Sebastian ffraser

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Persona: Lord Sebastian ffraser was born in Acre in 1171, the only son of a wealthy merchant. Raised in the mixed culture of Frank, Jewish and Saracen common in the holy lands, Sebastian learned English, Latin, French, German, and Arabic to greater and lesser degrees. In 1187, the now squired Sebastian tended to his knight at the Battle of Hattin. His knight did not survive the bloody battle. With the ability to speak Arabic, Sebastian however, was spared and made a slave of a Saracen Nobleman. In 1192, while living among the Saracens and translating trade negotiations, Sebastian's Saracen Lord was killed when Guy of Lusignan launched an attack on the Muslim camp that was defending Acre. Once freed, Sebastian travelled to England and visited the Scottish lowlands, the home lands of his family, and 1199 travelled to Wales where he currently resides.

Sebastian passed over the rainbow bridge on Dec 7th, 2015.

Current Branch: Wyewood

Highest Current Award: Hasta Leonis