Morag Campbell of Glenbourne

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My very first Society Event was the wedding of AlmaTea and Sir Edward, on Beltane 1978, in what is now Shittemwoode. I traveled there with Mistress Maelen of Kynge's Lea from Pullman, WA, where we were both students. We had a couple other people with us but I don't recall now their names. I have several memories from that first event. Meeting Baron Theodulf of Borogrove and Baroness Anne, then-Viscount Sir Steingrim,and many others. I was sitting on a hill stitching on something while watching the tournament, and Sir Morgan of Aberystwith asked me kindly, "Is that a headpiece, my lady?" I felt so nervous about answering wrong that if I remember correctly, I said "Yes my lady!" at which he laughed, and moved on. I also wiped the back of my hand on my skirt after Baron Theodulf kissed it, as we arrived.

Most people don't remember that I wasn't known as Morag when I became Crown Princess of An Tir in September 1981. I began in the Barony of Madrone as Ragwen of Glenbourne. I was Mistress of Sciences for that Barony for a time, and also worked on the Crier as "staph". It was as Ragwen that I was granted an AoA and Green Leaf.

I served as Lady in Waiting to Queen Rhiannon of the Lost Star, of the West, and remember her holding my hand tightly during the final round of the Crown Tournament where Sir Steingrim Stellari became the first An Tirian King of the West.

Later I moved to Three Mountains, where I rapidly was made Three Mountains Pursuivant. I remember acting in that capacity at a July Coronation in 1979, in Three Mountains.

When Manfred won the Crown in 1981, I was working on my device but had not yet registered it. I did have a prior design that we ended up making my badge: Argent, a ragweed gules. That was for "Ragwen". When I was Crown Princess I chose to be known by the more formal Morag Campbell of Glenbourne, which is how I have been known ever since. My device and name were pushed through fairly quickly for the time, due to my imminent elevation to the throne.

I had the pleasure of being very active in the Barony of Three Mountains, working on the Plume newsletter with Sir Ludwig von Lemminghaus and Mistress Aislynn of Cumbria when it first started. Later I was Chronicler for several years.

I moved to the Kingdom of Caid for two years, where I was not very active, then returned with my husband Sir Roger Fitzlyon, a Knight of Atenveldt.

In 1990 Sir Roger and I became Baron and Baroness of Three Mountains. During that time we went to Pennsic War a few times,twice as retainers to King Tjorkill and Queen Hlutwige. I have many wonderful memories of those events, as being at an event numbering in the thousands of participants was not usual at that time.

I was one of the Baronesses who sponsored the first Baronesses' War, another wonderful event in my memory. We had a Baronial Drummer who worked with us at combat practice to teach our 'troops' the correct signals. It added an incredible flavor to that day.

After stepping down from the Baronial seat in 1992, I more or less retired from Society, and am at this writing (2009) living in the Barony of Stromgarde.

Roll of Arms

  • Morag Campbell of Glenbourne
  • OP#: 64
  • Branch: Barony of Stromgard
  • Also known as: Ragwen of Glenbourne
  • Also lived in: Three Mountains
  • Highest Award: Countess
  • Award of Arms (West) By: Steven MacEanruig, Alyanora of Vinca Jan 13, 1979 (AS XIII)
  • Green Leaf (Madrone) By: Theodulf of Borogrove, Anne of Caerdydd Jan 27, 1979 (AS XIII)
  • Queen's Cypher (West) By: Rhiannon of the Lost Star Aug 28, 1979 (AS XIV)
  • Olde Shattered Shield Sep 2, 1979 (AS XIV)
  • Queen #1 of An Tir By: Manfred Kriegstreiber Jan 16, 1982 (AS XVI) through Jul 10, 1982 (AS XVII)
  • Countess (An Tir) Jul 10, 1982 (AS XVII)
  • Rose (An Tir) By: Torgul Steingrimsson, Angharad Drakenhefd o Fynydd Blaena Jul 10, 1982 (AS XVII)
  • Jambe de Lion (An Tir) By: Torgul Steingrimsson, Angharad Drakenhefd o Fynydd Blaena Sep 5, 1982 (AS XVII)
  • Baroness/Three Mountains By: Thorin Njalsson, Angharad Drakenhefd o Fynydd Blaena Oct 30, 1988 (AS XXIII) through Jul 11, 1992 (AS XXVII)
  • Goutte de Sang (An Tir) By: Eirikr Thorinsson, Meagan ferch Meredydd Apr 15, 1989 (AS XXIII)
  • Carp (An Tir) By: Tjorkill Kanne, Hlutwige Wolfkiller Aug 5, 1989 (AS XXIV)
  • Forget-me-not (An Tir) By: Hlutwige Wolfkiller Jan 13, 1990 (AS XXIV)
  • Court Baroness (An Tir) By: Tjorkill Kanne, Hlutwige Wolfkiller Nov 23, 1991 (AS XXVI)
  • Forget-me-not (An Tir) By: Hlutwige Wolfkiller Jan 11, 1992 (AS XXVI)
  • Golden Torc By: Alfric Rolfson, Jill Blackhorse Sep 5, 2010 (AS XLV)