please make cheques payable to "Barony of Lions Gate"


The Grene Wode

Directions to Site